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Key Terminology

Warm Up
It is recommended you perform a small cardio warm up for roughly 5-10 minutes. This should be low
intensity like walking or the elliptical machine. The goal is to simply elevate your heart rate a bit and get blood
flowing to your muscles.

Then, perform movement specific warm up exercises. For example, this means if leg press is listed first, do
some bodyweight squats and leg swings to loosen the hips, and a set or 2 of leg press using lighter weight
before you attempt the reps listed for the workout. All sets listed in the workout plan are working sets
meaning you should already be warmed up and each set, you should challenge yourself.

Rest Pause Set

Use a light-moderate weight, ~25 reps should be failure. Let’s say if you can typically lift 40 lbs for 8-10 reps,
use 20 lbs for the rest pause set.

To start the set, perform 20 reps (don’t go till failure). Your rest interval between rounds will be 7 breaths.

After you perform your first round of 20 reps, take 7 breaths. After you’ve taken 7 breaths, perform another
round using the same weight except this time go till failure. Rest by taking 7 breathes, then perform another
round till failure. Repeat this pattern until you hit ~6 reps or failure before 6 reps. After the final round where
you hit 6 reps or failure, IMMIDIATELY reduce the weight by ~50% and IMMIDIATELY start another round and
go till failure. Example format below….

Tara can typically lift 40 lbs for 10 reps on single leg hamstring curls. She will start using around 20 lbs for a
rest pause set…

Round 1 – 20 reps lifting 20 lbs

Take 7 breathes

Round 2 – Go till failure lifting 20 lbs

Take 7 breathes

Round 3 – Go till failure lifting 20 lbs

Take 7 breathes

Round 4 – Go till failure lifting 20 lbs

(if you perform over 6 reps on round 4 then do another round before reducing the weight)
Reduce weight by ~50%
Round 5 – Go till failure

The final round is essentially a dropset where you go till failure, immediately reduce the weight, and go till
failure again.

Shoulder Exercises
We suggest you begin all chest training sessions with 2-3 sets, 10-15 reps, of the shoulder exercises pictured below.
How heavy should you lift?
Perform all sets besides the last set within 1-3 reps of failure. This means if 4 sets are listed, take the first 3
sets to almost failure (maybe you could squeeze out between 1-3 more reps). If you think you could squeeze
out 4 more reps, then increase the weight! If you’re failing at rep 9 and the set demanded you do 12 reps, then
lower the weight. The final set of each exercise take to failure! An example is listed below.

Listed Reps = 15, 12, 10, 8/dropset

Set 1 = perform 15 reps, maybe 16-18 would be true failure. If you can do greater than 18 reps, increase the
weight. If you can do less than 15 reps, then decrease the weight on the next set.

Set 2 = perform 12 reps, maybe 13-15 would be true failure. You may need to increase the weight as well
simply because the reps decreased from 15 to 12 when transitioning from set 1 to set 2.
If you could do 16 reps on the first set and the second set is 12 reps, you might need to increase the weight
because 16 reps is 4 reps over 12 reps and we want to lift with only 1-3 reps left in the tank besides the last

Set 3 = perform 10 reps, maybe 11-13 would be true failure.

Last Set/Set 4 = go till failure, then perform a dropset. If the “/dropset” is added after a set, that set demands
a dropset. If a dropset is added, it’s used only on the last set of the listed exercises. If 4 sets are listed, never
do a dropset after sets 1, 2, or 3.
Back to this example (set 4) – try to hit at least 8 reps before doing a dropset (but remember this last one is
till failure so if you can get 14 clean reps, then get 14 reps). The last set is taken to failure no matter how
many reps are listed. Once you reach failure, immediately reduce the weight by roughly half and crank out
more reps till failure again!

Immediately lower the weight after reaching failure by about 30-50% and continue doing more reps at the
lighter weight. There is NO stop in between meaning go till failure at the heavier weight, reduce the weight as
quickly as possible, go till failure again.

Perform two different exercises back to back with little to no rest between them.

