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(AFFILIATED TO AIPNBOF / AIBOA / HSC) Central Office: FLAT NO. 01, PHONE: 0172- 2551890; GH-25, SECTOR-20, PANCHKULA.



Mobile: 9216566990

(Reference: GAD Circular No. 10/08 dated 21.11.2008) In the present rapidly changing market scenario, specially due to competition with new generation private/ foreign Banks and requirement of keeping an edge with other competitors in technological advancement, fast communication is the vital aspect for business growth. For this, the Incumbent Incharges of the branches, irrespective of their Scale, have the requirement of easy access of telecommunication facility without avoiding any delay in sanctioning of the same by the competent authority. Keeping in view the above, rationalization of call charges by service providers and implementation of the three Tier System, Bank has considered for enhancement in the combined monetary limit (Revenue Expenditure) under residence-cum-mobile phone facility for Incumbent Incharges upto Scale IV under entitlement facility without referring for approval. This will facilitate the Incumbent Incharges hurdle free utilization of Landline/ Mobile Phone facility for the growth of branch business in the new concept of Financial Inclusion also. The accessibility of officers/ connectivity will increase resulting in better business opportunities in the present competitive Banking environment. The revised guidelines providing more flexibility for use of residential telephone/ Mobile Phone for officials use within the overall financial limit approved by the Bank for different categories of the officers is appended below:
S. N. Category of Officers SCALE EXISTING GUIDELINES Expenditure Monthly reimbursable Charges including including Rent with rental & STD facility call on monthly charges basis (excluding (excluding taxes) on service tax) Mobile on Landline Phone No Limit No Limit No Limit Rs.2400/Approving Authority PROPOSED GUIDELINES Expenditure Monthly Approving reimbursable Charges Authority including including Rent with rental & STD facility call on monthly charges basis (excluding (excluding taxes) on service tax) Mobile on Landline Phone No Limit No Limit Entitled No Limit Rs.2400/Entitled

1 2


Entitled Entitled

Circle Heads * V Incumbent Incharge Other than Incumbent Incharge IV Incumbent Incharge Other than Incumbent Incharge

Rs.2000/-MTNL Rs.1950/-BSNL Rs.1700/-MTNL Rs.1650/-BSNL Rs.1500/Entitled

Rs.2000/MTNL Rs.1950/-BSNL Rs.1700/MTNL Rs.1650/-BSNL



Rs.1650/-MTNL Rs.1600/-BSNL Rs.1250/Rs.1400/-MTNL Rs.1350/-BSNL

Entitled for landline and for Mobile Phone facility, CGM /GMGAD is the approving authority.

Rs.2500/- Combined Limit


Rs.1400/- MTNL Rs.1350/- BSNL Rs.2500/- Combined Limit

Entitled Circle Head in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/GMGAD. Entitled Circle Head in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/ GMGAD.

II & III Incumbent Incharge Other than Incumbent Incharge

Rs.950/-MTNL Rs.900/-BSNL Rs.800/-MTNL Rs.750/-BSNL Rs.900/-

Circle Head in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/ GMGAD. For Mobile Phone facility, CGM / GMGAD is the approving authority.

Rs.1600/- Combined Limit Rs.800/-MTNL Rs.750/-BSNL -

Rs.1600/- Combined Limit

S. N.

Category of Officers SCALE

EXISTING GUIDELINES Expenditure Monthly reimbursable Charges including including Rent with rental & STD facility call on monthly charges basis (excluding (excluding taxes) on service tax) Mobile on Landline Phone Rs.950/-MTNL Rs.900/-BSNL Rs.800/-MTNL Rs.750/-BSNL

Approving Authority

PROPOSED GUIDELINES Expenditure Monthly Approving reimbursable Charges Authority including including Rent with rental & STD facility call on monthly charges basis (excluding (excluding taxes) on service tax) Mobile on Landline Phone Rs.1200/- Combined Limit Rs.800/-MTNL Rs.750/-BSNL Entitled Circle Head in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/ GMGAD.

I Incumbent Incharge Other than Incumbent Incharge

Rs.900/& Rs.750/( Officers for specific duties and Security Officers.

Circle Head in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/ GMGAD. For Mobile Phone facility, CGM /GM GAD is the approving authority.

Rs.1200/- Combined Limit

* There is single entitlement for Circle Heads irrespective of Scale of Circle Heads. The combined Landline/ Mobile Phone facility of the Incumbent Incharges in Scale I to IV is within their entitlement. For other than Incumbent Incharges, the combined Landline/ Mobile Phone facility shall be applicable, if approved by the competent authority i.e. Circle Heads in the field and for HO Divisions, CGM/ GM-GAD. OTHER GUIDELINES: 1. The revised policy shall be effective from Ist November, 2008. 2. The reimbursement of the telecommunication bills will be made only for postpaid bills.

