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Gender Inequality Issues in Men and Women Gender inequality has caused numerous
controversial issues between men and women.
Since the beginning of time, women have been made out to be inferior to men.
Women tend to get paid less than men, women are prone to receiving less eligibility for higher
positions in the work field because of their gender, and women are more inclined to being
denied employment in comparison to men because of motherhood. On the other hand, men
also experience inequality in society.
Men have a tendency of feeling obligated to be the financial provider of the family. In addition,
society portrays the majority of men’s parenting skills to not be up to par and that this pushes
future problems on the children.
For the majority of the time, men are thought to be the abuser, but men are also the victim in
numerous domestic abuse cases.
Men are also often pressured not to express emotions as they will be labeled as feminine. The
following sources give insight to the inequality issues experienced in men and women.

In the article, “Equal Pay Day Still Points out Men Get Paid More Than Women,” Stephanie
Hnatiw and Randi Blauth argue that the Equal Pay Act of 1963 should be enforced and that the
fact that women are paid less than men is injustice. The article begins by claiming that there is a
huge gender gap and lists a scenario that describes how much women have to work to equal up
to the pay of a man.

In conclusion, gender inequality is an issue that is experienced in both men and women.
Women are paid lower than men, less likely to get a higher position in the workplace, and have
a higher risk of being denied employment to name a few on the female side. Men think they
have to be the breadwinner, men are known for bad parenting resulting in future problems in
children, male domestic abuse cases are often overlooked, and men often choose not to
express emotions as to show more masculinity.
These issues are common in today’s society and place a huge strain on both sexes. The
sources used highlight these problems.

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