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Assalammualaikum wr.


Dear my lovely grandsister Revanjani

Hai kak!

Apakabar? Hopefully you in the good condition and much more get your happiness and
enjoyable at the Pondok..

Kak, im very proud to you and glad because I see your progress is much better more
than before, you’ve a good rank and good attitude also

One of think make me amaze is your score very good..especially Bahasa arab dan
Pendidikan agama yang panda sendiri kayanya gak mungkin bisa dapat nilai segitu hehe

Rev, gak kerasa sudah 3 bulan kamu di pondok, dan bentar lagi mau liburan 2 minggu
ya??semoga akhir tahun ini kita bisa liburan Bersama nginep gitu di hotel, berenang, dan
jalan2 ya..let we pray to Allah that we will be given age, health and rezeki yang berkah
dari Allah SWT.. Aameen

Last week Panda, Manda and Fatih fly to Bali…a lot of things I want to tell you,
because the trip was exciting, but it seems like one page is not enough, we'll tell you
when we meet ok

Ok reva see ya, always take your spirit and don’t give up..we always he to support you
my sweety

Salam uyel-uyel selalu

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