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Planet Positions at start of day 19 Nov 2022 AD GC

Sun 26 29 Scorpio
Sun is in H11
Moon 22 36 Virgo
Moon is in H9
Mercury 02 21 Sagittarius
Mercury is in H11
Venus 03 17 Sagittarius
Venus is in H11
Mars 22 55 Gemini
Mars is in H6
Mars is Retrograde
Jupiter 28 50 Pisces
Jupiter is in H3
Jupiter is Retrograde
Saturn 19 11 Aquarius
Saturn is in H2
Uranus 16 31 Taurus
Uranus is in H4
Uranus is Retrograde
Neptune 22 42 Pisces
Neptune is in H3
Neptune is Retrograde
Pluto 26 31 Capricorn
Pluto is in H1
Moon's North Node 13 20 Taurus
Moon's North Node is in H4
Part of Fortune 20 19 Libra
Part of Fortune is in H10
Ascendant 16 25 Leo
Ascendant is in H8

Events during 19 Nov 2022 AD GC

BGT -03:00:00
Uranus Square transit Ascendant at 00:00
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Jupiter at 00:00
Moon SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 00:09
Mars Trine transit Part of Fortune at 00:10
Saturn Opposition transit Ascendant at 00:10
Ascendant Sextile natal Midheaven at 00:11
Moon Opposition transit Neptune at 00:11
Part of Fortune Square natal Saturn at 00:14
Ascendant Square natal Venus at 00:23
Moon SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 00:25
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 00:25
Pluto Square transit Part of Fortune at 00:25
Mars Sextile transit Ascendant at 00:25
Part of Fortune Trine natal Sun at 00:27
Moon Square transit Mars at 00:34
Sun Sextile transit Pluto at 00:37
Part of Fortune enters Scorpio at 00:38
Sun Square transit Ascendant at 00:39
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Moon at 00:39
Ascendant Sextile natal Sun at 00:41
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 00:48
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 00:52
Ascendant enters Virgo at 00:52
Ascendant Trine natal Moon at 00:53
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Jupiter at 00:58
Mercury Square transit Ascendant at 01:01
Venus Square transit Ascendant at 01:05
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 01:08
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Uranus at 01:10
Part of Fortune Square natal Moon's North Node at 01:10
Moon SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 01:11
Moon SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 01:11
Ascendant Trine natal Uranus at 01:22
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 01:30
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 01:30
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Neptune at 01:31
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Neptune at 01:31
Part of Fortune Trine natal Part of Fortune at 01:31
Part of Fortune Trine natal Part of Fortune at 01:31
Ascendant Square natal Mercury at 01:35
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Pluto at 01:38
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Pluto at 01:38
Moon's North Node Trine transit Ascendant at 01:42
Uranus Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 01:42
Uranus Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 01:42
Part of Fortune Trine natal Jupiter at 01:43
Part of Fortune Trine natal Jupiter at 01:43
Ascendant Trine natal Neptune at 01:43
Ascendant Opposition natal Part of Fortune at 01:43
Ascendant Sextile natal Pluto at 01:49
Saturn Square transit Part of Fortune at 01:53
Saturn Square transit Part of Fortune at 01:53
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 01:53
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 01:53
Uranus Trine transit Ascendant at 01:54
Ascendant Sextile natal Jupiter at 01:54
Ascendant enters H9 at 01:55
Part of Fortune enters H11 at 01:57
Part of Fortune enters H11 at 01:57
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 02:04
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Venus at 02:05
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Venus at 02:05
Neptune Trine transit Part of Fortune at 02:06
Neptune Trine transit Part of Fortune at 02:06
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Uranus at 02:07
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Uranus at 02:07
Moon Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 02:10
Moon Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 02:10
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Saturn at 02:10
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Saturn at 02:10
Moon's North Node SemiSextile natal Mars at 02:12
Ascendant Trine natal Venus at 02:16
Neptune Opposition transit Ascendant at 02:16
Mars Square transit Ascendant at 02:17
Moon Trine natal Saturn at 02:20
Pluto Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 02:20
Pluto Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 02:20
Ascendant Trine natal Saturn at 02:21
Moon Conjunct transit Ascendant at 02:21
Sun Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:21
Sun Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:21
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Neptune at 02:28
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Neptune at 02:28
Jupiter Trine transit Part of Fortune at 02:29
