Test of English

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Calidad, pertinencia, calidez

CARRERA DE pedagogía de idiomas nacionales y extranjeros

Nombre: Dayelin Jumbo

Docente: Lcd. Jonh Marcelo Chamba Zambrano
Curso: Quinto P.A. O Materia: Cátedra Integradora: Evaluation
And Assessment
Fecha: viernes 09 de febrero, 2023
write a 90 word composition of your insights of FCR and TOEFL. give your  very
personal opinion.
I think that both exams are very important because they serve to demonstrate english
proficiency in the four skills, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. they
also serve to know in what level of english you are and thus be able to obtain a
certification and the most relevant is that these exams are international so they serve as
certification in all countries. and lastly, these types of exams are necessary because they
serve to demonstrate our english skills and the FCE is a cambridge assessment english
exam that serves to certify a b2 level of english language proficiency and the TOEFL is
test of english as a foreign language: a test of english for speakers of other languages.

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