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Southern Philippines College

Julio Pacana Street, Licuan Cagayan de Oro City

Values Education
Semi-Final Examination

Name: JIRO DOMINIC XAVIER S. LOBATON Permit No.___________

Test I. Explain briefly:

1. Felonies – A crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a
misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by

2. Murder – The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

3. Homicide - The deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another

4. Adultery – Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is
not his or her spouse.

5. Rape –  An act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force

6. Contract – A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment,

sales, or tenancy that is intended to be enforceable by law.

7. Common Carrier – A person or company that transports goods or passengers on regular

routes at set rates

8. Compromise – An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side

making concessions.

9. Crime – An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the
state and is punishable by law.

10. Social Justice – Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic,
political and social rights and opportunities

11. Bill of Rights – A formal declaration of the legal and civil rights of the citizens of any
state, country, federation, etc.
12. Miranda Warning – a statement telling an arrested person about his or her Miranda
rights (the legal rights to have an attorney and to refuse to answer questions)

13. Warrant of Arrest – Means a process of a court, directing a peace officer to arrest a
defendant and to bring the defendant be- fore the court for the purpose of arraignment
upon an accusatory instrument filed there- with by which a criminal action against the
defendant has been commenced.

14. Search Warrant – A legal document authorizing a police officer or other official to enter
and search premises.

15. Equipoise Rule – The equipoise rule provides that where the evidence in a criminal case
is evenly balanced, the constitutional, presumption of innocence tilts the scales in favor
of the accused.

Test II. Write your NAME if the statement is TRUE and write your FAMILY NAME if the
statement is FALSE.
1. The basis of criminal law is the Moral Law. - JIRO
2. What is ethical is legal although the latter is not necessarily ethical. -LOBATON
3. Rape is sexual intercourse against the will of the victim. - LOBATON
4. The offender party in simple seduction is over 12 but less than 18 and not necessarily
without sexual experience. - JIRO
5. Murder is killing the victim without the opportunity to defend himself.- JIRO
6. In infanticide, the victim must be a child less than 3 days old regardless of relationship. –
7. In parricide, relationship is a determining factor whether legitimate or illegitimate. - JIRO
8. Every sexual act is every adulterous act.- JIRO
9. Attempted of frustrated homicide is distinguished from physical injuries by intent to kill. -
10. A man can only be guilty of adultery if he knew the woman to be married. - JIRO
11. We encourage party litigants to reach a fair compromise.- JIRO
12. Social Justice is favoring the poor in terms of legislation and the application of the same.
13. Common carrier is required to exercise extraordinary diligence in the performance of
duty. -JIRO
14. He who is obligated to deliver something is obliged to deliver its accessions and
accessories even though not mentioned. - JIRO
15. Parties may stipulate anything in the contract provided the same is not contrary to law,
moral, public order and public policy. - JIRO
16. He who damage to another shall be liable to the latter for indemnity/compensation.-
17. Parents/Guardians are civilly liable for damage caused by their minor children or ward
that are living in their company.- JIRO
18. No one shall be responsible for unforeseen event or though foreseen is inevitable. -JIRO
19. One is guilty for quasi delict if he caused damage to another, there being fault or
negligence.- JIRO
20. Negligence is failure to exercise the required diligence.- JIRO
21. Bill of Rights is the limitation of the otherwise unlimited power of the Government.-
22. Bill of Rights is inviolable. - LOBATON
23. Freedom of Religion means the government cannot create or favor any religion.-
24. Freedom of Speech cannot be abridged.- JIRO
25. LGU’s power is regulatory and not prohibitory when it comes to Freedom of Assembly.-
26. Equal protection clause allows different treatment between the poor and rich sector.-
27. Miranda warning is otherwise known as custodial investigation.-LOBATON
28. Search warrant is only good for ten (10) days.-JIRO
29. Warrant of Arrest is good until the accused is arrested.-LOBATON
30. Freedom of Abode and to travel is limited only upon order of the court or by Police
Power of the state. - JIRO

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