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Article Review: Material requirement planning (MRP)

January 11, 2023


Article Review: Material requirement planning (MRP)


Material requirement planning (MRP) is a process that helps businesses manage the physical

resources needed to produce their products. This can include items like raw materials, parts,

and finished goods. MRP allows businesses to plan for future needs so they don't run out of

supplies or have to waste time and money sourcing new supplies.

The benefits of using MRP go beyond simply avoiding wasted expenses; by anticipating

demand for certain items, companies can also improve their manufacturing processes by

ensuring that necessary components are always available when needed. That means less time

spent waiting on inventory or struggling with shortages – problems that often lead to higher

costs for both business owners and consumers alike.

Purpose of the article

If you're already familiar with material requirement planning (MRP), then you'll likely find

some of the concepts introduced in this article helpful. On the other hand, if you're new to

MRP, or simply want a more detailed explanation of certain topics, this article may provide

that information. Either way, by reading and discussing it beforehand, you'll be well prepared

for whatever questions or comments come up after reading it.

It is essential for ensuring that products are produced using the right amount of material at the

right time, so that production can continue without disruption.

MRP helps manufacturers identify and track the necessary supplies before they're consumed,

which minimizes waste and avoids costly mistakes. The goal of MRP is to maximize

efficiency by optimizing usage while minimizing costs.

So what does this mean for businesses?


When implemented correctly, MRP can help speed up production times while reducing

expenses associated with wasted resources or overspending on unnecessary items. By

understanding how stock needs change over time, companies can ensure that they always

have enough materials available when needed - leading to improved productivity and


What are important things that are learned from the review

There are many important things that are learned from the article on understanding material

requirement planning in the manufacturing. One important thing to take away is that

materials should be chosen based on their life cycle, which includes: design, production,

service and disposal. Furthermore, it's also important to understand how different materials

will affect a product's performance and lifespan.

Secondly, always keep an eye on costs. Make sure that the materials that you select will not

cause too much financial strain for your business. Thirdly, stay flexible and open-minded

when making decisions about what materials to use. Your customers may surprise you with

suggestions that fall outside of your original plan! And finally, never lose sight of the big

picture - Always remember why you're doing all of this in the first place: To make money.

Finally, it's essential to track inventory levels so that shortages or overages don't occur. By

following these three steps - selecting the right materials for a product, ensuring they're used

correctly throughout its lifecycle, and monitoring inventory levels - businesses can avoid

costly mistakes down the road.

What is the impact of the article on your opinions before reading the article?

The impact of the article on the role of MRP is positive. The article provides a detailed

explanation of what MRP is, how it works, and its benefits for businesses. This information

will help readers understand why MRP is such an important tool, and how it can be used to

benefit their business.

By understanding how much material is required to produce specific products, manufacturers

can avoid waste and ensure that they always have enough supplies on hand.

MRP also allows for accurate pricing of materials based on actual demand, which improves

profitability and reduces inventory costs. Finally, effective MRP systems help managers track

changes in product requirements over time so that they can make necessary adjustments as



An effective MRP system can help manufacturers manage their inventory more effectively

and ensure that they're always meeting customer demand.

When implemented correctly, MRP can help businesses avoid costly mistakes and ensure that

they are always getting the most from their resources.


Guillaume, R., Thierry, C., & Zieliński, P. . (2017). Robust material requirement planning

with cumulative demand under uncertainty. International Journal of Production

Research, 6824-6845.

Mabert, V. A. (2007). The early road to material requirements planning. Journal of

operations management 25.2 , 346-356.


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