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M.TECH(DS) - ISEM. (2022-24) BATCH



1. Write a Python program that implements binary search method recursively to search
for an integer key in a sorted list of integers.

2. Write a Python program that implements binary search method non recursively to
search for an integer key in a sorted list of integers.

3. Write a Python program that implements insertion sort for sorting a list of integers
in ascending order.

4. Write a Python program that implements bubble sort for sorting a list of names
in ascending order.

5. Write a Python program that implements selection sort for sorting a list of integers
in ascending order.

6. Write Python program to perform the following:

i)create a singly linked list of integers.
ii)delete an integer from the above list.
iii)traverse and display the contents of the above list after deletion.

7. Write Python program to perform the following:

i)create a doubly linked list of integers.
ii)delete an integer from the above list.
iii)traverse and display the contents of the above list after deletion.

8. Write a Python program that merges two sorted singly linked linear lists into a sorted
singly linked linear list containing the elements of both the lists in ascending order.

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