Lic Mains 14th Nov Target

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Directions (Q. 1 – 5) Study the following information carefully and answer the given

Following pie chart shows the percentage wise distribution of employees working in
various departments and the table shows the total number of male among


1. Total number of female employees in HR, Accountant and IT department

together is approximately what percentage of total number of male
employees in the same department together?

a. 118 %
b. 97 %
c. 103 %
d. 88 %
e. 72 %
2. Find the difference between the total number of female employees to that
of total number of male employees working all the given department

a. 38
b. 52
c. 66
d. 74
e. None of these

3. Total number of employees working in Marketing, Accountant and IT

department together is approximately what percentage more/less than the
total number of employees working in HR, Accountant and Production
department together?

a. 16 % less
b. 7 % more
c. 21 % more
d. 16 % more
e. 7 % less

4. Find the ratio between the total number of male employees working in HR,
Accountant and IT department together to that of total number of female
employees working in Production, HR and IT department together?

a. 154 : 177
b. 235 : 142
c. 417 : 556
d. 319 : 330
e. None of these

5. Which department has highest number of female employees?

a. Production department
b. Marketing department
c. IT department
d. HR department
e. Accountant department
Directions (Q. 6 – 10) Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions:

Following pie chart shows the percentage wise distribution of cars in 5 different
states and the table shows the ratio of diesel engine cars and petrol engine cars.

Total number of cars = 6700

6. Total number of petrol engine cars in state P, R and T together is what

percentage more/less than the total number of diesel engine cars in state Q
and S together?

a. 15 % more
b. 24 % less
c. 15 % less
d. 24 % more
e. 30 % less

7. Find the ratio between the total number of cars in state P, Q and R together
to that of total number of petrol engine cars in all the given states together?

a. 2235 : 1578
b. 3347 : 2986
c. 3893 : 3052
d. 4288 : 3551
e. None of these

8. Find the total number of diesel engine cars in all the given states together?

a. 2874
b. 3149
c. 3567
d. 2452
e. None of these

9. Find the difference between the total number of petrol engine cars in state
P and T together to that of total number of diesel engine cars in state Q and
S together?

a. 586
b. 402
c. 448
d. 524
e. None of these

10. Total number of cars in state Q and S together is what percentage of total
number of cars in state P and R together?

a. 117 %
b. 132 %
c. 108 %
d. 125 %
e. 96 %
Directions (Q. 11 – 15): Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions.

Following line-graph shows the percentage growth of population of six states in three years.

1) If the population of Haryana in the year 2017 is 2087250, then find its population
in the year 2014?

a) 11 lakh

b) 10.5 lakh

c) 13.5 lakh

d) 12.75 lakh

e) 14.25 lakh

12) If the population of Maharashtra and that of Haryana were equal in the year
2014, then find the ratio of the population of Maharashtra to that of Haryana in

a) 25 : 22

b) 22 : 31

c) 23 : 32

d) 21 : 29

e) 22 : 25
13) If in the year 2017, the populations of Bihar and Gujarat are 1388800 and
1302912 respectively, the population of Gujarat in the year 2014 is approximately
what percentage of the population of Bihar in the year 2014?

a) 70%

b) 80%

c) 95%

d) 90%

e) 100%

14) If the population of Maharashtra in the year 2014 was 8.5 lakh, then find the
population of Maharashtra in the year 2017?

a) 10.786 lakh

b) 13.634 lakh

c) 12.903 lakh

d) 15.406 lakh

e) 12.107 lakh

15) If the population of Kerala and Jharkhand in the year 2014 was 12.5 lakh and
10 lakh respectively, then find the difference between the population of Kerala and
the population of Jharkhand in the year 2017?

a) 4.915 lakh

b) 4.805 lakh

c) 4.385 lakh

d) 4.275 lakh

e) None of these
Directions (Q. 6 – 10): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions
given follow:

Number of people visiting six different Super-markets and the percentage of Men, Women and
Children visiting those Super-markets

16) The Number of men visiting Super-market D is approximately what percent of

the total number of people visiting all the Super-markets together?

a) 26 %

b) 22 %

c) 17 %

d) 8 %

e) 33 %

17) What is the total number of children visiting Super-markets B, D and F together?