Jupiter Trine transit Part of Fortune at 02:29
Pluto Trine transit Ascendant at 02:30
Sun Sextile transit Ascendant at 02:31
Ascendant Square natal Sun at 02:33
Part of Fortune enters Sagittarius at 02:33
Part of Fortune enters Sagittarius at 02:33
Jupiter Opposition transit Ascendant at 02:39
Mercury Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:43
Mercury Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:43
Ascendant enters Libra at 02:43
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Pluto at 02:44
Venus Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:46
Venus Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 02:46
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 02:50
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 02:50
Mercury Sextile transit Ascendant at 02:52
Venus Sextile transit Ascendant at 02:56
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Uranus at 03:04
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Uranus at 03:04
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Moon's North Node at 03:04
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Moon's North Node at 03:04
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Saturn at 03:07
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Saturn at 03:07
Ascendant Square natal Uranus at 03:12
Ascendant Trine natal Moon's North Node at 03:12
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Mercury at 03:16
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Mercury at 03:16
Pluto SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 03:17
Pluto SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 03:17
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mars at 03:24
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mars at 03:24
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Neptune at 03:25
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Neptune at 03:25
Ascendant Trine natal Mercury at 03:25
Part of Fortune Square natal Part of Fortune at 03:25
Part of Fortune Square natal Part of Fortune at 03:25
Sun SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 03:26
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Pluto at 03:31
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Pluto at 03:31
Ascendant Opposition natal Mars at 03:32
Ascendant Square natal Neptune at 03:33
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Pluto at 03:39
Ascendant Square natal Jupiter at 03:44
Part of Fortune enters H12 at 03:45
Part of Fortune enters H12 at 03:45
Saturn Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 03:46
Saturn Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 03:46
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Midheaven at 03:46
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Midheaven at 03:46
Mercury SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 03:48
Venus SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 03:51
Saturn Trine transit Ascendant at 03:53
Ascendant enters H10 at 03:54
Ascendant Conjunct natal Midheaven at 03:54
Neptune Square transit Part of Fortune at 03:59
Neptune Square transit Part of Fortune at 03:59
Mars Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 04:00
Mars Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 04:00
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Moon's North Node at 04:01
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Moon's North Node at 04:01
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Saturn at 04:04
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Saturn at 04:04
Mars Trine transit Ascendant at 04:07
Moon Square transit Part of Fortune at 04:07
Moon Square transit Part of Fortune at 04:07
Ascendant Square natal Saturn at 04:11
Pluto SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:14
Pluto SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:14
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:15
Moon SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 04:15
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:15
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Sun at 04:17
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Sun at 04:17
Pluto Square transit Ascendant at 04:21
Sun SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 04:21
Jupiter Square transit Part of Fortune at 04:23
Jupiter Square transit Part of Fortune at 04:23
Ascendant Trine natal Sun at 04:23
Part of Fortune enters Capricorn at 04:27
Part of Fortune enters Capricorn at 04:27
Part of Fortune Trine natal Moon at 04:28
Part of Fortune Trine natal Moon at 04:28
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Pluto at 04:29
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Pluto at 04:29
Ascendant enters Scorpio at 04:34
Ascendant Opposition natal Moon at 04:35
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:38
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:38
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:41
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 04:41
Saturn SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 04:44
Saturn SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 04:44
