GAD Financial Powers

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(AFFILIATED TO AIPNBOF / AIBOA / HSC) Central Office: FLAT NO. 01, PHONE: 0172- 2551890; GH-25, SECTOR-20, PANCHKULA.



Mobile: 9216566990


(Reference: GAD Circular No. 03/2008 dated 29.04.2008)

The Discretionary Financial Powers pertaining to GAD matters were last revised and circulated vide GAD circular no. 07/2007 dated 22.09.2007. Similarly, capital expenditure powers for building & construction matters to be exercised by Zonal Offices, were last circulated vide GAD circular no. 12/2004 dated 22.09.2004 and powers for furnishing & renovation works were last circulated vide GAD Internal Circular no. 06/2005 dated 09.04.2005. In view of re-structuring of the Bank, necessary amendments have been made in the "Financial Powers for GAD related matters" as per the consolidated Power Chart enclosed as per Annexure A, B and C respectively. C.O. means Circle Office, which will be Controlling Office for Branch Offices falling under its jurisdiction. Offices other than Circle Offices, like CSC, RSC, IT Centre, ZAO, ZTC, ZSC and FEO have been termed as other offices in this circular. Further, CMD / ED are authorized to add / delete any office under this category. It may be noted that Circle Offices will act as nodal agency for providing residential furniture for all offices working in the circle. Powers be exercised as per Grade/Scale of an officer and not as per category of Branch/Office. All concerned are advised that the powers be exercised strictly as per the guidelines in Annexure I, II & III of the Power Chart A as well as instructions annexed with Power Charts B & C and other instructions issued in this regard from time to time, wherever applicable. It is reiterated that powers be exercised judiciously and avoidable expenditure should be controlled while exercising financial powers under various heads.

Encl: Power Charts as per Annexure A, B & C

Incumbent In-charge of Branch Small Medium Large VLB C.M. HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office AGM HO, GAD/CO/ Other Office & # ELB/ # MCB Scale V 8 DGM HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office & # LCB Scale VI 9 (Rs. in 000s) ED CMD GM HO, GAD/ CO/ Other Office Scale VII 10 11 12

Sr. No.


Scale I 1 1. 1.1 2 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Additions/Alterations to Banks Own Buildings (Powers to be exercised only by Circle Heads, Incumbents of Other Offices and GAD Officials at Head Office) a) For Office Buildings # b) For Residential Buildings # 1. 2 Purchase of SFF for Office Use (Other than Computers and Related Items for which ITD: HO Guidelines shall be applicable) Disposal of SFF Items at Original Cost as per Bank Rules 3

Scale II 4

Scale III 5

Scale IV 6

Scale IV 7

Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) 30 (30) 10 (10)

Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) 50 (50) 25 (25) 10 (10) Nil (Nil)

Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) 100 (100) 50 (50) 15 (15) Nil (Nil)

Nil (75) Nil (30) 300 (300) 100 (100) 50 (50) Nil (100)

100 (75) 50 (30) 400 (300) 100 (100) 50 (50) 500 (100)

200 (100) 70 (50) 800 (500) 200 (200) 100 (100) 1000 (150)

300 (250) 100 (100) 1200 (1000) 400 (400) Full (200) Full (Full)

1000 (1000) 400 (400) 2000 (2000) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full)

3000 (3000) 900 (900) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full)

8000 (8000) 2400 (2400) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full)


1. 4

Write Off - SFF at Original Cost as per Bank Rules

5 (5)

1. 5

Disposal of Banks Vehicles at Original Cost as per Bank Rules

Nil (Nil)

# Capital Powers for Additions/Alterations to Banks Own Buildings (Sub Head 1.1) not to be exercised by ELB/MCB/LCB NOTE: Figures given in bracket denotes previous powers PLEASE REFER TO GUIDELINES AT ANNEXURE I, II & III

(Rs. in 000s) Sr. No. NATURE OF FACILITY Incumbent In-charge of Branch Office Small Medium Large VLB C.M. HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office AGM HO, GAD/CO/ Other Office & ELB/ MCB Scale V 8 DGM HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office & LCB Scale VI 9 GM HO, GAD/ CO/ Other Office Scale VII 10 11 12 ED CMD