a) 38515

b) 28479

c) 39846

d) 22308
e) None of these

18) What is the average number of women visiting all the Super-markets except
from Super markets C and F?

a) 22855

b) 25720

c) 20850

d) 21255

e) None of these

19) The Number of children visiting Super-market C is what percentage more/less

than the number of children visiting Super- market F?

a) 9 % more

b) 15 % more

c) 9 % less

d) 15 % less

e) 30 % more

20) What is the ratio of number of women visiting Super-market A to that of Super-
market C?

a) 35 : 37

b) 245 : 316

c) 352 : 377

d) 1056 : 1141

e) None of these
Puzzle set 1

Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are attending a seminar on seven different subjects

i.e Hindi, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Computer in a week
starting from Friday and ending on Thursday but not necessarily in a same way. R attends
the seminar on Sunday. Two persons are attending the seminar in between the seminar of
Mathematics and English. Mathematics or English seminar was not attended by the R and
Mathematics seminar was held before the English seminar. Only one seminar was held
between Mathematics and the seminar which is attended by the S. The seminar which is
attended by the S is held after the seminar of R. Two seminars were held between the
seminar of S and Chemistry, which does not hold on Friday. Three seminars held
between Computer and Hindi. S does not attend the seminar on Computer and Hindi. V
attend the seminar immediately before the seminar of U but not on Monday. V does not
attend the seminar of Computer. P attends the seminar on Tuesday. Biology seminar was
held after the seminar of Physics. Q does not attend the seminar of Mathematics.
Puzzle set 2

Directions (1-10) Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that

The steep penalties for violation of road rules that came into force on September 1 under the
Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 have produced a backlash, with several State
governments opting to reduce the quantum of fines, or even to reject the new
provisions. (A) Gujarat has (1)announced a substantial reduction in the fines, West Bengal
has (2) proceeding to adopt the higher penalties, Karnataka and Kerala are studying the
prospects to make the provisions less (3)stringent, and others are (4)refused with caution.
Motorists have reacted with (B) pragmatismat the imposition of fines by the police, obviously
upset at State governments pursuing enforcement without upgrading road infrastructure and
making administrative arrangements for issue of transport documents. (C)Union Transport
Minister NitinGadkari has reiterate that it is left to the States to choose the quantum of fines,
since it is their responsibility to bring about deterrence and protect the lives of citizens. Mr.
Gadkari’s argument is valid, and the (D)intent behind (E)amending the Motor Vehicles Act
cannot be faulted. After all, India has some of the deadliest roads in the world, and 1,47,913
people died in road accidents only during 2017. The question that has arisen is
whether (F)enhanced fines can radically change this record when other determinants,
beginning with administrative reform, remain untouched.

The core of reform lies in Section 198(A) of the amended law, which requires any designated
authority, contractor, consultant or concessionaire responsible for design or construction or
maintenance of the safety standards of the road to meet those laid down by the Central
government. This provision, which prescribes a penalty for a violation leading to death or
disability, can be enforced through litigation by road users in all States. Since the standards
are laid down, compliance should be ensured without waiting for a road accident to prove it.
Until infrastructure meets legal requirements, fines and enforcement action are naturally (G)
liable to be challenged in courts; the condition of roads, traffic signals, signage and
cautionary markings which affect motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, would all fall within its
ambit. State governments also cannot escape responsibility for failing to reform their Regional
Transport Authorities, since these offices are generally steeped in corruption. The Transport
Ministry could well have made electronic delivery of RTO services mandatory, something that a
lapsed UPA-era Bill promised. It should act on this now. Ultimately, ending the culture of
impunity that allows government vehicles and VIPs to ignore road rules will encourage the
average citizen to follow them. _______________(H)______________ the National Road
Safety Board to recommend important changes to infrastructure and to enable professional
accident investigation.

1) The sentence given in (A) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold
words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence
contextually correct and meaningful.

A) 2-4

B) 1-3

C) 2-3

D) 1-4
E) 1-2

2) Which of the following word given in the options should come at the place marked
(B) in theabove article to make it grammatically correct and meaningful?

