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Roger Santiago Moyano Pava and Cristopher Sanabria Messa

El Cuero 01 Topic introduction

Topics to 02 concepts

03 General objetive

04 Where is it going to be

about 05 Reinforcement activity

Leather is a by-product of meat, it can
be used to make handbags, shoes,
hats, etc.
this resource should not be wasted
since it can represent a profit and
avoids its waste.
Theme concept
Concept 1
There are two types of vegetable leather that
is made with vegetable products such as tree
sap or urine with high levels of ammonia and
the second is chrome tanning, this is made by
immersing the leather in a mixture with
chrome content. to tan it and prevent it from
—concept 2
Vegetable tanning is not only limited to killing
animals and taking advantage of them while they
are dead, you also have to take care of them
while they are alive, for example, take care of
them from insects that bite them and reduce the
quality of the leather.
and a very good repellent for insects is the ash
from the wood stove.
General Objetive
o decrease
the cost

o compete with the

national market
o agricultural
o produce diversification
excellent quality
The tanning in the valsalice school will
be an environmentally friendly
vegetable tanning, the urine can be
extracted from the Rabbits and it is
possible to store it.
This tanning is the highest paid and of
better quality than chrome tanning.

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Thanks you

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