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Carol Read » Mark Ormerod My name is How are you, Tiger? page oO iY A Surprise page G) & A New Pet page ® Tiger Review 1 page ) & Where’s my coat? page & & Break Time page ®@ Tiger Review 2 page ts) What’s the matter? page G1) S6 On Holiday Tiger Review 3 Friendship Day Earth Day Carnival CLIL Picture Dictionary Carol Read ¢ Mark Ormerod Macmillan Education 4 Crinan Street Loncion Nt 9xW A division of Macrillan Publishers Limited ‘Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-290-48982-0 ‘Toxt © Carol Read and Mark Ormerod 2015 (Additional materal by Kory Powell) Dasign and illustration © Macmillan Publishors Limited 2015 ‘The authors have asserted thelr rights to be kientitied as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, “This edition published 2015 First edition entilac “Tiger Teles” published 2013 by Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved; no part ofthis publication may bo reproduced, stored in a retriaval system, transmitted in any for, or by any rreans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Original design by Blooberry Design Lte Page make-up by Andrew Magee Design Ltd Ilustrated by Adrian Barclay, Simon Waimesley, Rodrigo Folgueita and Tory Forbes Cover design by Astwood Design Consultancy Cover illustration by Rodrigo Foloueira Songs produced and arranged by Tom, Dick end Debbie Productions Recordings produced and arranged by RBA Productions Picture research by Victor'a Gaunt Printed and bound in Thailand 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 0987684321 Authors’ acknowledgments We would lke to thank everyone at Macmillan Education in the UK and in Spain who has helped us in the development and the production of these materials. We vould also like to thank all the teachers who have taken time to read, pilot and dive feedback al every siage of writing the course. Special thanks irom Carol to Alan, Jamie and Hannah for their encouragement and support. Special thanks from Matk to, Carlos for his patience and understanding, Acknowledgments ‘The publishers would also like to thank the following teachers: Ana |, Martin Sierra, CEIP San Sebastin, San Sebastian de los Reyes, Maciid; Ana NP Mufioz Jacinto, CEIP El Aigarrobilo, Valencina de la Concepcion, Sevilla; Angel Martinez Tolé,CEIP Escuttor Vicente Ochoa, Logrofio, La Rioja; Anna Lorente Clemente, Escola Miquel Marti Pol, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona; Bibiana Comas Piants, Esco's Mallorea, Barcelona; Juara Marfa Torres Mecing, CEIP Virgen de Vaidertabé, Algste, Macrid; Julia Selma Vonedsro, OEP José Garcia Planells, Manises, Valencia: Julie-Ann Engelter, CEIP El Tejar, Majadahonda, Madric; Maria Ques Jorda, CEIP Son Oliva, Palma de Mallorca, Baleares: M* Cruz Corrales Fornandez, CEIP Santisima Cristo de 2 Salus, Hervas, Caceres; Maripi Arriaga Aznar, CEIP Gerber: d'Orin ‘Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona; Marta Civera Santen Colegio Sagrado Corazén, Mislata, Valencia; Re'ael Villarnor, Landau tkastola, Viteria-Gastelz, Aa Freire Molina, Colegio La Purisima, Orense: Stvia Ce Soriano, CEIP El Teiat, Majadahonda, Medic: Salcedo, CEIP La Cafiada, O'fas, Mélaga. T may contain inks for third party websites. We hay ‘over, and are not responsible for, the contents of =: arty websites. Please use care when acce @ How are you, Tiger? @ # .) Read, complete and act out. ” Colour Tiger. Hello fine play Figer you Oo il AL a aK Come on. Let's | — Af) Cece x UU We ~ 8 $ Count and write. at Read and colour the crayons. BS, Cettange Gol sens % eave) Onmayp ¥ 6 e@ go Complete. tI Colour your favourite day. TFMSSTW ( Monday ) —_uesday —ednesday ‘ C —tiday —aturday —_unday » Ay A Surprise a Vocabulary @ # Read, look and number. __.. Say. It’s the _ Itsthe bathroom. | 2 | living room. It’s the It’s the dining room. kitchen, [| It's the — It's the — garage. toilet. | Its the It's the rm bedroom. _ hall. LJ Number 1. What is it? Vocabulary recognition: reading a Vocabulary and story 6 # Look and write. Liis in the Jay is in the Tiger is in the bedroom What do you think? ow Colour. The story is ... good. Story activity and vocabulary production: writing