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Intersectionality in Health Care

Adriana Gálvez
AEMPPI Ecuador
60 min
Learning Objectives with indicators
Objective 1: Introduce the participants to intersectionality and understand its impact in healthcare.
Indicator 1.1 To capacitate the attendees on intersectionality & healthcare, its relationship and impact on patients and health care professionals.
Objective 2: Objective 2: Objective 2: Capacitate the participants on recognizing the intersecting axes in each individual and creating a plan to successfully advocate for them at the local or national level.
Indicator 1.2 The intersecting axes of privilege, domination and opression are presented and explained successfully by the trainer.

Indicator 2.1 At least 80% of the small groups successfully recognize the intersecting axes in their study case subject, and propose solutions.
Indicator 2.2 The trainer provide feedback to at least 80% of the small groups.

Outline | Session Title

Duration Trainer(s) Time 4MAT Topic/Agenda Method Description Logistics Comments Questions to consider Resources

- Introduction of Facilitator.
- Introduction to the session, its goals and outline.
- Icebreaker: What are my intersecting axes? Participants will put a finger - Will the participants feel
down if they have lived any of the situations mentioned (being bullied or The icebreaker will make confortable with the
discriminated because of their name, religion, sex, condition, etc.). possible for the trainer to icebreaker?
connect with the participants - Will they need a trigger
5 min Adriana Gálvez Why? Introduction. while capturing their attention. warning? - Slides

- Introduction to Intersectionality.
- Explaining the interlinkage of intersectionality and health: How The introduction to
intersectionality affects the medical attention given to the patients and how intersectionality will make
it can also affect the healthcare providers. possible to understand the
10 min Adriana Gálvez What? Intersectionality in Health Care. Presentation following topic. - Slides

- Introduction to the Intersecting axes of privilege, domination and

oppression. Participants will be able to - Slides
Presentation/ - Multiple examples of how the axes intersect in one individual explained recognize the intersecting axes - Article: Between Privilege and Oppression: An Intersectional
Intersecting axes of privilege, domination Interactive by the facilitator and/or solved by the participants. of an individual and its impact Analysis of Active Transportation Experiences Among
10 min Adriana Gálvez What?/How? and opression. Discussion on their health. Washington D.C. Area Youth

- Participants will be divided in 4 small groups.

- The facilitator will provide 1 study case to each group.
- The participants will analyze each case and determinate the intersecting
axes in each study subject + how the axes impact their healthcare attention Participants recognize the
Group + possible solutions or actions to take in each situation. interlinkage of intersectionality - Study Cases.
15 min Adriana Gálvez How? Recognizing our axes. Discussion and health. - Flipcharts (In person) / Miro (Online)

Participants reflect on their

study case and enhance their
- Each small group presents its outcomes. knowledge on intersectionality
5 min Adriana Gálvez How? Activity presentation Presentation - The trainer provides feedback to the small groups. in health. - Flipcharts (In person) / Miro (Online)

- The trainer emphasize on the importance of intersectionality in the health

- The trainer remarks on why, when and how to apply the concept of Both participants and the trainer
intersectionality and its axes into real situations. are invited to reflect on
- The trainer invites the participants to reflect on their own intersecting intersectionality and apply their
axes. knowledge in their real life
10 min Adriana Gálvez If? Take home messages Presentation - Participants ask questions. situations. - Slides
5 min Adriana Gálvez Buffer Time Buffer Time Buffer Time
Evaluation Methods:
- Participants will present a solved study case in which they recognize individuals axes, its interlinkage with health care and ways forward to each situation presented to them. The trainer will provide feedback to the participants.
- A wooclap will be shared for participants to provide feedback to the trainer.

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