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Author NoteIn the contemporary world technologies have a huge and still growing impact. I

believe that appliances such as the television technology change our life and more

specifically our behaviour. Recently mass media also appeared with its ideal shows and

idols on screen.

Being a profitable business television develops but also the rivalry increases too . These
facts bring about the mass media to appear. Also known as the Fourth Estate because of its
effects on the people's understanding which at last rectify our behaviour according to a
purpose previously set by mass media. For example, if an advertisement for Sri Lanka
shows only dirty beaches, overfilled litters and old buildings and we believe what we see on
screen, we would not like to go there which is a change in our attitude. Another object of
mass media could be to change our appreciation for something. For instance, recently there
was news about a hurricane in China. It was represented with eradicated buildings and
statistics of sixty thousand injured and twenty thousand dead. No matter this might be far
from the truth we think that this is the reality there so again we put ourselves under the
affections of the Fourth Estate.

Another part of the mass media produces ideal shows and displays our idols on screen.
First, ideal shows are those which many people watch and become addicted to, so after that
they start forming their timetable in relation to what time their favourite show is broadcasted.
Second, nowadays everyone has an idol figure which they try to follow or imitate. This figure
is usually someone who is often presented on TV. Because their lifestyles are shown as
gorgeous ones which everyone would be eager to have. Moreover, watching what is new in
our idols’ lives is actually taking our time once. But doing the same things as our idol figure is
taking our time for the second time.

Unfortunately the impact of television on our ways of life is inevitable. Because it is still the
device most people inform themselves from and the one which broadcasts ideal shows and
idols to whom people are addicted to.
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