Book Review (The Death of The West)

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Book review "the death of the west"

by Patrick J. Buchanan

Submitted by Submitted to
Muhammad Sarwar Dr. Hammad Lakhvi
Roll no: phD-IS-03-F20 Deen Institute of Islamic studies
University of the Punjab

Institute of Islamic studies, University of the Punjab

Book review "the death of the west"

The book is written by Patrick J. Buchanan, a prominent American political

writer who has advised at least three presidents. The importance of this
book is that its author is not an ordinary, unknown person far from
understanding the social, political and cultural conditions, but someone
who now has a Permanent columnist in several best-selling American
newspapers. He has three well-known political programs in two well-known
American networks, such as CBS and CNN, and is considered one of the
most important elites in the country.
The book represents a strong slap on the faces of the secularists whose
harm has intensified in Arab and Islamic countries And those who cracked
our heads for half a century with women's rights and the idea of democracy
free from any restrictions and Limiting childbearing to reduce the
population and intensifying birth control programs To absorb the
decreasing fortunes day by day And they brag about the secularism of the
West and its fragile civilizational progress They refer to it day and night,
citing what it contains of luxury in wealth and Hollow civilization in
application and empowerment.
And here is the West moaning through Patrick Buchanan's strong
testimony in his book "The Death of the West" . Buchanan's sarcastic
statement remains the final punch that follows our first slap to these
secularists praising the West and its civilization:
Today, an elderly dying Christian West is putting pressure on the
Third World, and on the Islamic world; To accept contraception,
abortion and sterilization, as the West did But why should they
enter a suicide pact with us when they stand to inherit the earth
when we are gone

This book is actually a self-accountability book that we rarely see in the

United States. It is surprising that we in the the illusory domination of the
United States of America over the world, and the establishment of a policy
of unilateral power, after the world was at war with two opposing forces
and While the United States is at the peak of its power and authority We
find voices from within the United States calling for caution that the West
carries within it the seeds of its own annihilation And it calls for quick
alertness to the Bitter truth that the future holds, which the writer was
inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire after it first fell prey to its
pleasures and internal luxury, before its tyranny over the rest of the
The writer Patrick Buchanan's style is very apt to cite experiences of the
political situations he lived throughout his political career. In addition to the
atmosphere of wit and irony that highlights the flaws from the issues he
presents in a manner acceptable to the Western reader who sometimes
turns a blind eye to the origin of his human cause, in light of the dominance
of utilitarian secular culture over his contemporary reality. This style is only
mastered by a few experienced writers who believe in the value of what
they write, and thus are trusted by the readers.
We can say: This book, despite being directed to the Western reader - as a
cautionary message; To save what can be saved - it is the good news for the
Arab Muslims in the state of vulnerability to which most of the countries of
our Islamic world have fallen and demonstrate the greatness of the Islamic
civilization that bears the ingredients for its survival and inheritance of the
earth as promised by Allah S.W.T in his Noble Book, with the necessity of
internal change; So that Allah S.W.T may change our condition, without
paying attention to Western cultures that are working on their end and
extinction by their own hands; In accordance with what Allah -the Most
High- said
َ ‫﴾ َو َما َظلَ ْم َنا ُه ْم َولَكِنْ َكا ُنوا َأ ْنفُ َس ُه ْم َي ْظلِم‬1
﴿ ‫ُون‬
(We wronged them not, but they used to wrong themselves)