3. The Service Tax, as applicable will also be reimbursed in addition to the monetary limits proposed in the revised policy, as per extant guidelines. 4. Choice of opting the best available tariff plan of any telecom company may be left with the officers within their overall monetary limits. However, cost effectiveness must be taken into account by the officer so as to minimize the total Banks revenue expenditure on Telecommunication. 5. The cost of the Mobile Handset will not be paid by the Bank upto Scale IV including Security Officers, Lead District Managers, Marketing Managers and Wealth Management Team Members. Accordingly, all the officers upto Scale IV, already availing Landline/ Mobile Phone facility with handset, before issuance of this Circular shall have to surrender their Mobile handsets on completion of its useful life/ transfer from present place of posting or the handset becoming unserviceable to the office where the handset in question is capitalised. No replacement or repair of the Mobile handset shall be allowed henceforth. 6. ISD facility on office/ residential telephone shall not be permitted except for the offices dealing with overseas operations, subject to the approval of the same from the competent authority i.e. Head Office GM-GAD and for branches/ other offices in the Circle Circle Head. 7. All other operative guidelines of Banks Telephone Facility is annexed. All concerned are advised to adhere to guidelines contained in the circular and all out efforts be made to bring down the total Bank's expenditure on telephone.

OTHER OPERATIVE GUIDELINES Office Telephone Every office of the Bank, as far as possible, should be provided with a telephone. The STD facility of the telephone provided at the branches should be got disconnected unless it is decided to keep the facility operative from the point of business requirements. The use of Dynamic STD control system may be made wherever possible. Expenditure on official telephone at branches should be closely monitored by Circle Head on the basis of nature of work and profitability of the branch in order to exercise economy. Residential Telephone - upto Scale III Officers Officers other than Incumbent Incharges who are not eligible for composite limit facility upto Scale III posted in HO/Circles may be provided residential telephone with the prior approval of the competent authority. The said facility shall be provided for performing specific job/duties and the same will be withdrawn as soon as the officer is transferred or ceases to perform the present duties for which the telephone was provided. In-charge Establishment are to ensure that no reimbursement of telephone expenses is effected as soon as the officer is transferred or ceases to perform the present duties for which the telephone facility at the residence was sanctioned. The cases for allowing telephone at the residence of Officers upto Scale-III including directly recruited officers (on probation) working at various Divisions of HO shall be submitted to GAD, HO by concerned Division, duly recommended by the respective GM. GM GAD, HO shall consider and accord the approval thereon after thorough scrutiny of the requirements for providing said facility to the eligible officers. Circle Heads are vested with powers to sanction telephone at the residence of officers upto Scale III. Officers eligible for telephone at residence, after getting the approval from the competent authority (upto Scale III) and officers in Scale IV are permitted to claim reimbursement of talk time charges of mobile phone or fixed line telephone or both within the Integrated Residence Telephone-cum-Mobile Phone Monetary Limit. Accordingly, the total Cont...2

<2> amount reimbursed for residence and mobile phone, one connection each, shall not exceed the existing eligible amount of landline telephone under any circumstances. The cost of mobile phone and its maintenance shall be borne by the officer himself/herself and it shall not be reimbursed by the Bank. Further, mobile phone connection should also be in the name of the concerned officer. However, it may be noted that no reimbursement shall be permissible against prepaid/cash cards for mobile phone. Reimbursement of Rental Charges to Officers: All confirmed officers shall be allowed reimbursement of rental charges for fixed line phone, mobile phone or both. However, it is clarified that all such officers shall be allowed reimbursement of actual rentals only, subject to a maximum of Rs. 250/- per month and no other expenses, call charges, service tax etc. shall be reimbursed.


Inspecting Officers (Touring & Concurrent Auditors) can exercise their option of availing residential telephone facility at place of posting or at family headquarter. If facility is availed at family headquarter, officers in Scale IV and above will be reimbursed as per their entitlements while other officers will be reimbursed only rental charges. Where Zonal Audit Offices are functioning, they should sanction the telephone facility and reimburse the monthly bills without depending upon the Circle Office. Where ZAOs are not functioning, the reimbursement shall continue with the concerned Circle Office i.e. Circle Head under whose jurisdiction the residential accommodation of such officers falls. Where an officer is working under the command of ZAO but the facility required is away from the command area of ZAO, the telephone shall be sanctioned by ZAO and the sanction shall be sent to the concerned Circle Office for providing the telephone and to reimburse the monthly bill. Concurrent auditors in Scale III will be allowed reimbursement of telephone expenses as per their entitlement irrespective of fact that they are posted in Delhi and residing in area forming parts of urban agglomeration of Delhi or posted in areas forming parts of urban agglomeration of Delhi and residing in Delhi. Cont...3