Scale I 1 2. 2.1 a) b) c) d) 2 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Additions, Alterations & including white washing etc. For Owned Office Buildings For Owned Residential Buildings $ For Rented Office Premises For Rented Residential Premises $ Repairs to SFF (Office Use) Repairs 20 (15) Nil (Nil) 15 (10) Nil (Nil) 25 (15) 2.3 Tender/Advertisement Expenses for GAD Matters PER REFERENCE Nil (Nil) 3

Scale II 4

Scale III 5

Scale IV 6

Scale IV 7

30 (25) Nil (Nil) 25 (20) Nil (Nil) 35 (25) Nil (Nil)

50 (30) Nil (Nil) 35 (30) Nil (Nil) 50 (40) Nil (Nil)

150 (150) 50 (100) 100 (100) 10 (10) 100 (100) Nil (20)

200 (150) 50 (100) 100 (100) 10 (10) 150 (100) 40 (20)

400 (250) 50 (150) 200 (200) 20 (20) 200 (150) 40 (20)

600 (500) 100 (200) 300 (300) 100 (100) 300 (200) 60 (40)

1500 (1500) 300 (500) 500 (500) 150 (150) 500 (500) Full (Full)

Full (Full) Full (Full) 1000 (1000) 250 (250) Full (Full) Full (Full)

Full (Full) Full (Full) 2000 (2000) 500 (500) Full (Full) Full (Full)


$ Revenue Powers under Sub Head 2.1 b) & 2.1 d) not to be exercised for self occupied residences.
NOTE: Figures given in bracket denotes previous powers PLEASE REFER TO GUIDELINES AT ANNEXURE I, II & III.

(Rs. in 000s) Sr. No. NATURE OF FACILITY Incumbent In-charge of Branch Office Small Medium Large VLB C.M. HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office AGM HO, GAD/CO/ Other Office & ELB/ MCB Scale V 8 DGM HO,GAD/ CO/ Other Office & LCB Scale VI 9 GM HO, GAD/ CO/ Other Office Scale VII 10 11 12 ED CMD

Scale I 1 2.4 2 *Repairs and Servicing including replacement of tyres, batteries and other parts etc. of banks vehicles - 4 wheelers (PER VEHICLE) - 2 Wheelers/3 wheelers 3

Scale II 4

Scale III 5

Scale IV 6

Scale IV 7

Nil (Nil)

7.5 (7.5)

10 (10)

20 (20)

30 (20)

50 (30)

Full (Full)

Full (Full)

Full (Full)

Full (Full)

3. 3.1

Nil Nil 2 Full Full Full Full Full Full Full (Nil) (Nil) (2) (Full) (Full) (Full) (Full) (Full) (Full) (Full) * Senior officers in Scale IV and above are authorised to carry out repairs and servicing etc. to banks cars allotted to them only upto Rs.2000/- per month, subject to annual ceiling of Rs.20000/-, non-cumulative, from authorized manufacturer service centres and authorised dealers. For repairs beyond Rs.2000/- p.m. or Rs.20000/- p.a., Chief Manager C.O. & above in field and Chief Manager GADH.O. & above for H.O./Other Offices will be the competent authority. However, in case of new car such charges shall not be admissible during the period of free service provided by manufacturer. Telephone, FAX & Other Communication Equipments Sanction for installation of telephone lines (per office) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Up to 3 Lines (Up to 5 Lines) 1 Line (1 Line) Up to 5 Lines (Up to 5 Lines) 2 Lines (2 Lines) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full) Full (Full)


Sanction for installation EPABX (per office)



Nil (Nil)

NOTE: Figures given in bracket denotes previous powers PLEASE REFER TO GUIDELINES AT ANNEXURE I, II & III.