The real threat to the West

[118 :‫]النحل‬
According to the auther, The threat to the West is not related to
unemployment, inflation, lack of resources, or the calcification of the
political system But to ethnicity and loyalty to the homeland. The
expeditions of immigrants invaded the West and carried with it new races
that did not belong to the Western biological demographic formation in any
way And is not connected to the pure Individuals of Europe with any
connection. Millions of immigrants who gave birth to children and raised
families and formed new cultures within Western societies that do not owe
allegiance to Western civilization. So The danger is within the doors, and it
is inevitable to confront it before it is too late. On the other hand, fertility
and childbearing rates are declining in America and Europe due to the
Western family’s reluctance to marry in the old Catholic way, and the
orientation towards pleasure, and the lack of responsibility, and the
emergence of the family after the technological revolution with its organic,
monogamous formation in which children get the care of one of the
In the past, the melting pot melted everyone, and all races, nationalities
and colors from outside the borders merged within it. At the present time,
this melting pot is incapable of melting and forming other cultures. It began
to take on an independent character and an autonomous entity under the
umbrella of democracy and multiculturalism. This is the frightening genie
that threatens the civilization of the West and weakens its ability to survive.
From the terrible demographic flood, the decline in fertility rates, and the
invasion of hordes of immigrants Buchanan moves on to another issue that
threatens the annihilation and extinction of the West. The contemplator on
the nature of the cultural system and the prevailing moral pattern realizes
without trouble that the nations of the West have been subjected to a
social and cultural revolution in recent decades with the emergence of
political and intellectual elites occupying high ruling positionsand working
to dismantle beliefs, ideas, and values, and to change the education, arts,
and entertainment system; To create a new people and a hybrid nation,
Not only from an ethnic point of view, but also from a social and cultural
point of view, and this is where the next danger lies.
So The West today, as one of the politicians personified it, is in an
increasing state of confrontation between two completely opposing forces:
The first is a Christian rural force that preserves faith and valuesand The
second is socially tolerant and has the desire to give liberty to the American
citizen between secularism and religiosity. In this transitional medium of
culture and values, and an open concept of belief and faith, adultery,
abortion, euthanasia, drugs and suicide have become the noble virtues and
values of post-Cultural Revolution societies Whereas the old virtues for
which songs were played no longer had any presence among the new
Buchanan says: "The new culture rejects the God who came in the Old
Testament, and burns its incense on the altar of the global economy, and
sex, money, lust and power are all that America seeks and revolves
around." From the writer's point of view, America is no longer a Christian
country with a global message that carries the evangelization of other
nations, as defined by its founders, after it relinquished many of the virtues
and ancient cultures And opened the door wide to incoming values and
Now it seems clear that the new principle of pleasure, the culture saturated
with sex and lust, the search for influence, and dollar printing machines are
unable to provide a fundamental justification for the European man to
continue living after this man is separated from his origin and cling to
corrupt beliefs and false laws that robbed Western civilization of its nature
and identity.
Then, The real enemy of the West is not the the Middle East, or Asia, or
Africa, or the Latin America But the West itself Which is dying due to low
birth rate, death of its moral values and destruction of family system. But
Buchanan forgot that the wars that the West has waged, violated the
sanctity of different nations and enslaved human beings, will also have
consequences for the West. We are not saying that the West is facing A
divine retribution, or heavenly vengeance, Although he deserves it, But at
the same time, it is not possible for us to interpret this horrible death of the
West Apart from his brutal policies that made shrouds for many nations
and dug tombs for them.