Mercury SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 04:44
Venus SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 04:47
Ascendant Sextile natal Uranus at 05:05
Ascendant Square natal Moon's North Node at 05:05
Moon SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 05:14
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Ascendant at 05:26
Ascendant Sextile natal Neptune at 05:27
Ascendant Trine natal Part of Fortune at 05:27
Ascendant Conjunct natal Pluto at 05:33
Uranus Opposition transit Ascendant at 05:38
Ascendant Trine natal Jupiter at 05:38
Saturn Square transit Ascendant at 05:49
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 05:50
Ascendant enters H11 at 05:54
Ascendant Opposition natal Venus at 06:02
Neptune Trine transit Ascendant at 06:03
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Uranus at 06:04
Ascendant Sextile natal Saturn at 06:08
Moon Sextile transit Ascendant at 06:16
Pluto Sextile transit Ascendant at 06:19
Sun Conjunct transit Ascendant at 06:20
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Neptune at 06:27
Jupiter Trine transit Ascendant at 06:28
Ascendant enters Sagittarius at 06:33
Mercury Conjunct transit Ascendant at 06:45
Venus Conjunct transit Ascendant at 06:48
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 06:51
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Uranus at 07:07
Ascendant Sextile natal Moon's North Node at 07:07
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Saturn at 07:10
Ascendant Opposition natal Mercury at 07:21
Pluto SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 07:21
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mercury at 07:22
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mercury at 07:22
Sun SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:24
Sun SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:24
Moon Trine transit Pluto at 07:25
Ascendant Trine natal Mars at 07:29
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Mars at 07:30
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Mars at 07:30
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Neptune at 07:30
Ascendant Square natal Part of Fortune at 07:31
Part of Fortune Square natal Neptune at 07:31
Part of Fortune Square natal Neptune at 07:31
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Pluto at 07:38
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Pluto at 07:39
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Pluto at 07:39
Part of Fortune Square natal Jupiter at 07:44
Part of Fortune Square natal Jupiter at 07:44
Mercury SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:49
Mercury SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:49
Venus SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:52
Venus SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 07:52
Ascendant enters H12 at 07:53
Saturn Sextile transit Ascendant at 07:54
Saturn Trine transit Part of Fortune at 07:55
Saturn Trine transit Part of Fortune at 07:55
Ascendant Sextile natal Midheaven at 07:55
Part of Fortune enters H10 at 07:55
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Midheaven at 07:55
Part of Fortune enters H10 at 07:55
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Midheaven at 07:55
Part of Fortune Sextile transit Ascendant at 08:00
Part of Fortune Sextile transit Ascendant at 08:00
Part of Fortune Sextile transit Ascendant at 08:00
Sun Sextile transit Moon at 08:00
Neptune Square transit Ascendant at 08:10
Mars Trine transit Part of Fortune at 08:10
Mars Trine transit Part of Fortune at 08:10
Mars Opposition transit Ascendant at 08:10
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Moon's North Node at 08:11
Part of Fortune Square natal Saturn at 08:14
Part of Fortune Square natal Saturn at 08:14
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Saturn at 08:14
Pluto Square transit Part of Fortune at 08:25
Pluto Square transit Part of Fortune at 08:25
Pluto SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 08:26
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:27
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:27
Moon SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:28
Sun SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 08:28
Moon SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:28
Part of Fortune Trine natal Sun at 08:28
Part of Fortune Trine natal Sun at 08:28
Moon Square transit Ascendant at 08:29
Ascendant Opposition natal Sun at 08:29
Jupiter Square transit Ascendant at 08:36
Part of Fortune enters Scorpio at 08:40
Part of Fortune enters Scorpio at 08:40
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Moon at 08:41
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Moon at 08:41
Moon Square natal Sun at 08:41
Ascendant enters Capricorn at 08:41
Ascendant Trine natal Moon at 08:42
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Pluto at 08:43
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:52
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:52
Mercury SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 08:54
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:56