Incumbents/ Heads of all categories of offices shall exercise full powers in the following matters for their own offices. However, in case of branches/ offices headed by Scale-IV and above, the officers delegated with powers in terms of Para 6 of Annexure II, may also exercise full powers in the following matters. These powers shall be exercised in terms of guidelines and monetary limits prescribed by HO from time to time. I. II. III. IV. V. Electricity, water charges for office use. Transportation charges on SFF/stationery for office use. Municipal and other taxes for offices. Actual remitting charges for cash remittances. Purchase of petrol/diesel, all lubricants etc., for Banks vehicles and Generator Sets for permitted official use only.

VI. GAD, H.O. is taking Master Policy for the bank as a whole every year, for insurance of bank's fixed assets. However, Circle Heads, Incumbents of Other Offices and Divisional Heads of H.O. have full powers for insurance of assets which are not covered in Bank's Master Insurance Policy i.e. Vehicles, bicycles, Stationery in Hand and Stock & in transit. VII. Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs) for up keeping, sanitary/plumbing, carpentry, electrical, pest control, gardening etc. at competitive market rates. Further, in case of Aqua guard provided at the residence of the officers, Chief Managers and above in H.O./C.O./Other Offices have full powers for reimbursement of AMC charges. However, for computers/computer related items, powers detailed in IT circular in this regard will be applicable. VIII. Purchase of bicycles for office use. IX. Payment of bills relating Telephone, Internet, FAX, Telex, PABX, EPABX etc. for office only. X. Security Deposit and Other Amounts to be paid to State Govt./ Electricity Boards/ Jal Boards/ Municipal Bodies and Other Local Bodies etc. for getting electric/ water/ sewage connections etc for banks own buildings. 2. Circle Heads / Incumbents of Other Offices/Divisional Heads of H.O. have full powers for sanctioning Generator on rent for permitted official use, to offices falling under their control. 3. Chief ManagersHO, GAD / C.O. and above have full powers for purchase/installation of lockers cabinets, currency chest equipments. 4. Circle Head shall have full powers for purchase of Vehicles for their offices and eligible officers under their control, within prescribed limits and laid down guidelines. GM-GAD will be the competent authority for all other cases including purchase of cars for the use of Circle Heads. 5. Chief Manager (GAD) and above have full powers for payment of architects/contractors bills/refund of security deposits/advances/ ad-hoc payment in terms of approved contract.

6. GM, IT Division, GM, I&A Division and GM, PS&LB Division shall exercise both Capital & Revenue powers to the extent vested by virtue of their scales in respect of HO Buildings at Sansad Marg, Rajendra Bhawan and Atmaram House respectively. Further, in order to carry out GAD functions at Sansad Marg, Rajendra Bhawan and Atmaram House buildings, the capital and revenue expenditure powers are accordingly delegated to DGM/AGM, IT Division, Inspection & Audit Division and PS&LB Division respectively, up to the extent of their vested powers in terms of the existing GAD financial power structure to reduce the number of references to the GM, I&A Division, GM, IT Division and GM, PS & LB Division respectively. However, all such expenditure sanctioned within AGM/DGM (IT Division, Inspection & Audit Division and PS & LB Division) powers be placed before the respective GMs on monthly basis. Similarly, expenditures sanctioned under powers of GM (IT, I & A and PS & LB Divisions) be put up to ED on monthly basis. Proper records be maintained for booking/capitalizing all such items at their offices. 7. CMD/ED are authorised to delegate financial powers for GAD related matters to GM/DGM/AGM for specific building occupied by H.O. Divisions, as per existing power chart duly approved by the Board. 8. CMD/ED be authorized to permit various divisions to exercise due diligence for approving technical specifications, initiate tendering process technical/financial, to approve various equipments to be used in day-to-day working of the Bank as per prevailing IBA/RBI/GOI/CVC/Banks guidelines and to approve them for Banks use. 9. CMD/ED are authorized to add/delete any office under the category of other offices. 10. Sanctioning Authority for allowing Telephone/ Reimbursement of Telephone Expenses at the residence of officers up to Scale-III will be as under: a. Head Office / Other Offices : GM (GAD) b. Branches/ Circle Offices : Circle Head 11. Circle Heads / Incumbents of Other Offices shall sanction residential lease accommodation, purchase of residential furniture for officers including incumbents working under their control as well as for inspecting officials posted in their respective Circle Offices on the recommendations of I & A Division HO/Zonal Audit Offices within laid down limits and guidelines. However, Incumbents of branches in Scale-IV and above may exercise the said powers for officers working under them. 12. At Head Office Chief Manager-GAD and above are authorized to sanction purchase of residential furniture for officers working in various HO Divisions within their entitlement. 13. The Circle Heads / Incumbent of Other Offices may take residential accommodation and residential furniture for themselves within their entitlements and prescribed limits as per bank rules. In case the residential accommodation is not available within their entitlements the matter may be referred to GAD: HO. 14. For repair of residential SFF the sanctioning authority and Divisional Heads at HO shall exercise full powers within stipulated limits and guidelines. 15. In case of Sale of Banks Own Immovable Properties, the matter shall be referred to GAD: HO with specific recommendations of the concerned Circle Heads / Incumbents of Other Offices for placing the same before the Board.