Giant set
Perform three different exercises back to back to back with little to no rest between them.

As many reps as possible, take this set to failure. If two sets are listed with “AMRAP”, then take them both to
failure. AMRAP sets are used frequently on ab exercises. Note that you shouldn’t be doing more than 25-30
reps. If you’re doing more than 25-30 reps, then find a way to make the exercise more challenging by
increasing the time under tension and control of each rep, squeezing harder, or adding weight.

Don’t Forget to Breathe

Inhale during the eccentric portion of the lift (traditionally, this is when you lower the weight).
Exhale during the concentric portion (traditionally, this is when you press, lift, or move the weight against

For high demanding, heavy weight lifts, you can inhale prior to the big movement and use breath holding to
brace yourself as you move the weight. You’ll need to stabilize yourself, tighten your core, and breathe
between reps.
Always control the weight over the full range of motion and never sacrifice form to lift heavier.

Pyramid Set
Start with 10 reps using roughly 30% of your 1 RM (this is a very light load, you could probably do at least 30
reps if you took this to failure). After the first 10 reps, increase the weight and perform another 10 reps.
Increase the weight one more time and do 10 reps/go till failure (10 reps should be about failure and if you do
under or slightly over 10 reps that it fine). Then, go back down in weight and perform 10 reps. Reduce the
weight one final time and perform 10 reps/go till failure. You will perform 50 total reps, no stopping or
pausing in between! Pictorial example is outlined below.

Let’s say you can do this weight 10 times normally before reaching failure… (50 lbs)

1. Perform 10 reps at the weight below (20 lbs) 2. Perform 10 reps at the weight below (30 lbs)

3. Perform 10 reps/go till failure at the weight listed below (42 lbs)

4. Perform 10 reps at the weight listed below (30 lbs) 5. Go till failure (20lbs)

• I HIGHLY recommend adding caffeine tablets and creatine as supplements. Caffeine take as needed.
o Post workout is the perfect time for creatine. 5 grams in shake or in pills.

• VERY IMPORTANT NEED one-a-day vitamin

• VERY IMPORTANT NEED Fish oil recommendation – que this into amazon – Viva Naturals Omega 3
Fish Oil Supplement, 180 Capsules – Highly Concentrated Fish Oil Omega 3 Pills, Burpless, 2,200mg
Fish Oil/serving

• Calcium and vitamin D at night are beneficial, but not 100% necessary. If you bought a 5000IU vitamin
D pill, you can take every 3rd day

• For sleep if this is an issue…

o I recommend melatonin 10mg
o At least 25mg Diphenhydramine HCl (this is just Benadryl)
o GABA 500mg-1500mg


• TRX Training Strength Bands, Safely Increases The Intensity of Any Exercise highly recommended for
leg press (cue this into amazon)
o Not needed but very useful
Meal Timing
times don’t have to be exact… but you see the general spacing pattern.
How important is meal timing? For protein, it is very important. Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is the
process of building muscle and protein is a signal that tells the body to start making more/new muscle.
When you have >2g leucine, which is about 20g of animal protein or 30g plant protein, the body will signal
MPS to turn on. Unfortunately, the signal automatically turns off after about 3 hours therefore it is critical to
feed protein throughout the day to keep activating the signal/keep growing new muscle. Protein is in a net
flux or a balance between synthesis and degradation. Failure to consume protein every 3-4 hours will cause
degradation to outweigh synthesis and muscle will be lost instead of gained.
Basic Stretch Guide

Specific to lower back pain → this stretch >5x per day

Can push on knee and lean forward for additional stretch

Stretch routine post legs….