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 08:56
Venus SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 08:58
Saturn SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 09:00
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Uranus at 09:14
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Uranus at 09:14
Part of Fortune Square natal Moon's North Node at 09:14
Part of Fortune Square natal Moon's North Node at 09:14
Ascendant Conjunct natal Uranus at 09:16
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Moon's North Node at 09:16
Moon SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 09:33
Sun SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 09:33
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 09:36
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Neptune at 09:37
Part of Fortune Trine natal Part of Fortune at 09:37
Ascendant Square natal Mars at 09:39
Moon's North Node Trine transit Ascendant at 09:39
Ascendant Conjunct natal Neptune at 09:40
Ascendant Sextile natal Part of Fortune at 09:40
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Pluto at 09:44
Ascendant Sextile natal Pluto at 09:48
Uranus Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 09:49
Part of Fortune Trine natal Jupiter at 09:49
Uranus Trine transit Ascendant at 09:53
Ascendant Opposition natal Jupiter at 09:53
Ascendant enters H1 at 09:53
Mercury SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 09:59
Saturn Square transit Part of Fortune at 10:00
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 10:01
Venus SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 10:03
Saturn SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 10:04
Part of Fortune enters H11 at 10:05
Ascendant Square natal Midheaven at 10:05
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Venus at 10:14
Neptune Trine transit Part of Fortune at 10:14
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Uranus at 10:16
Ascendant Trine natal Venus at 10:18
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Saturn at 10:19
Neptune Sextile transit Ascendant at 10:19
Ascendant Conjunct natal Saturn at 10:24
Pluto Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 10:30
Sun Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 10:32
Pluto Conjunct transit Ascendant at 10:35
Moon Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 10:37
Sun Sextile transit Ascendant at 10:37
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Neptune at 10:39
Jupiter Trine transit Part of Fortune at 10:39
Moon Trine transit Ascendant at 10:43
Part of Fortune enters Sagittarius at 10:44
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Part of Fortune at 10:44
Jupiter Sextile transit Ascendant at 10:45
Ascendant enters Aquarius at 10:50
Ascendant Square natal Moon at 10:50
Mercury Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 10:57
Venus Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 11:00
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 11:02
Mercury Sextile transit Ascendant at 11:02
Venus Sextile transit Ascendant at 11:06
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Uranus at 11:16
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Moon's North Node at 11:16
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Saturn at 11:19
Neptune SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 11:21
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Uranus at 11:23
Ascendant Conjunct natal Moon's North Node at 11:23
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Mercury at 11:30
Pluto SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 11:30
Ascendant Trine natal Mercury at 11:37
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mars at 11:37
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Neptune at 11:38
Part of Fortune Square natal Part of Fortune at 11:38
Ascendant Sextile natal Mars at 11:44
Moon's North Node Square transit Ascendant at 11:44
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Pluto at 11:45
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Neptune at 11:45
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Part of Fortune at 11:45
Moon Void of Course Starts at 11:46
Moon Opposition transit Jupiter at 11:46
Jupiter SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 11:46
Ascendant Square natal Pluto at 11:52
Ascendant enters H2 at 11:53
Uranus Square transit Ascendant at 11:57
Part of Fortune enters H12 at 11:59
Saturn Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 12:00
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Midheaven at 12:00
Saturn Conjunct transit Ascendant at 12:08
Ascendant Trine natal Midheaven at 12:08
Neptune Square transit Part of Fortune at 12:13
Mars Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 12:13
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Moon's North Node at 12:14
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Saturn at 12:17
Ascendant Square natal Venus at 12:21
Neptune SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 12:21
Mars Trine transit Ascendant at 12:21
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Uranus at 12:22