ANNEXURE II GUIDELINES FOR EXERCISING FINANCIAL POWERS 1. C.O. means Circle Office, which will be Controlling Office for Branch Offices falling under its jurisdiction. Offices other than Circle Offices, like CSC, RSC, IT Centre, ZAO, ZTC, ZSC and FEO have been termed as other offices in this circular. Further, CMD / ED are authorized to add / delete any office under this category. 2. The financial powers shall be exercised by all officers on per annum basis only. 3. In exception to above the Circle Heads shall exercise these powers on per annum per unit basis under their control (i.e. per office/residence/vehicle etc.). However for their own offices the powers shall be exercised only on per annum basis. 4. The Capital and Revenue Powers at Head Office shall be exercised by Chief Manager-GAD and above only, except at Printing & Stationery Department, where powers shall be exercised by the incumbent up to the extent vested by virtue of his scales for his office only and the expenditure so incurred will also be booked / capitalized at Printing & Stationery Department. 5. No separate permission is required for debiting the revenue head Loss on Sale of SFF / MCC, in case sale proceeds fall short of book value. For disposal/writing off of furniture items provided at self occupied residence, sanction of the next higher authority should be obtained. 6. Only Incumbents of Other Offices / Branch Offices shall exercise these financial powers. However, in the Other Offices / Branch Offices headed by Scale-IV and above, the incumbents may delegate their vested powers to officers working under their control. Such powers should, however, be exercised within the overall powers of the incumbents of the branch office. In order to keep control on the overall powers so exercised, a register will be maintained which should be verified and signed by the Incumbent/Head periodically. 7. Chief Manager-HO, GAD will exercise the financial powers (capital and revenue) on per reference basis. 8. In case of AGM being Divisional Head of GAD at HO, AGM (GAD) shall exercise the financial powers of revenue as well as capital nature to the extent of powers delegated to DGM (GAD) on per reference basis. 9. Computers and related items in respect of HO Divisions be capitalized/booked at IT Division, HO along with maintenance of records of all such items. 10. Powers be exercised as per Grade/Scale of an officer and not as per category of Branch/Office. ANNEXURE III RATE ANALYSIS The estimates prepared by the Retainer Architect/Technical staff should be justifiable based on the local PWD/CPWD Schedule of Rates or prevailing market rates with proper justification. While scrutiny of tender, awarding of jobs and its subsequent execution in addition to above, the guidelines given in GAD Manual has to be strictly followed.