Song & 86 go Look and write. Ss Listen and check. fA Sing Where’s Li? Where’s Li? Where can she be? “F3 Issheinthehal | ne ? Is she next to the _____ ty 2 ey Is she in the f3 I Is she behind the ____ [1 2 iS Jessen the ao ees ae 2 She's in the bedroom, in a cupboard with Tiger! Recognising words in context: writing ___ Language and communication e JS Read, write and colour the answer. : —, {s_ Kim _in —— Sam. Susan the sathroom? kitchen? A —lving room? i Yes, No, she } Yes, No, he Yes, No, she is. isn't. he is. isn’t. she is. she isn’t. eG f~ Read and number. # Draw and write. rw Ed the Elephant is on the cupboard. | OO OOOO He’s under the cupboard. He’s in the cupboard. He’s behind the cupboard. He’s next to the cupboard. Completing the sentences: writing CLIL: Things in our homes a © / Look and tind. write. : VG@KALCLOCK OPIS)Y TOERBN LTH 1 1OBDFS QUOREKBVXZ SJWABEDOUL O1ENHRDOPN FBIRHEETUCI AONSFRIDGE e eo I Read and colour the objects in Activity 8. The soft. is purple. The Fridge is blue. TThe clock is orange and brown The bed is green and yellow. The cooker is red and black. The shower is grey, black and whide. Learning about content: reading and writing ee or Things in our homes Qf Find, circle and write. ©. on Sing The shower is in the bathroom. ® The @ The @ The © The © The @ And eo GOOKER... cooker shower clocks is in the kitchen. is in the bedroom. is in the bathroom. is in the kitchen. is in the living room. are in many rooms. Learning about content: writing eae Gore Go Me Vo Me Uo Ke Uo e04 Unit review |iznti| a q ‘ @ JS Label the pictures. Complete the sentences. 22a Bm in the . inthe eS fia 82 Mea 282 Ba 62 Ba Rovielon and eel-cesesement feu | iiss, OS Kids’ Culture 1 @ / Read and write. S > Listen and say the rhyme. box room cupboard Reuse room box cupboard In adark, dark __house is a dark, dark In the dark, dark is a dark, dark In the dark, dark | is a dark, dark In the dark, dark isa... SURPRISE! e J Read and match. | live in a flat. | live in a houseboat. | live in a house. e@ ae e vu V Vocabulary @ JY Read, look and number.“ Say. It's a bird. It's a kitten. It's a fish. It's ahamster. | It's a lizard. It's a puppy. C] It's a rabbit. Its a turtle. e Count the tigers. 4 Write the number. =! | i Vocabulary recognition: reading ___ Vocabulary and story 6 4 Tick (Vv) the animals in the story. lizard || puppy |_| rabbit [| turtle [| @® I Colour Li’s new pet. 7 . Complete the sentence. Li hasn't got a kitten. | She hasn’t got a rabbit. Li has gota What do you think? Jf Colour. The story is ... Song 86 # Look and write. S Listen and check. i Sing She’s got a new pet. Look! Li has got a new pet. Hos she gota___ hamster __—g What has she got? Has she got a Or ... is it a rock? Has she got a What has she got? Has she got a Or... is it a rock? Li has gota Well, well, well! She’s gota ___ ES with a beautiful shell! Recognising words in context: writing I Language and communication e tf Read, write and colour the answer. e Has Mary got Joe Kate —G_fish? hamster? puppy? Go, she hasn't. } No, he hasn't. _) (no, she hasn’t. a i are e Zt ” Look and write the names. ee (im ame (1m Sint) (A @ _ Emma _ has gota kitten ® _____ tas got a fish. has got a lizard. hasn’t got a pet. CLIL: What pets eat 6 JY Look, find and circle. 2 bgrevdswernl > 3 fuwjd =4yqu =nbvessprddyi pobrexzfsde ce zedfrtigfmlpo visdfjrehred s}oesu;wo onbfemeatast o oe > = é 3 = 3 ey a = = xdkrtyjmesdt a bgrseedsswnl 3 To = Ei ae 3 o = x = = S ZS = x s nbvcghytrqyr 0 Look and count.” Write the number. [18| insects tient hg | ‘leaves gti a Ne eh an y [ |fish dfghjhtrehed 2 2 2 => o K a feydcpoiud 14 rlyiufishgfsdfi 2bg Le hyd EA Wi Xnvesgrassdyr aeyjup yoaiuuyd Learning about content: reading gs I CLIL: What pets eat ® 2 Write the animal and the food. I Colour the paths. seeds meat insects fish leaves @ / Look at Activity 10 and write. @ Lizards eat ___insects__. @ Dogseat © Parrots eat_____________. @ Rabbits eat © Turtles eat Personalisation of content: writing eee Germs Wo Me Wo Me Uo Rs Unit review | iii] ® gt Label the pictures. Complete the sentences. , 4 ® kitten ( ( g | ( Cats ond _kittens el ( eat meat. ‘ee = Key for Activity 13: | can 1) say the nomes of pets, 2) read one