Pigeon pose (hold 45 sec – 1 min each side)… your pigeon will not be as aesthetic as this

20 seconds each side

Grab something to stabilize yourself, 40 seconds each side

40 second hold as far as you can go

Supine T spine stretch (instead of partner you can simply hold/push your knee), 45 seconds – 1 min each side

Try to touch dem toes, 30 seconds, come up slow reach to ceiling

Last stretch = 30 second hang… grab overhead bar, body weight hang to stretch spine
Meso 1 – Training
Week 3 or 4 only, not week 1 or 2
2:30-3 min RI on delt press RPE 8 = exercises > 15 reps (except delt raises, that’s RPE 9)
2 min RI on chest flies, arms RPE 9 = rep ranges 14-7 AND all lateral, front, rear delt raises
60 second RI on calves RPE 10 = last set no matter the rep range, go till failure
60-80 second RI abs, lower back hyperextensions (unless specified) Cardio heart rate → 140 – 150 bpm
90 second RI rear delt exercises
90-120 second RI on front and lateral delt exercises (besides press movements)
Legs A
Back, Rear Delt, Abs 2:30-3 min RI Back Exercises, focus on full
Weeks 1 and 3 range of motion and controlling both concentric and eccentric → ROM + control > weight
• Single leg, Leg Press – 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 (Good controlled tempo + depth) – 4 min RI Weeks 1 and 3
• Walking lunges holding weight (preferably barbell on back) – 3 sets, 8 steps • Machine wide grip lat pulldowns – 13, 11, 9
1 2
• Cable rows – 11, 10, 9, 8
each leg (4 sets week 3)
• Machine (preferably) underhand lat pulldowns – 12, 10/dropset
• Laying hamstring curls – 12, 10/dropset • Single arm rear delt cable fly (neutral grip) – 11, 10, 9, 8
• Glute abductor machine (big forward lean) – 13, 12, 11, 10/dropset • Rear delt rope goal posts (pull from eye level) – 14, 12/dropset
• 45-degree glute hypers – 2 sets AMRAP (holding weight, dropset last set into • Hanging ab leg raises – 3 sets AMRAP
bodyweight glute hypers) • Machine lower back hypers – 11, 10, 9, 8/dropset
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3) • Decline sit ups – opposite elbow to knee crunches
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)

Weeks 2 and 4 Weeks 2 and 4

• Assisted pull ups – 4 sets, 15-10 rep range
• Quad Extensions – 13, 10, 9 • Bent over barbell rows – 13, 12, 11, 10
• Laying leg curl – 13, 10, 9 • V bar lat pulldowns – 13, 9/dropset
• Single Leg, Leg Press – 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 – 4 min RI • Single arm rear delt cable fly (pronated/overhand grip) – 11, 10, 9, 8
• Straight leg deads – 12, 10, 8 • Rear delt goal posts (pull rope from highest cable level) – 14, 12/dropset
• Glute abductor machine – 15, 13, 11, 9/dropset • Decline sit ups – 3 sets AMRAP
• 45-degree glute hypers – 1 set AMRAP (holding weight, dropset last set into • Feet tucked in holding weight lower back focused extensions – 4 sets AMRAP (should be
around 12ish reps), again controlled tempo
bodyweight glute hypers) • Hanging leg raises alternating oblique focus – 2 sets AMRAP
• 3 min jog week 1 (4 min jog week 4) • 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 4)