A) outrage

B) ornate

C) despicable

D) acquittal

E) none of these

3) In the passage given, a sentence (C) is given in italics. There may or may not be
an error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your
answer. If there is no error then choose option (E) as your answer.

A) Union Transport Minister NitinGadkari has reiterate

B) that it is left to the States to choose the quantum of

C) fines, since it is their responsibility to bring about

D) deterrence and protect the lives of citizens.

E) No error

4) What is the central theme of the passage?

A) Outrage of state governments on new traffic laws

B) Amendments under Motor Vehicles Act, 2019

C) Outrage of motorists on new traffic laws

D) Futile fines: On traffic violation penaltiesUPDATED: SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 11:18 IST

E) None of these

5) Which of the following replace the word marked (D) to make it contextually
correct and meaningful? If no replacement is required, mark option (E).

A) abundance

B) eminence

C) vehemence
D) haughty

E) no replacement required

6) Choose the option which is most similar to the word marked (E) in the passage.

A) alteration

B) debasing

C) Ascendant

D) sovereign

E) None of these

7) Choose the option which is most opposite to the word marked (F) in the passage.

A) reinforced

B) deference

C) intensified

D) diminished

E) None of these

8) Which of the following is/are correct according to the passage?

I) The core of reform lies in Section 198(A) of the amended law, which requires any
designated authority, contractor, consultant or concessionaire responsible for design or
construction or maintenance of the safety standards of the road to meet those laid down by
the Central government.

II) Gujarat and West Bengal have announced a substantial reduction in higher penalties.

III) Motorists have reacted vehemently at the imposition of fines by the police as the State
governmentsare pursuing enforcement without upgrading road infrastructure and making
administrative arrangements for issue of transport documents.

A) only II

B) II and III

C) I and III

E) None of these

9) Which of the following words given in the options should come at the place
marked as (G) in the above paragraph to make it grammatically correct and
meaningful. Also, the word should fill in the blanks given in the two sentences given
below to make them contextually correct and meaningful.

I) By signing the contract, you are agreeing not to hold the management
_____________________ for any injury you would sustain.

II) Even if you would not normally be at fault, getting in an accident in an inebriated state will
most likely cause you to be held ____________.

A) commemorated

B) liable

C) calculative

D) inclusion

E) none of these

10) Which of the following phrases should fill the blank in (H) to make it
contextually correct and meaningful?

A) Gadkari should lose no time in forming

B) Since it is quite tragic to know that

C) Gadkari has accused that the State

D) It has taken a backseat since

E) None of these

Direction (11-15): Rearrange the sentence into a coherent and meaningful

paragraph and answers the question that follow.

A) The report focussed mainly on the activities of two main military-dominated conglomerates
— Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation. It said
nearly 60 foreign companies have dealings with at least 120 businesses controlled by the two
companies in industries ranging from jade and ruby mining to tourism and pharmaceuticals.

B) A United Nations fact-finding mission called on Monday for an embargo on arms sales to
Myanmar and targeted sanctions against businesses with connections to the military after
finding they are helping fund human rights abuses.
C) The fact-finding mission, empowered by the UN’s Human Rights Council, was established in
the wake of a brutal counterinsurgency campaign begun in 2017 that drove more than
700,000 members of the Rohingya minority into neighbouring Bangladesh.

D) “The revenue that these military businesses generate strengthens the Tatmadaw’s
autonomy from elected civilian oversight and provides financial support for the Tatmadaw’s
operations with their wide array of international human rights and humanitarian law abuses,”
Marzuki Darusman, the Indonesian human rights lawyer who chairs the fact-finding mission,
said in a statement.

E) The mission released a report detailing how businesses run by Myanmar’s army, also
known as the Tatmadaw, are engaged in such violations and provide financial support for
military operations such as efforts to force Muslim Rohingya out of Rakhine state.

11) Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after the arrangement?

A) B

B) A

C) E

D) C

E) D

12) Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?

A) C

B) E

C) A

D) B

E) D

13) Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after the arrangement?

A) B

B) C

C) D

D) E

E) A
14) Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after the arrangement?

A) C

B) E

C) A

D) B

E) D

15) Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after the arrangement?

