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About Me: A GUIDE



Alyson Bygd Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide

A Note About YouScience

You've taken the YouScience online assessment, and you've learned a great deal about your
own aptitudes and interests in detail. You've explored your language and picked the terms
and statements that apply to the ways you work and think. Now you're ready to start talking
to other people who can help you build and pursue your plan.

This guide is designed to help you:

Talk with family Talk with teachers Get recommendations
to help them understand and counselors for training programs, college,
your aptitudes, and also to ask for their ideas and internships and jobs. The
your questions and advice about how to more your recommenders
decisions. You could use pursue your goals. They've know about your strengths,
their support! seen a lot: bring them onto the better they can promote
your team. you to those who don't know
you yet.

How to use this guide:

Read it yourself, then give this guide to your family, teachers and counselors. Give it to
anyone you've asked to write recommendations for you: for school, job or internship
applications. Encourage them to read it carefully. This guide explains your particular
aptitudes and interests in a way that others can understand, and then better help you.
Here's what this guide gives them:


Words and phrases to use in resumes, letters, and essays

Statements about you and your aptitudes

Sure, they're helping you. But with this guide, you make
their job a lot easier.
If you want more information about YouScience, visit For help with this
guide, contact a YouScience Specialist at 844-YOUSCIENCE (844-968-7243) or email your
questions to .

Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide 2 Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide

Terms That Describe Me

Here are some key words and phrases to use in letters, essays, resumes, and interviews.

Discerning Task Oriented Problem-solving Pacesetter

Born Researcher Present Minded Planner
Advocate Adaptable Process Tuner
Specialized Good Vocabulary Focused
Social Good Communicator Not Easily Distracted
Outwardly Energized Abstract Thinker Listener
Extroverted Investigative Fast Learner

My Highlights
Here's what I learned about myself. Use these statements to build recommendation letters, resumes,
college essays, and as talking points.

WORK APPROACH • When I'm interested in something, I want to learn everything about
it from the best resources and experts.

• I'm at my best when sharing my opinion about my area of expertise.

• I am a born researcher, consultant, or advocate for a cause.

• I want my work to bear my unique handprint.

• I strive to be an expert in my fields of interest.

• I need to have a cause or mission that I feel passionately about.

• I need to get through unrelated requirements so that I can get to

the activities and courses that interest me.

INTERPERSONAL STYLE • I enjoy lively discussion and thinking out loud.

• Crowds or interacting with others energize me.

• I tend to be outgoing, gregarious, enthusiastic, and social.

• I naturally initiate and sustain interactions that can lead to a broad

range of friends and interests.

Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide 3 Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide

TIMEFRAME ORIENTATION • I'm adaptable to changing goals and can focus easily on immediate

• I find it difficult to stick to a long-term goal if the immediate tasks

aren't rewarding in some way.

• I'm effective and productive at meeting deadlines.

• I enjoy short-term assignments with defined tasks and goals. I'm

unlikely to procrastinate if I see a reward ahead.

• My here-and-now mindset might cloud my view of an important

distant goal. I need to take special care to keep my future in sight,
and break down long-haul work into shorter-term goals.

ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY • I can memorize new vocabulary, formulas, and jargon easily.

• Learning scientific, technical, or medical vocabulary is easy and

automatic for me.

• I excel whenever absorbing and recalling information are key.

INDUCTIVE REASONING • I often set the pace in a group working together to solve a problem.
I rein in those who want to jump to conclusions and spur on those
who want to drag their feet.

• I can incorporate new facts into a decision with ease and flexibility.

• When given the option, I prefer to weigh the known facts and ask
questions before reaching a conclusion.

• I'm good at admitting when I don't have all of the facts and trying to
fill in the unknowns before making a decision.

VOCABULARY • I can effectively communicate with a wide variety of people on

many topics.

• If I hear a word I don't recognize, I can usually figure out its

meaning from the context.

• I usually understand what I read, and I learn new words as I go with

relative ease.

Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide 4 Alyson Bygd: Discussion & Recommendation Guide

NUMERICAL • I do calculations in my head when needed. I have basic math

COMPUTATION concepts at my disposal when solving problems.

• I prefer looking up practical information in tables and conversion

charts instead of working out the calculations myself.

SEQUENTIAL REASONING • I can organize some information in my head, but organizational

tools like calendars, outlines, and schedules help me to be more

• I can see where a tweak would make things run more smoothly
after a plan is established.

• I'm good at refining existing plans and processes, but I prefer not to
create them from scratch.

• Using tools for organizing keeps me from getting overwhelmed

when life gets complicated.

IDEA GENERATION • I can work for long periods on a single idea. This allows me to be
extremely effective on a team or project.

• I'm good at promoting and implementing ideas.

• I can come up with ideas, but doing so doesn't drive or energize


• It's easy for me to stay focused without getting distracted by a

barrage of ideas.

NUMERICAL REASONING • I can see numerical patterns, but I don't prefer to devote too much
time to the exercise if given an option.

• I can find trends in numerical data if I have a formula to apply.

• I can analyze data, especially if I know what to look for and it

interests me.

SPATIAL VISUALIZATION • I work better in the world of abstract ideas.

• I don't spend much time thinking about visually-based ideas; I can

take it or leave it.

• I should consider fields like psychology, politics, social sciences,

business, education, and law.

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VISUAL COMPARISON • I need time to handle paperwork accurately. I value proofreaders.

SPEED • Spellcheck is my best friend.

• Reviewing large amounts of paperwork isn't my thing. If a project

requires it, I need to allow a lot of time in order to be accurate.


Social: I like helping and supportive tasks where I can have a positive impact, like Community Organizing,
Academic Advising, Counseling, Teaching, Healthcare, Religion/Clergy, Social Work, Training, and Human

Enterprising: I like persuasive or competitive tasks that require high energy and risk-taking, like Activism,
Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Fundraising, Hospitality, Insurance, Management,
Politics, Real Estate, Recruiting, and Sales.

Investigative: I like intellectual and theoretical tasks that involve experimentation, like Computer
Science/Information Technology, Economics, Higher Education, Law, Medicine, Psychology/Psychiatry,
Research, and Theoretical Sciences.

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