<3> All the telephones installed in the office or at residence where STD facility is working/availed are to be provided with dynamic STD control system. While making outstation calls period during which concerned tariff rates are cheapest should be availed. All concerned are further required to maintain a logbook to record the details in respect of all outstation calls on the same lines as the logbook maintained for office telephones. TRANSFERRED OFFICERS: The telephone installed at the residence at the previous place of posting may be retained till the date of vacation of the house provided the telephone is not immediately required by the bank for use at some other point of need. The bills in respect of such telephones will be borne by the bank only to the extent of rental charges and free calls permitted by the Service provider (i.e. MTNL/BSNL/Tata/Reliance, Bharti etc.). All other charges relating to excess local/STD calls etc. will be borne by the officer concerned. RETIRED OFFICERS: In case of retirement of an officer, the facility of telephone, if already provided at the residence on the date of retirement may be retained for a maximum period of two months subject to the condition that all charges on account of local/STD calls in excess of free limit allowed by Service Provider (i.e. MTNL/BSNL/TATA, RELIANCE, BHARTI etc.) shall be borne by the officer himself/herself. In terms of Govt. guidelines, only officers who are living in Banks Flats or in houses leased in the name of the Bank have been allowed the facility of retention of telephone for a period of two months after retirement. Accordingly, the officers who are paid HRA or are living in self-owned house or in a house for which, the Bank is reimbursing rent, shall not be eligible to the above facilities. On transfer/retirement of the officers the following information should invariably be furnished: 1. 2. 3. Dynamic STD Code Number of the telephone. Date of surrendering of telephone. Copy of the last telephone bill, duly paid. Cont...4

<4> OTHER FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDERS Certain telecom companies are providing city wise Intercom facilities to Basic Telephone Subscribers either free or at a nominal cost per month per connection or so over and above the rentals per month per line basis in a cluster of residences, like complex of Cooperative group housing Societies, Local Development Authorities housing schemes etc. with Maximum 300 dwelling units. The number of group members and per month charges may vary from Company to company. The calls made within the group are free just as on EPABX. MTNL and BSNL have issued various Tariff Plans for the land line subscribers and the subscribers may opt any plan as per their requirement and derive the benefits under most suitable plan. Circle Heads may take a view about the economics of the scheme after studying the expenditure pattern of each bill and requirement of STD facility of a particular office on the basis of average of three months expenditure under this head and suitable instructions be issued to their offices to change office plan according to the usage to make the bill economical and should continue to review in future also if some more economical plan comes into effect. "One India Plan" offered by the MTNL and BSNL may be chosen after taking into consideration the telephone usage (STD) at offices/residences and comparing with other plans having more free calls available in the market and not to convert local telephone connections under the said plan under any circumstances. MOBILE/CELLULAR PHONES: All Senior Executives of the Bank viz. Chief General Managers, General Managers, Deputy General Managers, Circle Heads, Asstt. General Managers, Incumbent In charges of Zonal Audit Offices, Chief Security Officers and Incumbent Incharges are entitled to Mobile Phone facility with post paid connection upto prescribed limits fixed by Head Office. It may, however, be noted that cash cards are not permitted. Cont...5


Depreciation on Mobile Phones: With a view to amortize the Mobile Phone within their estimated useful life, the rate of depreciation on Mobile Phones instruments w.e.f. 1st April, 2006 shall be 33.33% per annum. Disposal of Mobile Phone Instruments:
1. Mobile Phone which are more than 3 years old having book value of Rs. 1/- shall be considered for disposal. 2. Disposal of Mobile Phones shall be done at the respective offices where it is capitalized within the specified powers of the competent authority as per extant GAD Power Chart guidelines. 3. Pooling of such mobile phones shall be considered in one place within the city/area to get a better deal on such disposals. 4. Before disposal, valuation of the said mobile phones shall be got done from the local vendors. 5. First option shall be given to the staff members for purchasing old mobile phone instruments by way of open auction. 6. In case it is not disposed off to the staff members as above, the competent authority may decide whether the auction should be conducted by inviting the local people interested in bidding. A notice may also be displayed in the concerned office calling for offers from the public. 7. If it is not disposed off as above, the competent authority will take decision for its disposal as scrap by calling open auction as per the extant Bank's guidelines. 8. Other Guidelines - Landline Telephone 1. Shifting charges, accessories charges etc. shall be paid only if shifting is done with the prior sanction of the Competent Authority. 2. No Late Fee is admissible. Cont...6

