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Submitted Institute Data for National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF)

InstituteID :NIRF-MGMT-1-2450590646 (Management)



Considered Faculty Details

No of Visiting Faculty No of Visiting Faculty No of Faculty with Phd Teaching Experience of Industry Experience of
No of Regular Faculty No of PhD Faculty No of Women Faculty
For 1 Semester For 2 Semester And MBA Qualification Regular Faculty (In Yrs) Regular Faculty (In Yrs)

18 0 0 13 18 192.17 48.50 12

Student Details

Socially Challenged
No. of student admitted No. of student admitted No. of Male student of No. of Female student
Total student of all and Economically
Academic-Year Program Level Approved Intake in 1st year from outside in 1st year from outside all years for all of all years for all
years for all programs Backward of all years
state country programs programs
for all programs

2012-13 Ex.PG (1yr) 0 0 0 0

2013-14 Ex.PG (1yr) 0 0 0 0

2014-15 Ex.PG (1yr) 0 0 0 0

2012-13 PG 120 73 0 52 44 96 0

2013-14 PG 120 73 0 56 46 102 0

2014-15 PG 120 75 0 60 36 96 0

2012-13 Ph.D. 0 0 0 0

2013-14 Ph.D. 0 0 0 0

2014-15 Ph.D. 0 0 0 0

Facilities Summaries

Annual Expenses of Annual Expenses of

Annual Expenditure on Annual Expenditure on No. of Women Members
Library On Physical Library On e-Resources: Total outdoor sports area Total indoor sports area
Financial-Year sports facilities (Rs. In Extra Curricular of eminence as Institute
Resources: Books & e-Journals, e-books, etc. (in Sq. Mtrs.) (in Sq. Mtrs.)
Lakhs) activities(Rs. In Lakhs) Head/Governing Board
Journals (Rs. in Lakhs) (Rs. in Lakhs)

2012-13 3.38 2.10 10491.60 1167.58 1.20 1.55 0

2013-14 3.18 4.09 10491.60 1167.58 1.54 0.40 0

2014-15 2.99 2.77 10491.60 1167.58 1.39 0.36 0

Student Events

Academic-Year Total no. of student secured top positions in events

2012-13 1

2013-14 4

2014-15 2

Publication Details

Total No. of Publication with oustide

Academic-Year Title Total No. of Publication reported Total No. of Citations reported

2012 FT45 0 0

2013 FT45 0 0

2014 FT45 0 0 0

2012-2014 Indian citation Index 0 0

2012 Scpous 0 0

2013 Scpous 0 0

2014 Scpous 1 4 1

Perception Details

Public Perception Peer Perception

2 1

Consultancy Project Details

Financial-Year Amount (Rs. In Lakhs)

2014-15 5.50

Graduation Outcome

Academic-Year Total Student placed in Campus Placement Annual Average Salary (In Rs.)

2012-13 108 285000.00

2013-14 104 346000.00

2014-15 102 353000.00

Student Enterpreneurship

Academic-Year No of Enterpreneurs Produced Over Previous 10 Years No of graduated student passed out over previous 10 years

2015 0 1036
Physical Facilties

Do your buildings have Do you have braille lab/special

Do your buildings have Do you have provision for Do you have special facilities
Academic-Year Do your buildings have lifts? specially designed toilets for lab for blind/handicapped
ramps? walking aids? for blind student?
handicapped student? student?

Buildings does not have more In Less than or equal to 50%

2015 Less than or equal to 50% Yes Yes Yes
than 3 floors Buildings

Responsibility for the accuracy and authenticity of the data lies with the concerned institution.

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