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Caryn Hale

February 20, 2023

Personal Bio/Social Structure

The first thing that attracts me to a boy is how he treats others. I pay close attention to how they

act around their friends and family. I am attracted to a person’s style, smile, and how they treat

me. I was raised in a very traditional household so I expect the door to be opened for me and

things along those lines. When it comes to race I’ve only ever dated someone who is the same

race as me. I only like guys who are older than me. I don’t really care about religion but all of the

guys I have ever been attracted to have been Christian or Catholic. I am attracted to guys that are

similar to me because it is easier to do things with someone if you h have the same interests.

My parents don’t mind who I date as long as they aren’t too much older than me and as

long as they treat me right. My parents know I will make the right choice in who I will bring

home/be with. I have my mind pretty made up about the people I like. I wouldn’t ever date any

of my relatives and my parents would be very upset if I did. My parents are also open to same-

sex relationships, so there wouldn’t be any problems there. My parents again know I would make

the choice that best suits me so religion wouldn’t be a problem unless there were very strong

beliefs that didn’t match how my parents thought something should happen. My parents would

want the boy I am dating to have a good education level, not necessarily college but they

definitely would want him to have graduated high school and have a good job if he isn’t going to

college. As far as age my parents would want me to keep it under at least 21 since I sill am 17

but my boyfriend just turned 20 and they don’t have any problem there.

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