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Saturn at 12:26
Pluto SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 12:28
Sun SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 12:29
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Sun at 12:30
Pluto SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 12:36
Jupiter Square transit Part of Fortune at 12:36
Moon Square transit Part of Fortune at 12:38
Sun Square transit Ascendant at 12:38
Ascendant Trine natal Sun at 12:39
Part of Fortune enters Capricorn at 12:41
Part of Fortune Trine natal Moon at 12:41
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Pluto at 12:42
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Mars at 12:43
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Neptune at 12:44
Jupiter SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 12:45
Ascendant enters Pisces at 12:49
Ascendant Sextile natal Moon at 12:50
Mercury SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 12:52
Venus SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 12:55
Saturn SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 12:56
Mercury Square transit Ascendant at 13:02
Venus Square transit Ascendant at 13:04
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Uranus at 13:10
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Moon's North Node at 13:10
Ascendant Sextile natal Uranus at 13:20
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Moon's North Node at 13:20
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Saturn at 13:23
Sun SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 13:25
Part of Fortune Square natal Mars at 13:30
Moon's North Node Trine transit Part of Fortune at 13:30
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Neptune at 13:31
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Part of Fortune at 13:31
Ascendant Square natal Mercury at 13:32
Pluto SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 13:33
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Pluto at 13:37
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Mars at 13:40
Moon's North Node Sextile transit Ascendant at 13:40
Ascendant Sextile natal Neptune at 13:41
Ascendant Conjunct natal Part of Fortune at 13:41
Uranus Trine transit Part of Fortune at 13:41
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Jupiter at 13:41
Part of Fortune enters H1 at 13:41
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Moon at 13:46
Ascendant Trine natal Pluto at 13:47
Mercury SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 13:47
Venus SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 13:50
Saturn SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 13:51
Part of Fortune Square natal Midheaven at 13:51
Uranus Sextile transit Ascendant at 13:51
Ascendant Trine natal Jupiter at 13:52
Ascendant enters H3 at 13:53
Moon enters Libra at 13:57
Saturn SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 14:01
Part of Fortune Trine natal Venus at 14:03
Neptune Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:03
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Saturn at 14:07
Ascendant Sextile natal Venus at 14:14
Neptune Conjunct transit Ascendant at 14:14
Mars Square transit Ascendant at 14:14
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Moon's North Node at 14:15
Pluto Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 14:17
Ascendant Sextile natal Saturn at 14:18
Sun Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:19
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Part of Fortune at 14:25
Jupiter Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:25
Pluto Sextile transit Ascendant at 14:28
Part of Fortune enters Aquarius at 14:29
Part of Fortune Square natal Moon at 14:30
Sun Trine transit Ascendant at 14:30
Moon Trine transit Part of Fortune at 14:30
Ascendant Square natal Sun at 14:31
Moon SemiSquare natal Pluto at 14:35
Moon's North Node SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 14:35
Jupiter Conjunct transit Ascendant at 14:37
Ascendant enters Aries at 14:41
Mercury Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:41
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Moon at 14:42
Moon Opposition transit Ascendant at 14:43
Venus Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:44
Venus Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 14:44
Uranus SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 14:47
Mercury Trine transit Ascendant at 14:53
Venus Trine transit Ascendant at 14:56
Saturn SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 14:57
Neptune SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 14:57
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Uranus at 14:58
Part of Fortune Conjunct natal Moon's North Node at 14:58
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Venus at 15:09
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mercury at 15:10
Ascendant Square natal Uranus at 15:11
Ascendant Sextile natal Moon's North Node at 15:11
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Mars at 15:17
Moon's North Node Square transit Part of Fortune at 15:17
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Neptune at 15:18