ANNEXURE B CAPITAL EXPENDITURE POWER CHART FOR BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION MATTERS (ONLY TO BE EXERCISED BY CIRCLE OFFICE OFFICIALS) (Amount in lacs) Sr. No. Nature of Facility Chief Manager Circle Office Scale IV 3 AGM Circle Office Scale V 4 DGM Circle Office Scale VI 5 Circle Office headed by DGM Scale VI 6 General Manager - Circle Office Scale VII 7

1 1.1





2 Purchase of plots/built up accommodation for office/ Residential purpose Recommended by CREC (per reference) a) From Govt/Semi-Govt. Agencies including local Development Authorities. b) From others. Approval of financial sanction for construction work - (per reference). (Budget estimate based on CPWD Plinth Area Rates (PAR) Acceptance of tender for Awarding the job (per reference) (within the financial sanction) and for Termination of the contract) To permit deviation in quantities within 25% of the accepted tender (within the overall financial sanction) per project. To permit deviation in quantities beyond 25% of the accepted tender (within the overall financial sanction) - per project









50 (50) 50 (50) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL)

100 (100) 100 (100) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL)

(Amount in lacs) Sr .No. Nature of Facility Chief Manager Circle Office Scale IV 2 To permit substitution in specifications of the accepted tender (within the overall financial sanction) per project NIL (NIL) 1.2.5 To permit payment to local bodies for sanction/ revalidation of plans etc. including relevant taxes/levies To get certain minor urgent works done or extra items i.e. Items not in the original tender but executed during construction of bank buildings (within the overall financial sanction) per project. To appoint/terminate the services of Architects/ Consultants For bank's building construction project (0.50) (0.50) NIL (NIL) 1.00 (1) NIL (NIL) 2.00 (2) 3 AGM Circle Office Scale V 4 DGM Circle Office Scale VI 5 Circle Office headed by DGM Scale VI 6 FULL (subject to 25% of accepted tender) (FULL subject to 25% of accepted tender) FULL (FULL) FULL (subject to 25% of accepted tender) (FULL subject to 25% of accepted tender) FULL (FULL) General Manager - Circle Office Scale VII 7 FULL (subject to 25% of accepted tender) (FULL subject to 25% of accepted tender) FULL (FULL) FULL (subject to 25% of accepted tender) (FULL subject to 25% of accepted tender) FULL (FULL)

1 1.2.4






NOTE: 1. 2. Circle Offices headed by Assistant General Manager / Chief Manager will not have any power to sanction construction works and as such all cases pertaining to that Circle Office will be dealt at H.O. The cumulative effect on account of all the above mentioned deviations, substitutions and extra items should not be more than 25% of the total accepted tendered value and within the overall powers of financial sanction. However, if due to the justified reasons with which the Circle Office Head is satisfied, he may revise the earlier budget sanction with a ceiling of 25% of earlier approved Budget estimate within the maximum amount delegated in the above power chart. If in any case the above revised sanction also exceeds the above ceiling, the matter should be referred to Head Office. Chief Manager, Circle Office is authorized to accord sanction of detailed estimates within the overall Budget sanction by competent authority. Circle Office Head is competent to make deductions in the specifications and for financial recoveries thereof for any project within the acceptable criteria of Indian standards/CPWD specifications, if any. Circle Office Head is authorized to negotiate the rates with the lowest bidder for award of work. Circle Office Head has full powers for granting extension of time with or without liquidated damages for any project. Powers for administrative approval or for the utilization of land/plots are vested with the same authorities and for the same amount as for approval of financial sanction i.e. point 1.2. The powers to accept technical conditions/clarifications after Part-I of the tender is opened (i.e. without any final implications) may be exercised by CM/AGM/DGM, Circle Office and for other conditions having financial implications, Circle Office Head will have full powers. All technical guidelines on exercising of financial powers as per IBA Construction Work Manual may be strictly followed.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


