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P 40-41, ex 6

ex 6

1. Full
2. Ingredients, processed
3. Diet
4. Foods
5. Fuzzy
6. Jurk
7. Curties
8. fresh

P 164, ex 1-6

1. 1.An ultramarathon is a distance run longer than a regular marathon, usually between 50km and
100 miles. Ultramarathons are more often over difficult terrain, require a slower running pace,
more food and fluids, and require more mental endurance.
2. During an endurance race like a marathon or ultramarathon, runners may experience
dehydration, injury, stomach issues, mental fatigue, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and electrolyte
imbalances. Proper preparation, hydration, and nutrition can help minimize these risks.
2. 2. 4, 12
3. 2
4. 30
5. 2 days

3. I was a fitness enthusiast. The most challenging test I faced was an ultramarathon. I trained for
months for the 100-mile race through rugged mountain terrain. I felt pain, exhaustion, and
moments of doubt but pushed through and eventually finished the race. Despite the difficulties, I
felt an incredible sense of accomplishment and pride in myself. Reflecting on this experience, I
realized it taught me about mental toughness and perseverance and inspired me to tackle other
difficult tasks in the future.
4. 2) Hilly
3) Encouragement, medical
4) Nutrition
5) Endurance
6) achievement

5. 1)There are several extreme sports that require rigorous training, such as base jumping, big wave surfing,
and free solo climbing. These sports can be ranked from easiest to most difficult based on the level of skill
required. However, they are all inherently dangerous, with free solo climbing being the most perilous.

2) Ultramarathons are races that cover distances longer than the traditional marathon length of 26.2 miles.
People who complete them are often admired for their physical and mental endurance. If a friend
suggested training for an ultramarathon, I would be supportive and impressed by their ambition. I would
also encourage them to approach the training with caution and to prioritize their health and safety.
3) Yes, because Nicky's example can certainly inspire people to do sports and lead a healthier lifestyle. By
sharing her own transformation and the positive impact that exercise and healthy habits have had on her
life, she can encourage others to make similar changes. Seeing someone they know and admire achieve
their fitness goals can also provide motivation and a sense of community for those looking to make changes
in their own lives.
An ultramarathon is a grueling test of endurance and stamina that challenges even the fittest athletes. It
typically lasts for four or five days, during which time runners cover a distance of 100 miles or more, often
over rugged terrain with steep inclines and descents. The course can take runners through forests,
mountains, deserts, and even across frozen tundra.

During the race, runners must navigate the course using only a map and compass, and are not allowed any
outside assistance. They carry their own food, water, and camping gear, and must set up camp each night
wherever they happen to be when darkness falls. Many runners suffer from blisters, chafing, dehydration,
and exhaustion during the race, and some even hallucinate from sleep deprivation.

Despite the challenges, ultramarathons continue to attract a dedicated following of athletes who relish the
opportunity to push themselves to the limit and test their mental and physical toughness. The runners
often form a tight-knit community, supporting each other through the grueling course and celebrating
together at the finish line.

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