Affirmation of Faith

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Affirmation of Faith (modified)

We believe in God who created us without any discrimination, in God’s likeness, who allows
us to have creative relationship with our fellow beings.

We believe in Jesus Christ who came to restore the image of God in every human being and
to offer peace to the broken humanity. We believe that He struggled for the people and He
was brutally killed by the oppressive hegemonic forces of His society. We believe that He
resurrected and His resurrection gives us believe that we will also resurrect from our dead.

We believe in spirit of God, the moving force, who is an advocate in our struggles and
comforter in our pain. We believe she is present here today in all of us giving us strength in
our struggles against injustice.

We believe in holy catholic and apostolic church which has no differences like caste, creed,
race or ethnicity, which is one body of Christ. We believe that we could realise the God’s
Reign in this world and we believe that we can strive for it with God’s help. Amen.

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