Arms, Calves, Forearms A
Chest, Anterior Delt, Lateral Delt, Traps
Y Weeks 1 and 3 Y Weeks 1 and 3
• Barbell preacher curls – 11, 10, 9 • Smith machine incline bench press (can also do barbell) – 13, 11, 9, 7, 5
3 • Triceps rope pulldowns – 12, 11, 10
• Incline bench leaning back dumbbell 2 arm hammer curls – 12, 11, 10
4 • Machine chest flies – 15, 13, 11, 8/dropset
• Barbell nosebreakers – 12, 11, 10 • Barbell wide grip upright rows – 12, 10, 8
• Seated concentration curls dumbbell – 10, 9, 8 (good ½ second squeeze top of each rep) • Cable lateral raises pull from behind legs – 13, 12, 11, 10
(do negatives on weak biceps on last set – use other hand to help raise weight up, you control weight • Single arm db thumb up front raise – 13, 12, 11/dropset weak delt
• Underhand single arm triceps cable kickbacks – 11, 10, 9/dropset weak triceps • Smith Machine Behind the back shrugs – 13, 9, 8, 7/mechanical dropset → turn
• Horizontal calf raise – 12, 11, 10, 9, 8/dropset around and do shrugs facing the bar
• Arms by side hold dumbbells with neutral grip wrist curl, superset with overhand wrist curls – • Rest pause set db lateral raises
3 sets AMRAP each (30 second RI) … see photos
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)
• Elbows planted to remain stationary dumbbell forearm wrist curl – 3 sets AMRAP (40 second
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3) Weeks 2 and 4
• Smith machine incline bench press (can also do barbell) – 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
Weeks 2 and 4 • Machine chest flies –10, 9, 8, 7/dropset
• Barbell biceps curls– 12, 9, 8
• Cable lateral raises pull from in front of legs – 13, 12, 11, 10
• Plate loaded or bodyweight dips – 14, 12, 10, 8
• Single arm elbow planted on preacher curl – 11, 10, 9 • Cable upright rows with straight bar – 12, 11, 10/dropset
• Single arm overhead cable triceps extension – 12, 11, 10 (each arm) • Barbell shrugs – 12, 10, 8, 6/dropset
keep elbow in closer to ear • Single arm db front raise – 13, 12, 11/dropset weak delt
• 2 arm dumbbell hammer curls – 10/dropset
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)
• Underhand single arm triceps extensions – 11, 9/dropset weak triceps only
• Standing calf raises – 13, 12, 11, 10, 9/dropset
• Arms by side hold dumbbells with neutral grip wrist curl, superset with overhand wrist curls –
3 sets AMRAP each (30 second RI) … see photos
• Elbows planted to remain stationary dumbbell forearm wrist curl – 3 sets AMRAP (40 second
• 2 min jog week 2 (3 min jog week 4)
Legs A
Back, Rear Delt, Abs 2:30 - 3 min RI on back exercises
Pay attention to range of motion on extensions and curls, also make sure toes are Weeks 1 and 3
forward. This is a simply every set grind workout… • V bar lat pulldowns – 12, 11, 10
5 Weeks 1 and 3 • Single arm db row (windpipe level pull) – 10, 9, 8, 7
• Lat pulldowns – 13, 11/dropset
• Squats – 10, 8, 6, 5 (5 min RI)
• Incline bench rear delt raise db (pronated/overhand grip) – 13, 12, 11, 10
• Seated hamstring curls – 11, 10, 9, 8/dropset • Hanging ab leg raises – 2 sets AMRAP
• Quad extensions – 11, 10, 9, 8/dropset • Rear delt machine flies – 12, 8/dropset
• Glute Machine abductors – 14, 10, 8, 7/dropset (90 second RI) • Decline sit ups – 2 sets AMRAP
• 45-degree glute hypers – 2 sets AMRAP (holding weight, dropset last set into • Feet tucked in lower back hypers holding weight – 3 sets 15-10 rep range (4 sets week 3)
bodyweight glute hypers) • Ab floor work – bike kicks slowwww 1 set AMRAP
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)
Weeks 2 and 4 Weeks 2 and 4
• Squats – 8, 7, 6, 5 (5 min RI) • Lat pulldowns – 12, 11, 10, 9
• Seated hamstring curls – 12, 10/dropset • Underhand barbell rows – 12, 10, 9, 8