ANNEXURE C Sr. NO. POWER CHART FOR RENOVATION AND FURNISHING WORKS (Existing powers are given in brackets) (Amount in lakh) CMNature of activity AGMDGMGMHO,GAD/CO E.D. HO,GAD/CO HO,GAD/CO HO,GAD/CO / Other C.M.D. / Other / Other / Other Office & VLB Office & Office & LCB Office ELB/MCB Scale IV Scale V Scale VI Scale VII Acceptance of tender and awarding the job to the tenderer on per reference basis (within the financial sanction of competent authority) and termination of the contract To permit the amount due to deviation in quantities of tendered items within 25% of accepted tender (cumulative basis) each job (within the financial sanction of competent authority) To permit the amount due to deviation in quantities of tendered items beyond 25% of accepted tender (cumulative basis) each job (within the financial sanction of competent authority) To permit amount due to substitution in specifications of accepted tender items (cumulative basis) each job (within the financial sanction of competent authority) To get urgent jobs done / extra items during the renovation and furnishing job (within the overall financial sanction of competent 10.00 (5.00) 30.00 (20.00) 50.00 (40.00) 100.00 (100.00) 200.00 (200.00) Full (FULL) Work More Than 5 Lacs Work Up to 5 Lacs Work More Than 5 Lacs Work Up to 5 Lacs Work More Than 5 Lacs Work Up to 5 Lacs Work More Than 5 Lacs 7% (5%) 15% (10%) 7% (5%) 15% (10%) 5% (3%) 8% (6%) 8% (5%) 15% (10%) 25% (20%) 15% (10%) 25% (20%) 10% (8%) 20% (16%) 15% (8%) 20% (15% 35% (30%) 20% (15%) 35% (30%) 12% (10%) 25% (20%) 20% (10%) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (25) FULL (30) FULL (25) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL) FULL (FULL)






authority) each job (cumulative basis) 1.6 To appoint architects / consultants for renovation / interior jobs and termination of their services

Work Up to 5 Lacs

12% (10%) Nil (Nil)

20% (16%) 20.00 (10.00)

25% (20%) 50.00 (20.00)

FULL (30) 100.00 (50.00)

FULL (FULL) 300.00 (300.00)


Assessed project cost * Of the contract amount

NOTE:1. Chief Manager HO/CO/ Other offices shall be competent to accord the approval of detailed estimate within the overall budget sanctioned by the competent authority. In case detail estimate exceeds from the financial budget sanction, AGM/DGM, HO and circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices shall have full powers to allow inviting tenders. However, revised sanction will be obtained (if the final tender amount exceeds the financial sanction) from the competent authority before award of job. 2. Chief Manager HO/ CO/ Other offices shall be competent to accord the approval of draft tender documents before inviting the tenders. 3. Chief Manager, HO/ CO/Other office shall be competent to accord the approval of specialized agencies such as water proofing treatment, anti-termite treatment etc. / consultants of AC work, lift work, fire fighting work and electrical work etc. engaged by the contractor and consultant architect/Interior Designer respectively in terms of contract agreement. 4. Chief Manager, HO/ CO/Other office shall be competent to make financial recoveries due to change in tender specifications within the acceptable criteria of Bureau of Indian Standards / CPWD specifications, if any. 5. Chief Manager, HO / CO/Other office shall has powers to negotiate the rates with the lowest bidder up to the tender amount of Rs.20 lakh, over and above, AGM/DGM, HO and circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices have powers to negotiate the rates with the lowest bidder before award of the job. 6. AGM/DGM, HO and circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices have full powers for granting extension of time (with or without liquidated damages) for any job. 7. Powers for finalization of scope of job of renovation and furnishing job and other related allied jobs like AC job, electrical job, sanitary job, DG set job and any other jobs etc. are vested with the same authorities and for the same amount as for appointment of Architects / termination of their services i.e. in item No. at 1.6 above.

8. Chief Manager, HO/CO/ Other offices shall have full powers to accept technical conditions / clarifications after opening of Part I of the tender (Technical bid) and for other conditions having financial implications, AGM/DGM, HO and circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices will have full powers. 9. GM HO and Circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices have full powers for approval of empanelment of contractors of various disciplines. 10. AGM/DGM HO and Circle head CO/ incumbent of other offices have full powers for approval of short listing of contractor/Architect from the approved list of empanelled contractor or for specialized jobs. 11. AGM-GAD had been given powers of DGM vide Board Resolution No. 151 dated 28.03.2005; the same shall remain applicable to Power Chart related to renovation & furnishing work.


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