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Why you should not support Anna Hazares movement against corruption?

Bhavin Gandhi | August 22, 2011 at 11:35 AM | Tags: 21st century, Anna Hazare, Anti-corruption, Congress, Corruption, India, Indian Government, Leadership, Lokpal Bill, Politicians, Public information, Revolution, Self awareness | Categories: 21st Century, Leadership | URL:

From past few days, I am closely following Anna Hazares movement against corruption. And if you are connected to as many Indian friends as I am, then you dont have any other option. Almost 7 out of 10 Indian friends of mine will update their Facebook status on daily basis in support of this movement. They will write various status messages either in support of Anna or against Congress. While I dont have any problem with them supporting Anna, I want them to do it for the right reasons. In order to find out what Anna stands for, I did a little experiment. I emailed few of my friends on Facebook, who stands for Anna, to find out what exactly does Lokpal Bill mean? What exactly does Anna stand for? And results were shocking. Almost 60% of my friends didnt have any answers to my questions. But almost all of them had a perception that he stands against corruption, and if he becomes successful in his journey then we will have a new India, the Nation without corruption. But then I got thinking. arent we all responsible for the existing corruption in India? I agree that corruption must stop, but arent we all part of it? Being in India, we all must have encountered a situation where we must have supported corruption in one way or another. But once the corruption reaches out of our limits, we start blaming the system. Is that fair? For example: most of you wont hesitate to bribe a policeman with Rs. 200-300 for any traffic violation because you want to save yourself out of the fine. But, when it comes to giving Rs. 15 lakh to a medical college for a medical seat, then you start blaming the corrupt system, because it is out of your reach. We are all humans, and we have a tendency to become a part of something. And I dont have any problem with that mentality. But if you are becoming a part of something, then please make sure to get your facts straight. Following someone without reasoning is one kind of slavery. So, dont be a slave. Ask questions. Find out more information about what Anna Hazare stands for. And if you agree with his methodology of solving corruption in India, then go ahead and support him. But please stop following someone blindly. Please understand that my intention is not to hurt someones feelings. But I want to make sure that if you are fighting for a revolution then make sure that you have the right reasons for it. Thanks Bhavin Gandhi

Author: Bhavin Gandhi | Contact information:

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