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Jasmine Hinojosa

Dr. Sarah Warren-Riley

ENGL 6322 – 01R
8 December 2022

Final Project

Rasquache Rhetorics Unit Lesson Plan

Name: Jasmine Hinojosa

Lesson Education Level: Undergraduate
Class Type: ENGL 1301/1302

This Rasquache Rhetorics unit is designed to last about 3 weeks. It includes student
learning objectives, readings/videos, activities/assignments, assessments, grading, and
a unit calendar. The goal of this unit is to have students remake, retell, and remix
something from their culture (story, item, etc.) to practice Rasquache Rhetorics and
learn about it from an engaging and interactive experience. Students will also practice
their persuasive skills when presenting on and writing about their Rasquache Rhetorics
example. Disclaimer: Due dates and dates of assigning work are subject to change;
feel free to change anything to meet the students’ needs.

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

1. CRITICAL THINKING. The students will demonstrate comprehension of a variety
of written texts and other information sources by analyzing and evaluating the
logic, validity, and relevance of the information in them to solve challenging
problems to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions, and to develop and explore new
2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Students will demonstrate the ability to adapt their
communications to a particular context, audience, and purpose using language
genre conventions, and sources appropriate to a specific discipline and/or
communication task.
3. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Students will recognize and describe cultural
diversity, the role of civic engagement in society, and the link between ethics and
4. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Students will demonstrate an awareness of the
range of human values and beliefs that they draw upon to connect choices,
actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
5. CRITICAL AWARENESS: Students will acknowledge, consider, and try to
understand different views/values/beliefs to create a respectful and open
environment with an open mind.
6. LANGUAGE DIVERSITY: Students will articulate their ideas in any language or
mode that helps them act their true authentic voice and identity.

Reading/Video Materials
• “Rasquache Rhetorics: A Cultural Rhetorics Sensibility” by Kelly Medina-López
o Article link:
rhetorics-sensibility/ (can be downloaded as a PDF)
• “Luis Jiménez: Rasquachismo on the Rio Grande” by Gene Fowler
o Article link:
• Altar for the Spirit of Rasquachismo by David Zamora Casas
o Article link:
rasquachismo-2010/ (video already embedded in website)
o Video link:

• Small Group Discussions
• Whole Group Discussion
• Mini-Presentations
• Rough Draft for Peer Feedback Session
• Persuasive Paper

• Peer feedback session in small groups
• Optional teacher/instructor feedback via email
• Reevaluation opportunity after first submission

Discussion participation: 15%
Mini-Presentation: 30%
Rough Draft & Peer Feedback Session Participation: 15%
Persuasive Paper: 40%
Overall Unit Grade: 100%

Rasquache Rhetorics Unit Calendar
October 2022
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• Assign Unit

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
• Discussions on
• Assign Mini-Pres &
• (In advance) Bring
up Rough Draft for
Peer Feedback
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
• Mini-Pres Due

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
• Rough Draft Due
• Peer Feedback
30 31 Nov 1 Nov 2
• Optional: • Persuasive Paper
Teacher/Instructor Due at 11:59pm
Feedback via
Email Due

Week 1 of Rasquache Rhetorics Unit

Wednesday (Oct 5): Assign students to read Kelly Medina-López’s “Rasquache
Rhetorics: A Cultural Rhetorics Sensibility” and Gene Fowler’s “Luis Jiménez:
Rasquachismo on the Rio Grande” & watch David Zamora Casas’ Altar for the Spirit of
Rasquachismo (specifically “Section 2” of the video (from 1:50 to 3:11), or as seen on
the article/transcript version of the video). Note: Remind students that Zamora Casas’
video transcript also has a Spanish version option in the same article if they prefer to
read it as so.