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Part of Fortune at 15:18
Jupiter SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 15:19
Ascendant Sextile natal Mercury at 15:23
Part of Fortune Square natal Pluto at 15:24
Part of Fortune enters H2 at 15:25
Uranus Square transit Part of Fortune at 15:28
Ascendant Conjunct natal Mars at 15:30
Moon's North Node SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 15:30
Ascendant Square natal Neptune at 15:31
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Part of Fortune at 15:31
Saturn Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 15:38
Saturn Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 15:38
Part of Fortune Trine natal Midheaven at 15:39
Uranus SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 15:42
Ascendant Square natal Jupiter at 15:42
Part of Fortune Square natal Venus at 15:50
Neptune SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 15:51
Mars Trine transit Part of Fortune at 15:51
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Uranus at 15:52
Saturn Sextile transit Ascendant at 15:52
Ascendant enters H4 at 15:53
Ascendant Opposition natal Midheaven at 15:53
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Saturn at 15:55
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Venus at 16:05
Pluto SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 16:05
Pluto SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 16:05
Neptune SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 16:05
Mars Sextile transit Ascendant at 16:05
Sun Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:07
Sun Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:07
Part of Fortune Trine natal Sun at 16:07
Ascendant Square natal Saturn at 16:09
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Mars at 16:11
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Neptune at 16:12
Jupiter SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 16:13
Part of Fortune enters Pisces at 16:17
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Moon at 16:18
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Mercury at 16:19
Pluto Square transit Ascendant at 16:20
Ascendant Sextile natal Sun at 16:22
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Part of Fortune at 16:28
Jupiter SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 16:28
Mercury Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:30
Mercury Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:30
Venus Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:33
Venus Square transit Part of Fortune at 16:33
Ascendant enters Taurus at 16:33
Ascendant Conjunct natal Moon at 16:33
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Uranus at 16:47
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Moon's North Node at 16:47
Neptune SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 17:02
Mars SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 17:03
Ascendant Trine natal Uranus at 17:04
Ascendant Square natal Moon's North Node at 17:04
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Mercury at 17:17
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Sun at 17:20
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Mars at 17:25
Moon's North Node Conjunct transit Ascendant at 17:25
Ascendant Trine natal Neptune at 17:26
Ascendant Sextile natal Part of Fortune at 17:26
Jupiter SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 17:27
Ascendant Opposition natal Pluto at 17:33
Uranus Conjunct transit Ascendant at 17:37
Ascendant Sextile natal Jupiter at 17:38
Saturn Square transit Ascendant at 17:48
Ascendant enters H5 at 17:53
Ascendant Conjunct natal Venus at 18:02
Neptune Sextile transit Ascendant at 18:02
Mars SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 18:02
Ascendant Trine natal Saturn at 18:07
Pluto Trine transit Ascendant at 18:18
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Sun at 18:21
Sun Opposition transit Ascendant at 18:21
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Mars at 18:25
Jupiter Sextile transit Ascendant at 18:27
Ascendant enters Gemini at 18:32
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Moon at 18:33
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Jupiter at 18:39
Mars Square transit Neptune at 18:43
Moon Trine transit Ascendant at 18:43
Mercury Opposition transit Ascendant at 18:47
Venus Opposition transit Ascendant at 18:50
Ascendant Trine natal Moon's North Node at 19:06
Venus Trine transit Part of Fortune at 19:14
Venus Trine transit Part of Fortune at 19:14
Ascendant Conjunct natal Mercury at 19:21
Ascendant Sextile natal Mars at 19:29
Mars SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 19:29
Moon's North Node SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 19:29
Ascendant Square natal Part of Fortune at 19:30
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Moon's North Node at 19:30
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Moon at 19:37
Uranus SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 19:42
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Jupiter at 19:43
