Hate Crime Analysis For Colchester District Dec 20212 v1

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Colchester District
Hate crime last 12 months to Nov 2021

Hate Crime
Date: 3 Dec 2021
Compiled by: Lou Middleton
Hate Crime Officer – North LPA
District Hate Crimes by type

Year on Year change

Hate type by Ward

District hate crime classification count

District outcomes
Crime Outcomes
1 Charged/Summonsed/Postal Requisition
1a Charged/Summons – alternate offence. Offender has been charged under the alternate offence rule
2 Caution Youth
3 Caution – adults
4 Taken into consideration
5 Offender died
6 Penalty Notices for Disorder
7 Cannabis / Khat warning
8 Community Resolution (Crime)
9 Not in Public Interest CPS
10 Not in Public Interest Police
11 Prosecution prevented – suspect underage
12 Prosecution Prevented-Named Suspect Identified but Is Too Ill (Physical or Mental Health) To Prosecute
13 Prosecution prevented – victim / key witness dead / too ill
14 Evidential Difficulties; suspect not identified: victim does not support further action
15 Named Suspect Identified: Victim Supports Police Action but Evidential Difficulties Prevent Further Action
16 Named Suspect Identified: Evidential Difficulties Prevent Further Action: Victim Does Not Support (Or Has Withdrawn Support
From) Police Action
17 Prosecution Time Limit Expired: Suspect Identified but Prosecution Time Limit Has Expired
18 Investigation Complete; No Suspect Identified. Crime Investigated as Far as Reasonably Possible-Case Closed Pending Further
Investigative Opportunities Becoming Available
19 Fraud offences: National Fraud Intelligence Bureau only
20 Further action resulting from the crime report will be undertaken by another body or agency subject to the victim (or person acting
on their behalf) being made aware of the act to be taken
21 Further investigation on to support formal action not in the public interest
22 Diversionary, educational or intervention activity, resulting from the crime report, has been undertaken and it is not in the public
interest to take any further action.


Victims Race hate typ

Sex / Gender

District hotspot map


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