Wednesday (Oct 12):

1. Mental Health Check and Grounding: Ask how everyone is doing, how is their
day/week going so far, how are they feeling, and catch up on the weekly
schedule for the class.
2. Instruct Small Group Discussions of 4 students to discuss their thoughts, ideas,
comments, or concerns about the readings and video, the concept of Rasquache
Rhetorics, and their possible unaware experiences with it.
3. Initiate and encourage a Whole Group Discussion where someone can volunteer
from each Small Group and share what they talked about.
4. Assign “Mini-Presentation” assignment that consists of students remaking,
retelling, and remixing something from their culture (ex: item, story, dance,
mannerism, etc.) and present/share their use of Rasquache Rhetorics for 3-5
minutes. Due: Wednesday, October 19th
a. Students may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, an item, or a video
example to present with.
5. Assign “Persuasive Paper” that consists of students persuading their audience
on how and why their example ties into the concept of Rasquache Rhetorics by
citing either readings or video/video transcript. Due: Wednesday, November 2nd
at 11:59pm
a. The paper must be 2-3 pages and follow MLA guidelines (ex: 12 pt. font
and double spaced).
b. Students must argue how their example uses Rasquache Rhetorics by
referring to the readings or video of the unit.
6. Tell students in advance to prepare a “Rough Draft” for the “Peer Feedback
Session” on Wednesday, October 26th.
i. Will occur through Small Group discussions and Whole Group
ii. Part of participation grade.
7. Ask students if they have any questions or want any clarifications on anything.

Week 2 of Rasquache Rhetorics Unit

Wednesday (Oct 19):
1. Mental Health Check and Grounding: Ask how everyone is doing, how is their
day/week going so far, how are they feeling, and catch up on the weekly
schedule for the class.
2. Ask students to volunteer and present their “Mini-Presentation” for 3-5 mins on
their Rasquache Rhetorics example.
a. After each student presents, provide feedback and thoughts on their
presentation, and ask students for their thoughts on their peer’s example.
3. Remind students that their “Persuasive Paper” is due Wednesday, November 2nd
at 11:59pm.
a. Point out that their paper is a more fleshed out and in-depth version of
their “Mini-Presentation.”
i. The paper must be 2-3 pages and follow MLA guidelines (ex: 12 pt.
font and double spaced).

ii. Students must argue how their example uses Rasquache
Rhetorics by referring to the readings or video of the unit.
4. Remind students to prepare a “Rough Draft” for the “Peer Feedback Session” on
Wednesday, October 26th.Through conversational commentary and focus on use
of rhetoric and overall content, students will provide feedback to peers. Note:
Feedback on grammar is fine, but the main focus should be on the ideas in the
writing and if it’s comprehensible.
a. Will occur through Small Group discussions and Whole Group discussion.
b. Part of participation grade.
c. Note: The “Rough Draft” can be an outline or 2-3 paragraphs.
5. Ask students if they have any questions or want any clarifications on anything.

Wednesday (Oct 26):

1. Mental Health Check and Grounding: Ask how everyone is doing, how is their
day/week going so far, how are they feeling, and catch up on the weekly
schedule for the class.
2. Ask students to get into Small Groups to begin the “Peer Feedback Session.”
Through conversational commentary and focus on use of rhetoric and overall
content, students will provide feedback to peers.
a. Note: Feedback on grammar is fine, but the main focus should be on the
ideas in the writing and if it’s comprehensible.
b. Note: The “Rough Draft” can be an outline or 2-3 paragraphs.
3. Initiate and encourage a Whole Group Discussion where someone can volunteer
from each Small Group and share what they talked about and learned from one
another during the session.
4. Tell students that they may email me their rough drafts for my feedback by
Sunday, October 30th. Note: This is optional, not required.
5. Remind students that their “Persuasive Paper” is due Wednesday, November 2nd
at 11:59pm.
6. Ask students if they have any questions or want any clarifications on anything.

Week 3 of Rasquache Rhetorics Unit

Monday (Oct 31) to Wednesday (Nov 2):
1. Send out final reminder email that the “Persuasive Paper” on Rasquache
Rhetorics is due Wednesday, November 2nd at 11:59pm.
a. Include in the email that students will have the opportunity to revise and
edit and resubmit their paper after receiving their initial grade. Note:
Usually, allow a week for resubmissions. Then again, it may vary for
students and their needs.
b. Point out that if a student needs an extension for the initial submission to
email me ASAP to figure things out.

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