A) B

B) D

C) A

D) E

E) C

Word Replacement

Directions (6-10): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given.
These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bold might
either be wrongly spelt or is inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out
the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is
your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the
context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. „All Correct‟, as your answer.

16) National Film award-winning director Vetrimaaran has reported (A)/ cast Tamil comedian
Soori as the lead in his next film, that is expected to be(B)/a big-budget laugh riot
and entertainer. This is a far departure for the filmmaker (C)/who is lauded for
his intense work in films like Aadukalam, Visaranai and the recent hit Vada Chennai.(D)

A) Reported

B) Expected

C) Entertainer

D) Intense

E) All are correct

17) It all went wrong when it mattered for the sport’s(A)/ most successful
and glamorous team, with home favourite(B)/Sebastian Vettel the first casual when(C)/
he failed to set a time in the opening phase.(D)

A) Mattered

B) Glamorous

C) Casual

D) Failed

E) All are correct

18) A day after 17 political parties jointly wrote to Vice-President and Rajya Shabha
Chairman(A)/ M. Venkaiah Naidu complaining about “hurried legislation” that were being
rushed through without due(B)/parliamentary procedures, Mr. Naidu said on Saturday that
the ruling and Opposition(C)/ parties needed to function as “joint stakeholders” and not look
at each other as “enemies or adversary”.(D)

A) Jointly

B) Legislation

C) Ruling

D) Adversary

E) All are correct

19) In a word of caution for the Opposition, Mr. Naidu said the(A)/mandatory of the people
should be respected. At the same time, the Opposition parties(B)/ did have the right
and responsibility of getting governments(C)/ to deliver on the promises made by them
during the polls, he said.(D)

A) Caution

B) Mandatory

C) Responsibility

D) Promises

E) All are correct

20) Australia had submitted a draft MLSA soon after India signed the LEMOA, but(A)/ New
Delhi said at that time it would take up more logistics pacts after the first one(B)/
was operationalized. In March, before the bilateral naval exercise
AUSINDEX,(C)/Australian diplomatic sources made a strong pitch for a pact saying the
argument for one is “compelling”. (D)
A) submitted

B) logistics

C) operationalized

D) diplomatic

E) All are correct


1) The Reserve Bank of India in its 4th bi-monthly policy review cut the repo rate for
the fifth consecutive time by 25 base points to__?

A) 5.10%

B) 5.05%

C) 5.15%

D) 5.20%

E) 5%

2) The Order of the Green Crescent awarded to Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu is
the Highest Civilian Honour of which African country?

A) Kenya

B) Comoros

C) Liberia

D) Sierra Leone

E) Senegal

3) Navies of India and Bangladesh will participate for the first time in an Indian
Navy-Bangladeshi Navy Bilateral Exercise in which Indian city?

A) Kolkata

B) Visakhapatnam
C) Chennai

D) Kochi

E) Bhubaneswar

4) Public sector Canara Bank will be merged with which other Public sector bank of

A) Corporation Bank

B) Dena Bank

C) Andhra Bank

D) Oriental Bank of Commerce

E) Syndicate Bank

5) Who has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration for the
years 2017 and 2018?
A) M. S. Swaminathan

B) Chandi Prasad Bhatt

C) Balraj Puri

D) Mohan Dharia

E) Mahasweta Devi

6) Which foreign country has partnered with India to train Indian Air Force pilots for
Indian Space Research Organization‟s Gaganyaan‟ project?

A) France


C) Russia

D) Japan

E) Ukraine

7) SARAS Aajeevika Mela is an initiative under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana –

National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY – NRLM) was held in which Indian city?

A) Ahmedabad

B) Lucknow
C) New Delhi

D) Mumbai

E) Hyderabad

8) POSHAN Atlas- an initiative to map crops and food grains grown all over the
country is being developed by the Women and Child Development ministry along

A) Ministry of Food Processing Industries

B) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

C) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

D) Bill and Melinda Gates foundation

E) Food and Agriculture Organization

9) Who was awarded The Nobel Prize in Literature for the year 2019?

A) Peter Handke

B) Olga Tokarczuk

C) Svetlana Alexievich

D) Elfriede Jelinek

E) Toni Morrison

10) The First-Ever India International Cooperatives Trade Fair (IICTF) was
conducted in which Indian city?