write the names of pets, Revision and self-assessment 3) Ungaretand tho story, 4) read and write what pets ext ge @ @ # Listen and number in order. fi say the rhyme Two little dicky birds. > _One named Peter, | | one named Paul. i] ‘Two little dicky birds, sitting on a wall. p> Come back, Peter, ~~ come back, Paul. Fly away, Peter, fly away, Paul. 8 I Read and colour. Our school has got five pets. The rabbit is grey and the lizard is green. The guinea pig is brown and white. The parrot is red and blue, and the fish is orange. Intercultural lsarning: reading and writing Tiger Review! @ J Look and write. House rooms _living room _ L| Animals ss turtle puppy kitchen ce = bathroom bedroom OM M bed fish bird 2 toilet kitten Units 1 and 2 revision o J Look, read and write. kitten shower pet hall insects garage What has she got? Has she got a_kitten 9 Where's Jay? Is he in the Where's Li? Is she in the Help! Tiger's got my new Units 1 and 2 revision Vocabulary @ #- Read, look and number.‘ Say. G9 PASTA They're trousers. It's a jumper. It’s a shirt. It's a T-shirt. They're trousers. _| It's a skirt. They're shorts C| It's a coat. They're shoes and socks. C] e Count the tigers. .” Write the number. 60 Vocabulary recognition: reading ee Vocabulary and story 6 # Complete the dialogues. |) Act them out. shirt T-shirt coat jumper @ @ Is this your coat Is this your © JL Tick(V) the dialogues from the story in Activity 3. What do you think? of Colour. The story is .. J story activity end vocabulary production: writing Song 2 ag " 7 6 # Read and write. “,’ Listen and check. f Sing I’m wearing a coat. It's snowing today, but I'm not cold. No, I'm not cold. I'm wearing a coat Under the c___._, I'm wearing aj and under the c. I'm wearing s. It's snowing today, but I’m not cold. No, I'm not cold. I'm wearingac_ aj nd PEP ROE 2 NY nee a NS, I'm wearing a coat. fy Recognising words in context: writing Language and communication 6 / Look, read and write. I'm weoring a __T-shirt risth-T , routsser , ohess and scosk . I'm wearing a anda Tiger, you're wearing Sue’s You're wearing Li's _______ mujerp . You're wearing Jay’s @ of Read and colour the illustrations in Activity 6. The skirt is purple. The T-shirt is yellow. The shoes and : socks are brown The trousers are blue. The shirt is pink. and orange. Completing the sentences: writing CLIL: Seasons and nature 6 gf Look, read and match. ot Colour the words. fe \aurtumnn | Se) ue’ \winter’ 228 oO IF Draw your favourite season and write. HENNE OOOO Te ee CLIL: Seasons and nature ® # Read and complete. fA Check and sing What’s your favourite season? winter autumn summer spring My favourite season is spring , My favourite season is INL, In . you can see you can see flowers on the tree. fruit on the tree. whe 1 Vy My favourite season is My favourite season is In In you can see snow on the tree. you can see leaves fall from the tree. Personalisation of content: writing jor Se Go Me Uo Ge Uo Oe Yo Se Yo Ge Unit review |[igun| e @ $ Look, read and write. io !'m wearinga__coat__, I'm o and ™ eTs> favourite season is _@. na 2Ca fa _O62 Ona 282 Aaa _62 Bn 2% An _Oa 2 Yes Go ™e Fee Go Me FF Me Ue Mee fay 12: can 1) soy the nam na ve Revision ond settossessment _Ket}fot Aathty 12: cont oy tne names of thes, 2 read ond wre the names of clothes, 9) understand the story. 4) read and write the names of th Kids’ Cu [ture 3 @ f~ Number the lines in order. I Draw the snowman. I’m wearing a scarf I'ma little snowman, __| come and play. _| and I’m wearing a hat. C] When it’s snowing, hear me say, short and fat. come on children, @ / Look, read and match. | live in Cardiff in the UK. mS | live in London in the UK. = My favourite season is autumn, 3 My favourite season is winter. | live in Brghton in the UK. | live in Edinburgh in the UK. = My favourite season is summer. C] My favourite season is spring.) Intercultural learning: reading end writing TA OO eee i @¥? Break Time os Vocabulary @ / Read, look and number. Say. [4] It's football. | It's tag. Cc] It's basketball. [] It's a computer game. | It's hopscotch. | It's cards. | It's hide and seek. 6 Count the tigers. .”” Write the number. 