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Mercury at 19:45
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Sun at 19:49
Ascendant enters H6 at 19:53
Part of Fortune Trine natal Mars at 19:54
Moon's North Node Square transit Part of Fortune at 19:54
Saturn Trine transit Ascendant at 19:54
Ascendant Trine natal Midheaven at 19:55
Part of Fortune Square natal Pluto at 20:03
Part of Fortune enters H8 at 20:04
Uranus Square transit Part of Fortune at 20:08
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Venus at 20:08
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Jupiter at 20:09
Mars Conjunct transit Ascendant at 20:09
Neptune Square transit Ascendant at 20:09
Moon SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 20:17
Moon SemiSquare transit Part of Fortune at 20:17
Saturn Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 20:20
Saturn Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 20:20
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Midheaven at 20:21
Venus SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 20:24
Ascendant Conjunct natal Sun at 20:29
Moon's North Node SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 20:34
Part of Fortune Square natal Venus at 20:35
Jupiter Square transit Ascendant at 20:36
Mars Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 20:36
Ascendant enters Cancer at 20:41
Ascendant Sextile natal Moon at 20:42
Uranus SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 20:47
Moon Sextile transit Mercury at 20:53
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Sun at 20:56
Sun Square transit Part of Fortune at 20:57
Sun Square transit Part of Fortune at 20:57
Moon Square transit Ascendant at 20:57
Part of Fortune enters Virgo at 21:09
Part of Fortune Trine natal Moon at 21:10
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Venus at 21:14
Ascendant Opposition natal Uranus at 21:16
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Jupiter at 21:16
Mercury Square transit Part of Fortune at 21:26
Mercury Square transit Part of Fortune at 21:26
Moon SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 21:27
Moon SemiSextile transit Part of Fortune at 21:27
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Midheaven at 21:29
Venus Square transit Part of Fortune at 21:29
Venus Square transit Part of Fortune at 21:29
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Mercury at 21:30
Ascendant Square natal Mars at 21:39
Moon's North Node Sextile transit Ascendant at 21:39
Ascendant Opposition natal Neptune at 21:40
Ascendant Trine natal Part of Fortune at 21:40
Part of Fortune Trine natal Uranus at 21:45
Ascendant Trine natal Pluto at 21:47
Uranus Sextile transit Ascendant at 21:52
Ascendant Conjunct natal Jupiter at 21:53
Ascendant enters H7 at 21:53
Part of Fortune Square natal Mercury at 22:00
Ascendant Square natal Midheaven at 22:04
Moon's North Node Trine transit Part of Fortune at 22:08
Part of Fortune Trine natal Neptune at 22:10
Part of Fortune Opposition natal Part of Fortune at 22:10
Moon Sextile transit Venus at 22:14
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Pluto at 22:17
Ascendant Sextile natal Venus at 22:18
Mars SemiSextile transit Ascendant at 22:18
Neptune Trine transit Ascendant at 22:19
Uranus Trine transit Part of Fortune at 22:22
Part of Fortune Sextile natal Jupiter at 22:23
Ascendant Opposition natal Saturn at 22:23
Part of Fortune enters H9 at 22:24
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Mercury at 22:34
Pluto Opposition transit Ascendant at 22:35
Part of Fortune SemiSextile natal Midheaven at 22:35
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Sun at 22:37
Sun Trine transit Ascendant at 22:38
Jupiter Trine transit Ascendant at 22:44
Part of Fortune Trine natal Venus at 22:48
Mars Square transit Part of Fortune at 22:49
Ascendant enters Leo at 22:49
Neptune Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 22:49
Ascendant Square natal Moon at 22:50
Part of Fortune Trine natal Saturn at 22:54
Mercury Trine transit Ascendant at 23:05
Pluto Trine transit Part of Fortune at 23:05
Venus Trine transit Ascendant at 23:08
Part of Fortune Square natal Sun at 23:08
Sun Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 23:09
Moon Sextile transit Ascendant at 23:09
Jupiter Opposition transit Part of Fortune at 23:15
Part of Fortune enters Libra at 23:20
Mars SemiSquare transit Ascendant at 23:20
Part of Fortune SemiSquare natal Pluto at 23:22
Ascendant Opposition natal Moon's North Node at 23:22
Ascendant Sextile natal Mercury at 23:36
Mercury Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 23:36
Ascendant SemiSquare natal Sun at 23:39
Venus Sextile transit Part of Fortune at 23:39
Moon Conjunct transit Part of Fortune at 23:42
Ascendant Trine natal Mars at 23:43
Moon's North Node Square transit Ascendant at 23:43
Ascendant Square natal Pluto at 23:51
Ascendant enters H8 at 23:52
Part of Fortune Square natal Uranus at 23:53
Part of Fortune Trine natal Moon's North Node at 23:53
Uranus Square transit Ascendant at 23:56
Ascendant SemiSextile natal Jupiter at 23:56

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