• Smith machine reverse lunges – 10, 8, 7 • eZ bar lat pushdowns – 15, 11/dropset
• Glute abductor machine – 15, 13, 11, 9/dropset • Bent over seated rear delt flies (overhand grip) – 13, 11, 9, 8
• Quad extensions – 10/dropset • Hanging ab leg raises – 2 sets AMRAP
• 2 arm cable rear delt flies (neutral grip) – 12, 10, 9/dropset
• 45-degree glute hypers – 1 set AMRAP (holding weight, dropset last set into
• Decline bench sit ups – 3 sets AMRAP
bodyweight glute hypers)
• Feet tucked in lower back hypers holding weight – 2 sets 15-10 rep range (3 sets week 3)
• 1 set v ups on ground AMRAP
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)
A Arms, Calves, Forearms A Chest, Anterior Delt, Lateral Delt
Y Weeks 1 and 3 Y 90-120 second RI on delt raises
• Preacher curl machine – 10, 7, 6 Weeks 1 and 3
7 • eZ bar triceps pushdowns – 13, 10, 8 8 • Barbell flat bench – 8, 7, 6, 5 (4 RI after first set, 5 min RI after second set)
• Wide grip barbell curls – 10, 9, 8 • Cable chest flies – 15, 12, 10, 8/dropset
• Overhead triceps db extensions – 11, 10, 9 • Db lateral raises – 4 sets, 14-8 rep range (5 sets week 3)
• Superman biceps cable curls – 13, 12, 11/dropset weak arm • Plate loaded machine shoulder press – 10, 8, 7, 6
• Triceps rope extensions – 12, 11, 10/dropset • Single arm lateral raise cable pull from behind leg – 12, 10
• Standing calf raises – 16, 14, 12, 10, 8/dropset • Barbell front raises close grip (raise to eye level) – 13, 10/dropset
• Forearm cable wrist curls – 4 sets, 15-10 rep range, 40 second RI • Dumbbell shrugs – 14, 13, 12, 11 (60 second RI)
• Arms by side hold dumbbells with neutral grip wrist curl, superset with overhand wrist curls – • 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3)
3 sets AMRAP each (30 second RI) … see photos
• 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 3) Weeks 2 and 4
• Barbell flat bench – 10, 9, 8, 7 (4 min RI, 5 min before last set)
Weeks 2 and 4 • Cable face down chest flies – 14, 13, 12, 11, 10/dropset
• Standing alternating arm db biceps curls – 9, 8, 7 (each arm) • Machine shoulder press (pick fav machine) – 13, 11, 9, 7
• Bodyweight dips (or dip machine) – 4 sets AMRAP each • Seated db lateral raises – 4 sets, 13-8 rep range
• Single arm preacher curl db – 10, 9, 8 • Cable straight bar front raises – 14, 13, 12, 11
• Barbell or eZ bar triceps nosebreakers – 13, 12, 11, 10 • Single arm lateral raise cable pull from behind leg – 11, 8/dropset weak delt
• Reverse grip barbell biceps curls – 12, 10/dropset • Single arm cable front raise – 10, 9/dropset weak delt
• Single arm db overhead triceps extensions – 11, 9/dropset weak arm • 2 min jog week 1 (3 min jog week 4)
• Standing calf raise – 12, 11, 10, 9, 8/dropset
• Forearm cable wrist curls – 4 sets, 15-10 rep range, 40 second RI
• Arms by side hold dumbbells with neutral grip wrist curl, superset with overhand wrist curls –
3 sets AMRAP each (30 second RI) … see photos
• 2 min jog week 2 (3 min jog week 4)
Meso 1 – Food
• Meal Timing – Times don’t have to be exact; they are listed as examples based on your schedule but try to get large
protein feedings in every 3 hours
• Everything is listed in grams
• All foods besides oats are cooked
• I highly recommend G hughs sauces for low calorie flavor, especially stir fries!
• Cook all foods in PAM, add oil after cooking if specified oil is added
• Lean meat = chicken, white fish, beef, turkey, anything above 93% lean.
Training Day
7am-ish – 160g lean meat, 200g rice, 150g veggies of choice
Substitute options
• Protein: 290g liquid egg whites (veggies if you’d like), 160g any lean meat of choice
Can always put veggies in eggs – as many as you’d like.
• Carbs: 200 calories worth of bread + jelly or honey, 250g sweet potato, 200g pasta, 40g oats + 1 small apple