8B -O Vocabulary recognition: reading ee | Vocabulary and story 6 SF ° Tick (V) the five games in the story. Complete the sentence. CE] computer game Cc] de 23 wh 3e7 football a hide and seek LC] tag CL basketball C] and__________ aren't in the story. j board game ‘hopscotch | want to play a_computer What do you think? a Colour. The story is ... Story activity and vecabulory production: reading and writing Song 6 Zo Read and write. S Listen and check. fi Sing I want to play. It’s the break, it’s time to play. What do you want to play today? | want to play basketball and h________ , too. I want to play t________ with you. I want to playac________g and a b. | want to play c________ with you. It's the break, it's time to play What do you want to play today? Let's play cards! Yes, let's play cards! Recognising words in context: writing ——___ | Language and communication : e gf Complete the dialogues. Act them out. @. ' TX () Us € No, thanks. | want to >> CC Do you want to play basketball? No, thanks. I want to Yes. Good idea! Let's 0 JS Order and write the sentences. e Dthenks 2 No} D want DD poy!) Ste Dp 5 iat) ‘Completing the sentences: writing o CLIL: School rules © / Look, read and cross out the wrong words. a W | ] a SQ, eee Pong is in the gym / library. Pong is in the canteen / playground. © / Look and match. You can't play computer games in the classroom. You can't play ball games in the classroom. Learning about content: reading —_——________._ CLIL: School rules ® J Find and circle. coldsg, PY ee 26 is % s p, oO, o 6, oO co “nagy® ® Fd . Write the names of the places. Read and match. You can’t play ball games You can play ball games 4 Personalisat on of content: writing Fe ee ee Bete ee re Wess B unit review [tis @ > ® St Label the pictures, Complete the sentences. | = Key for Activity 13: can 1) say the namas of gomes, 2) read end write the names Revision and settassessment oy aames, 2) understand the sor, 4 read ond ore the ponies i neeoss meres Kids’ Culture 4 @ SY > Write ana say. Play Rock, paper, scissors. 8 e e The winner is ... The winner is ... The winner is ... rock 2 e go Look, read and match. We go to school in the UK. At break time, we play football. | play tag with my friends. | play cards in the classroom. I play hide and seek with my friends. Tiger/Review 2) e # Look and write. Clothes oe GOCE board game Ag fo} computer 12 = hide and seek T-shirt ee tag basketball Units 3 and 4 revision eo fo Read and write. © shoris -season- basketball classroom board game coat My favourite —Secson_ is winter. Pong, stop! You can’t play ball games in the P’'m wearing a Do you want to play a cece jumper and shorts. , Tiger? Units 3 and 4 revision 5? What’s the matter? Vocabulary e g Read and write the number. bee @ He's got a cough. @ She's got toothache. (He's got a cough @ He's got a headache. @ She's got earache. @ He's got a cut. @ She's got a cold. @ He's got tummy ache © She's got a sore throat. 8 Count the tigers. 4 Write the number. Vocabulary recognition: reading Vocabulary and story ® 4 Tick () the health problems in the story. earache [| toothache im cold | headache cE] @ Look and write. I’ve got a I've got headache What do you think? #7 Colour. The story is ... Song (5) © / Listen, read and complete. £2 Sing I'm feeling ill. What's the matter? How are you today? I'm feeling ill, é so | can’t play. I can’t go to school for two or three days. I've gota sore roes throat, and a bad coguh , asore__...____—strhota =, and a bad, bad gucoh . I’ve got a and a bad clod , a______________ hdaceahe , and a bad, bad dolc . Recognising words in context: writing hehacdae , Language and communication 6 ~ Complete the dialogues.) Act them out. —Have _ you e sue YOET got_toothache? earache? aoe oe ffOL a headache? —Yes_, Ihave. ——, | haven’t. Qo J Order and write the sentences. ome Sab Sub Sap Dab Simp Seb Sab eon! a D No 5 2 havent D eareche D Dost D ive 2 Completing the sentences: writing CLIL: Keeping healthy 6 # Look and match. eat well drink water do exercise play sleep well Wash S | play basketball. [4] | eat apples. C] | have a shower. Cy I go to bed early. E] Iride a bike. i Iwash my hands. | | Learning about content: reading ee CLIL: Keeping healthy @® / write and match. G do exercise drink water