different types of death the West is facing

The author anticipates the death and end of the West and warns that the
death that looms on the horizon of the West is in fact three cases of death
1: Moral death due to the moral fall that canceled all traditional
educational, family and moral values. From its inception, this moral decline
has relied on capitalism, which prioritizes materialism and personal gain.
2: Demographic and biological death (depopulation by natural death).
Because of the influence of the capitalist West by the Ominous theory of
Malthus who is one of the founders of the thought of the capitalist system.
However, the population problem is due to the population increase in a
geometric series, or the resources in nature increase in an arithmetic series.
Therefore, he demanded birth control, demanded chastity for the poor, not
to marry and procreate, and justify wars and famines.... etc
3: The end of the system on which the capitalist system of the West stands
in exchange for non-subsistence in international relations, be it the theory
of Adam Smith, the founder of economic sciences, the theory of relative
benefits, or the the theory of Rekaro, who developed the theory of Adam
Smith, according to the theory of absolute benefits. They compelled the
world to produce deals and raw materials that would serve capitalism. The
founders of capitalism, Adam Smith with his theory of relative benefits and
Ricardo with the theory of absolute benefits, led Europe to colonialism and
occupation. As a result, the West turned its attention to the high value
added Industries. That is why the West occupied Egypt, Sudan, Africa, India
and Latin America to produce cheap raw materials for the capitalist system.
Looking at government records and families, it is clear that the human
power is being dissolved in the West. The rest is suffering from old age from
which there is no hope of healing. The solution to this problem is to
following more young refugees (Most of the cities were in the number of
dead cities and have been settled by refugees) or to carry out a cultural
revolution that is the complete opposite of the current civilization and
brings religious and moral values back to where they were before.
The author says that the coming death is very frightening and terrible
because it is an epidemic and a disease which is created by us own and is
the result of our own thoughts. Only young people are dying from this new
epidemic, which is making the West in general and Europe in particular
home to the elderly.
The story is not a single estimate or expectation or probability. But this is a
fact and will shock you especially when new data comes out.
According to new data, a European woman has the ability to have only one
child, although this ability should be for two children As the minimum limit
for the compensation of the loss of existing lives now. If the same state of
fertility is maintained, Europe's population of 728 million according to the
2000 census, will shrink to 207 million by the end of this century, less than
a third. On the other hand, at the time when Europ is dying due to lack of
births, The third world, India and China, and the United States, Latin
America (especially Muslims) are witnessing a massive explosion that has
never preceded, 80 million people each year. And in 2050, the total amount
of Population growth rate will be 4 billion extra.
This makes the fear of the West a reality and the West will easily become
the property of these countries in a short time. The author says that these
figures become even more alarming when we see that the population of
nations and countries will decrease further fifty years from now.
In Germany, the number of inhabitants will be decreased by 82 million to
59 million and The number of old people who have exceeded 65 is more
than one-third of the population.
In Italy, the number of residents will be decreased by 57 million to 41
million and the proportion of adults will be 40% of the general population.
In Spain, the ratio of decreasing will be about 25%. And soon Russia's
human population will shrink from 147 million to 114 million.
Japan is not different from European countries in terms of population
death. Births rate have dropped by less than half since 1950. By 2050, the
Japanese population will shrink from 127 million to 104 million.
The statistics are terrible, but the question is:
Why have European nations stopped having children and accepted the idea
of going away from planet with such carelessness?
The author says that the answer lies in the devastating consequences of
modern Western civilization and The moral catastrophe that this modern
civilization has caused for the people of the West has caused their
biological death.
The basic unit of society, the family, has disappeared, and moral and
religious values have been destroyed. In the past, all these things were a
barrier to contraception, abortion, homosexuality, Sexual relations outside
the marital relationship. All this gradually destroyed the central cell of
society and the basis for its continuation, which is the family.
As for illegitimate children, today it amounts to 25 percent of the total
number of American children. One third of American children live in homes
without parent (either without the father, who is often the case, or without
the mother)
And another dangerous indicator...!
The number of suicides among American teens has tripled what it was in
The number of drug addicts (addicts, not drug users) has reached more
than six million people in the United States alone! The number of young
men and women wanting to get married has greatly decreased.
It is natural for a society that allows complete sexual freedom and allows
cohabitation between a man and a woman without any legal or relegious
bond in one house, and the man’s fear of the unjust personal status law
when the wife takes half of his wealth in the event of divorce and the
woman’s having to accept cohabitation without marriage because of her
need for a man to stand with her and protect her Not to mention the
biological need, to come to such an end.
As for the issue of homosexuality and the law of marriage between People
of the same sex reached an extent that was not possible to even imagine in
the past...!
And the arrogant Hillary Clinton was the first lady in the White House to
walk in a demonstration for (gays) to express her sympathy with their cause
and their legitimate demands!
Finally, the author concludes by saying that these are the statistics of a
decadent society and a dying civilization And that a country like this cannot
be free. There is no freedom without virtue and no virtue without faith.

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