<6> 3. 4. 5. Internet charges for using landline shall not be payable over and above the prescribed limit of landline telephone. The sanctioned officers upto Scale III can avail STD facility on residential telephone and mobile phone within the overall financial limits applicable to them. In case an officer, who is entitled to residential telephone or permitted by the competent authority to be provided with residential telephone, is having telephone connection at the residence in his/her name, the bills pertaining to such telephone may be reimbursed by the Bank subject to the prescribed limit. Reimbursement of telephone bill which is in the name of any other relative, except spouse of any officer cannot be allowed. Calls made over and above the monetary limits shall be payable by the concerned officers unless the excess calls are confirmed by the competent authority. All telephones installed at the branches/offices must have Dynamic STD control system wherever possible besides maintaining separate log books to record the STD calls (in case the facility is sanctioned) made on each telephone. The log book should contain the following particulars: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Date Station called with number Type of call Duration of call Purpose If official call, the gist of talk Name of person calling and initials

6. 7.



<7> Other Guidelines - Mobile Phones 1. 2. Monthly Expenditure over and above the entitled limit of Mobile Phone shall be borne by the concerned officers. The permanent ISD/International Roaming facility shall not be allowed on Bank's mobile phone except with the specific sanction of CMD/ED. However, ISD/ISD Roaming facility to all Senior Executives of the Bank during their visit abroad for official purpose viz. to attend seminar, training etc. will be accorded by the GM-GAD and the same shall be withdrawn as soon as the officer returns back. Due to market fluctuation and consequent frequent changes in entitlement for cost of instrument, concerned officers should check the rules applicable at the time of purchasing the instrument. All the Officers entitled for the facility of mobile Phone shall carry the Mobile Phone instrument on transfer subject to their eligibility for mobile phone at their new place of posting. However, if the officer is transferred out of station, the Sim Card provided in the Mobile Phone shall be surrendered at the previous place of posting. However, officers transferred at the same station can retain the Sim Card along with the mobile phone. Concerned officers will ensure that the accounting entries in respect of mobile phones are being transferred as per the procedures laid down for Transfer in/Out of SFF items and no entry should continue to outstand in books of previous office. The cost of instrument shall be debited to Capital Expenditure SFF, while the rental and call charges shall be debited to Revenue Expenditure Telephones. The concerned offices will maintain complete record and books of accounts as per the bank rules.

3. 4.



Monetary ceiling on purchase of Mobile Phone and monthly charges. The monetary ceiling on purchase of mobile phone and monthly charges (including rental but excluding service tax) in respect of Bank's mobile phone provided to the various categories of officers shall be as under: Cont...8


S.N. Category of Officers 1 CGMs/GMs 2 Dy.General Managers/ Circle Heads 3 All Officers in SMG Scale-V

Cost of Mobile Phone Rs.15000/Rs.10000/Rs.8000/-

The Competent Authority to sanction various facilities enumerated above shall be as under:
S No. Facility 1 Office Telephone (Per Office)

Competent Authority i) Incumbent In-charge of VLB Office. ii) C.M. HO, GAD/ CO/ Other Office. iii) AGM, DGM, GMHO, GAD/ CO/Other Office & ELB/ MCB/ LCB i) Incumbent In-charge of VLB Office. ii) C.M. HO, GAD/ CO/ Other Office. iii) AGM, DGM, GMHO, GAD/ CO/Other Office & ELB/ MCB/ LCB i) GM - GAD ii) Circle Head. Cont...9

i) Upto 3 lines ii) Upto 5 lines iii) Above 5 lines 2 FAX, EPABX (Per Office) i) Upto 1 line ii) Upto 2 lines ii) Above 2 lines 2 Residential Telephone Facility i) Officers upto Scale III posted at HO ii) Officers upto Scale III posted at Branches / other offices of Circle.

S No. Facility 3 Transferred Officers Retention of Telephone at previous place of posting. 4 Centrex (Intercom) Facility Offered by MTNL/BSNL 5 ISD facility on office/residential Telephone i) Officers posted at HO ii) Officers posted at Branches/ other offices of Circle. 6 Confirmation of excess calls

Competent Authority i) GM - GAD HO. Circle Head in the Circle. i) GM - GAD - HO ii) Circle Head in the Circle. i) GM - GAD - HO ii) Circle Head.

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i) AGM/ DZM/ Circle Head - Rs. 1000/ii) GM - Rs. 2000/iii) ED/CMD Full Combined Landline/Mobile Phone GM - GAD HO limit to officers upto Scale IV (other Circle Head In the field. than Incumbent Incharges ISD/International Roaming(Mobile) i) ED/CMD i) Permanent ii) GM - GAD - HO ii) Temporary (visit abroad for official purpose to attend seminar, training etc.)

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