eat well play sleep well wash B) ®@ Doyou___wash _ & every day? [b] ys ®@ Do Ce es te every day? ® Do OO Re every day? C] ®@ do you & every day? CL] © Do you BS every day? C] @ Doyu & 3 every day? CE] . we Yo Ge Yo Se Yo Ya Yo Re Yo Unit review |icimi > ® ¢ Look, read and write. we ese We ee ee WS Se US OS ee K . ES oe “i ds’ Culture ri) # Look and write. Read and act out the joke. leg feet finger nose arm Doctor, doctor! When | touch my __ foot __ ZI , ithurts, When | touch my Lt » it hurts. When I touch my xX it hurts. & When I touch my 6b » it hurts. Doctor, what’s the matter with me? Hmm. You've got a broken (2) / Look, read and match. Intercultural learning: reading and writing a "Ye ow ee a oo ee ee ee 2 6 On Holiday Vocabulary Ci) # ” Read and write the number. Say. @ Is an ice rink. @ Its a park. © It’s a swimming pool. @ It’s 0 z00. @ Is a funfoir. @ It’s o water park. @ It's a beach. @ It's an aquarium. 8 Count the tigers. $ Write the number. B -O Vocabulary recognition: reading ——— Vocabulary and story 6 JS Tick (~) where Tiger wants to go. 1B 00,7 DKS What do you think? Colour. The story is ... Ue)—@yP (We) Cp) ) (ey) Story activity and vocabulary production: writing Song a Pit 6 ‘2 #” Listen, read and complete. i Sing In this town. In this town, f there's a lot to do. , Sa There's an ice rink iec nrik , BN a OPO There’s a very long____._____ bceah , PO ng eee a pres ESOMNCE U HOO ondd —__._..—_... Sifaniair |, tool Let's go to the funfair! In this town, there’s a lot to do. There’s a woetrarpk , OND snc OO There's a very big______ pkar , an________ agriuuam , ONG Ganon UI), TOOL Let’s go to the funtair! In Recognising words in context: writing __ Language and communication e gf Complete the dialogues. __) Act them out. , there isn’t. eG J Reed and draw the town. There's a zoo. @) There’s an aquarium. There's a beach. ey There’s a water park. There’s a park. CH There’s a funfair. Completing the sentences: writing CLIL: Road safety € 6 $ Find and circle 10 differences. \_ Say. oO Look at Activity 8. # Circle the place that’s missing. park water park aquarium funfoir swimming pool beach zoo ice rink Learning about content: reading ee CLIL: Road safety @ / Look and tick (v) or cross (x). Write. € -Stand-enthe pavement: Cross the road. Look left and right. =) we Go Ye Yo ew Bo Gs Yo Oa Yo Unit review |izmi ® # Label the pictures. Complete the sentences. swimming pool Stand on the Look pavement. ® / Tick () whet you can do. Key for Activity 12: can 1) say the names of ploces, 2) reas and writ the names of ploces, 3) understand tho story, 4) read and wite road safety rules. Revision and self-assessment v 23 rs Kids’ Culture 6 & @ Number the lines in order. © Listen and check. | tc see what he can see, see, see. ] But all that he can see, see, see, _ Asailor goes to sea, sea, sea, is the bottom of the deep blue seq, seq, sea. e J Read and match. XN A I go to the swimming | go to the cinema | play with my pool every week. every week. friends in the park after school. fliger’Review/3) e J Look and write. Health problems cough swimming | pool earache aes ice rink Places funfair aquarium . ‘Units § and 6 revision 6 J Read and write. ice rink pavement drink lion tummy ache feeling 1_drink woter every day, Ping. Look! | eat well, too. Stand on the Look, Tiger. @ | There's a I've got a Units 5 ond 6 revision e%@ @® Festivals Friendship Day @ to Look, find and circle the words. Write. (pencilkjhytrb girdswertyuioinflowermnhgtuiolzbvhgfdsxib S pmikl jutlsashesmessagealpqw! so € zopthwerbnmkhiucferwspicturelpterdopbyuingsdfaficeruipiy jidjpxoe9ebpsyfioyqayqomb 8 $ Complete the dialogue. Act it out. Friendship Day box surprise What toy Vocabulary input ee Earth Day @ gf Look, read and write. | | | | 2, @) Complete the dialogue. Act it out. picture -EarthDey- plastic poster Hello, I's__Earth Day _ I've got a Recycle Happy Earth Day! Thank you. Vocabulary input IX vy ) Wz A x Carnival e JY Do the crossword. & Downy oO m] [> || —|-3] a = < > r @ ft Complete the dialogue. Act it out. Helle pirate wearing What Welcome Hi! ____ to the party! im 2 fancy am ober cee 1? Can you guess? Vocabulary input Unit 1

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