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GROUPE SCOLAIRE ZALAGH Maternelle – Primaire - Collège

‫الموسم الدر ي‬ ‫المحل الموحد‬
‫ي‬ ‫االمتحان‬
2023/2022 ‫للسنة الثالثة ثانوي‬ ‫مجموعة مدارس زالغ‬
2023 ‫دورة يناير‬ ‫إعدادي‬ ‫نيابة فاس‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫مدة اإلنجاز‬ ‫ز‬
‫اإلنجليية‬ : ‫مادة‬

Full Name: ……………………………………………………. Mark: Remark:

Class: ………………………………………………………………

Many countries around the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a

day that is meant to raise awareness and appreciation about
the Earth's natural environment.

The first Earth Day was held in the USA. It was founded by
United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental
teach-in - a sort of general educational forum or seminar. That
was on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on
the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes,
who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it
international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.
Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day
Network, and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every
year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire
week of activities focused on environmental issues. In 2009, the
United Nations designated April 22 International Mother
GROUPE SCOLAIRE ZALAGH Maternelle – Primaire - Collège

I. COMPREHENSION: (7 points)
A. Underline the most suitable title for the text (1 point)

1) Environment
2) Earth day
3) Education
4) Technology

B. Are these statements true or false? If false Justify (4 point)

1) The first Earth day was celebrated around the world.


2) The celebration became international thanks to Senator Gaylord Nelson.


3) A few countries celebrate the day


4) The day is now coordinated by the earth Day Network at the international


C. Find the opposite of these adjectives in the text. (2 point)

National ≠ ………………….. Father ≠ …………………..

Mr. Mohammed English

GROUPE SCOLAIRE ZALAGH Maternelle – Primaire - Collège

II. GRAMMAR (7 points)

A. Use Present simple or Present continuous (2 points)

1. I .................................. Moroccan food. (like)

2. My uncle ........................... every weekend. (travel)

3. She ....................................... her time at the moment. (enjoy)

4. He .................................... his favorite dish now. (eat)

B. Choose the right verb “gerund or infinitive” (3points)

1) I have to avoid …………………. sugar. (eat/eating)

2) They have discussed……………….. a new car. (buy/buying)

3) My friend will enjoy………………….. this book. (read/reading)

C. Fill in the table with 2 infinitives and 2 gerunds (2points)

Infinitive Gerund

D. Writing (6 points)
Write a paragraph about your leisure activities.

• The name of the activity?

• Where and when do you practice
• With who do you enjoy practicing it?
• Why do you like it?
GROUPE SCOLAIRE ZALAGH Maternelle – Primaire - Collège


















Mr. Mohammed BADROUSS English

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