"Alice in Wonderland " 2

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“Alice in wonderland “

On summer morning Alice (was young girl), was sitting beside a river,She got bored, so she
decided to do something more interesting Suddenly she saw a rabbit she went after him then
the rabbit talked. She shocked after that the rabbit went inside a rabbit-hole without wasting
time Alice jumped too after him with the the hole went to like a tunnel sometimes the tunnel
was very long Alice thought she has reached at the center of the earth,After long fall Alice
touched the ground unhurt! The rabbit was running along the passage and Alice was right
behind him, but he turned a corner. Alice lost a sigh of him. After that Alice looked around
she saw a tiny door she wanted to open it then she saw a key at the table,She opened the
door and she saw a beautiful garden which had flowers and cool Fontaines,Then she saw a
bottle lebeled “Drink me” Alice drank the liquid from the bottle and she started shrinking.She
became 10 times smaller then she went inside the garden after taking a tour of the garden,
she saw a baby was crying she
carried him then she heard a grunt sound.She discovered that the baby had turned into a pig
Alice once put a pig down and she ran into a forest then she saw a tree with the door again
she went inside she heard the sound “the trial’s beginning” Alice and everyone there run to a
trial and the king and queen of hearts were seated on their thrones.The trial was about the
queens stole tarts which were not stolen at all ! Then the king asked Alice what do you know
about this business? Alice said not nothing at all. The queens said loudly you are just a pack
of cards then the whole pack of cards rose up into the air and came flying down upon her.
Alice woke up and realized she was sleeping and she had been dreamed.

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