10am-ish – 160g lean meat, 200g rice, 150g veggies of choice

Substitute options
• Protein: 290g liquid egg whites (veggies if you’d like), 160g any lean meat of choice
Can always put veggies in eggs – as many as you’d like.
• Carbs: 200 calories worth of bread + jelly or honey, 250g sweet potato, 200g pasta, 40g oats + 1 small apple
Substitute meals
• Smoothie – 150g liquid egg whites, 20g whey, 50g oats, 10g honey
• 170g deli meat, 30g snack sized rice cakes, 20g nuts of choice

1pm-ish – 160g lean meat, 200g rice, 150g veggies of choice

Substitute options
• Protein: 290g liquid egg whites (veggies if you’d like), 160g any lean meat of choice
Can always put veggies in eggs – as many as you’d like.
• Carbs: 200 calories worth of bread + jelly or honey, 250g sweet potato, 200g pasta, 40g oats + 160g fruit of
Substitute meals
• Smoothie – 150g liquid egg whites, 20g whey, 50g oats, 10g honey
• 170g deli meat, 30g snack sized rice cakes, 20g nuts of choice

4pm-ish – 160g lean meat, 200g rice, 150g veggies of choice, 10g oil of choice
Substitute options
• Protein: 290g liquid egg whites (veggies if you’d like), 160g any lean meat of choice
Can always put veggies in eggs – as many as you’d like.
• Carbs: 200 calories worth of bread + jelly or honey, 250g sweet potato, 200g pasta, 40g oats + 160g fruit of
• Fats: 15g nut or nut butter, 60g avocado
Substitute meals
• Smoothie – 150g liquid egg whites, 20g whey, 50g oats, 10g honey, 10g flax seed oil
• 170g deli meat, 45g snack sized rice cakes, 25g nuts of choice

TRAIN – Intraworkout Gatorade combo: 100g regular Gatorade, 200-250g G2 low sugar Gatorade

7pm-ish (ASAP Post Workout) – Smoothie: 30g whey protein, 150g egg whites, 10g honey, 5g creatine

Snack 8ish – 50g cereal of choice, almond milk, 1 bagel with jelly and/or honey (or whipped cream cheese), 150g

Before Bed – 160g steak, 15g oil of choice, 150g veggies of choice, 2 slices of bread, 30g peanut butter, jelly
Steaks: top round, sirloin, flank, filet
Substitute meals
• 160g salmon, 150g veggies of choice, 30g nut or nut butter of choice, 2 slices of bread, 30g peanut butter and
jelly (not a typo, this meal is nut butter filled lol)
• 5 eggs, can add veggies to eggs, 2 slices of bread, 30g peanut butter, jelly
Alternative Swaps
• Can swap peanut butter and jelly sandwich for 50g oats, 30g nut butter, 1 large apple, cinnamon, salt, walden
farms caramel syrups
• Can swap peanut butter and jelly sandwich for 1 bagel with 40g total nut butter (reduce oil by 5g or nut/nut
butter by 10g if having salmon option)
• 30g nut or nut butter = 120g avocado
For all before bed meals - Multivitamin, 2-3 fish oil pills take here with high fat meal (helps with absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins), can also take sleep aids, possibly calcium and iron pills if your physician wishes

3740 calories = 269 pro / 506 carb / 80 fat

My whey preference is dymatize, they also have hydrolyzed version for lactose intolerance.

G hughs sauces and other low calorie sauces are optional for all meals.
Some advanced measurements we can take if we start recomping. Let’s see where weight is going/or what’s changing
and staying the same.

Weight Waist at Left Glutes/widest Left Arm Chest Waist at Left Calorie
(lb) belly Quad point in hips (inches) (inches) narrowest Calf intake
button (inches) (inches) point
(inches) (inches)
Baseline 180 3740
First 2
Week 4
(end of
End of
Meso 2
End of
Meso 3
End of
Meso 4
End of
Meso 5
End of
Meso 6
End of
Meso 7

Baseline – 180 lbs – calories ?

Consistent 167 lbs on 3167 calories

Meso 1 start…
Training Day = 3740 calories = 269 pro / 506 carb / 80 fat

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