A) Varanasi

B) Kanpur

C) Gurugram

D) New Delhi

E) Patna

11) The World Athletics Championship is organized by IAAF (International

Association of Athletics Federations) was held which city?

A) Doha, Qatar
B) Abu Dhabi, UAE

C) Chicago, USA

D) Jakarta, Indonesia

E) Paris, France

12) The Bihu dance is an indigenous folk dance from which Indian state?

A) Odisha

B) Chattisgarh

C) Assam

D) Jharkhand

E) Telangana

13) Sindhu Darshan Festival is held every year on the full moon day (on Guru
Purnima) in June, in which Indian region?

A) UT of Ladakh

B) UT of J&K

C) Uttarakhand

D) Himachal Pradesh

E) Punjab

14) The Securities and Exchange Board of India barred which stock exchange from
accessing the securities market for six months?

A) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

B) Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE)

C) Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX)

D) National Stock Exchange (NSE)

E) National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX)

15) Wishfin‟s insurance arm Wishpolicy has tied up with which Indian private non-
life insurer to offer two-wheeler insurance to customers via WhatsApp?

A) Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.

B) HDFC ERGO General Insurance Co. Ltd.

C) ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co. Ltd.

D) Bajaj Allianz General Insurance

E) Bharti AXA General Insurance

16) What is the name of Delhi Police‟s anti-street crime vans deployed in the
national capital to deter crimes against women and street crimes?

A) Prakhar

B) Parakram

C) Interceptors

D) Vahini

E) Tejas

17) Which state government has brought around 2,209 panchayats under natural
farming under Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kisan Yojana?

A) Uttar Pradesh

B) Sikkim

C) Punjab

D) Himachal Pradesh

E) Haryana

18) Which organization undertook IndiGen Genome project (whole-genome

sequencing of thousands of individuals)?


C) IIT Madras

D) Ministry of Science and Technology


19) How many people was part of the delegation from the European Union to
Kashmir in order to assess the ground situation?

A) 23

B) 25

C) 19

D) 28

E) 26

20) Which Indian city established a Guinness Record with the largest display of
earthen lamps (4 lakh) ever achieved?

A) Varanasi

B) Ayodhya

C) Patna

D) Ujjain

E) Kashi

21) Which state has launched “Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana” to
encourage girl child birth?

A) Haryana

B) Jharkhand

C) Uttar Pradesh

D) Himachal Pradesh

E) Bihar

22) When was the Damodar Valley Corporation project (also the first multipurpose
river valley project) was launched in India?

A) 1947

B) 1948

C) 1951
D) 1946

E) 1949

23) Which country is related to the October revolution?

A) Ukraine

B) China

C) Mongolia

D) Russia

E) Italy

24) Which bank has the slogan of “Badti ka naam zindagi”?


B) Bandhan Bank

C) Axis Bank

D) Yes Bank

E) HDFC Bank

25) Which India city has become the 1st one to achieve Kerosene free status ?

A) Varanasi

B) Gandhinagar

C) Chandigarh

D) Indore

E) Pune

26) Defcom 2019, a symposium on aspects pertaining to Information and

Communications Technology (ICT), is being held in which Indian city?

A) Bangalore

B) Hyderabad

C) Pune
D) New Delhi

E) Chennai

27) Which Latin American country has, in October, allowed Indians to visit for
tourism or business purposes without a Visa?

A) Argentina

B) Chile

C) Columbia

D) Brazil

E) Panama

28) Last week of which month is celebrated as Vigilance Awareness Week under the
aegis of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)?

A) June

B) July

C) March

D) October

E) September

29) India has drafted a memorandum of understanding to create a trans-boundary

wildlife conservation „peace park‟ with which two other countries?

A) Bhutan and Bangladesh

B) Nepal and Bhutan

C) Bangladesh and Myanmar

D) Myanmar and Bhutan

E) Nepal and China

30) Which multilateral development bank signed an agreement with the Indian
government to provide a $200 million loan to upgrade rural roads to all-weather
standards in 34 districts of Maharashtra?

A) World Bank
B) Asian Development Bank

C) New Development Bank

D) European Investment Bank

E) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

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