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A 班复习资料

I. Spell the following words with the help of their Chinese. The first letter is given. Please put
down your answers on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)
i________ (印象) s_________ (战略,策略) l______ (闲暇;休闲)

e________ (经历) o_________ (障碍) r___________ (不情愿的)

r_________ (资源,物力) c________ (有信心的) d_________ (学科、纪律)

i________ (独立的) i________ (面试;采访) a _______ (申请人)

s______ (时间安排表) v_________ (志愿,志愿者) p______(视角;角度)

c_______ (信心) s_______ (同情) d_____(愿望)

m_________ (记忆力、记忆) a_________ (感激、欣赏)(v.) b______ (利益)

e__________ (经济学) s__________ (调查) c________ (挑战)

l__________ (缺乏) a___________ (野心,理想) e________ (经历)

p________ (过程、进程) o____________ (机会) a_________ (分析) (n.)

II. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where
necessary. Each expression can be used only once. Please put down your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (20 points)

associated with; benefit; end up; supposed to…; only to; reduce; in
addition to...; at the idea of; difference; turn out

The gun she bought to defense herself ____ killing herself.

She hurried to the theatre, ______ find the door closed.

Christine got excited ______ the coming birthday party when she would meet her childhood


It____ that finding a job in London was so hard.

To be a top student, you need diligence and persistence ________ intelligence.

If you are closely exposed to the people infected with the coronary virus, you are ______ have

your blood tested.

Scientists have long pointed out that lung cancer is _______ smoking.

After the typhoon, the beautiful city was ______ to a mess.

He knows very well that the decision will make a great _____ to his future.

The new tax codes will _____ small businesses, greatly reducing their tax burdens.

difference, involve, fail to, trouble, end up, increasingly , exposed
to..., at the idea of, as a result, to a great extent,

The young girl will _____ penniless if she keeps on spending like that.
Jane didn’t finish her assignment, and _________, she was dismissed from the company.
No doubt, modern technologies have made a big ______ to our life.
__ leaving his family to study in a foreign country, John is filled with anxiety.
If you are _____ the people infected with the coronary virus, you are supposed to have your blood
The researchers find a person’s personality is, _________, determined by his/her environment and
lifetime experience.
If you have ______ finishing the work before deadline, please let us know.
The study shows parents are playing an _____ important role in the development of children’s
The driver was fined two hundred yuan because he __________follow the traffic lights.

Three people _____ in the accident are being investigated by the police.

Choose the answer that best completes the sentences. Then write the corresponding letter on
the Answer Sheet. (15 points)
1. As the final exam is approaching, the students are _____ in their study.

A. immersed B. thrown C. affected D. determined

2. The computer is _____ of doing calculation at a speed much faster than human brains.

A. capable B. considerable C. available D. valuable

3. _____ people need to keep in mind is that regular exercise is essential to keep healthy.

A. That B. What C. Why D. It

4. College students are encouraged to be actively _____ in community activities.

A. involved B. impressed C. demonstrated D. regarded

5. Our English class is conducted on a twice-a-week _______.

A. base B. basis C. bases D. based

6. The audience are deeply ______ by the child’s talent for music.

A. involved B. regarded C. demonstrated D. impressed

7. Although vitamins are _____ to health, you cannot skip the traditional health measures like

exercising and having a low-fat diet. A. appropriate B. present C. competitive D.


8. It ____ that her volunteer work experience helped her land an ideal job.

A. turned out B. turned away C. gave out D. gave away

9. The little girl can not help crying, for she is always _____ at the sound of fire alarms.

A. amazed B. amused C. panicked D. relieved

10. The fund is ______ to support undergraduates in need of financial help.

A. executed B. intended C. tempted D. evolved

11. A person’s personality is, to some ______, determined by his/her environment and lifetime


A. effort B. extend C. extent D. variety

12. The company ______ a survey to find out whether its new product is liked by young people.
A. acquired B. conducted C. enhanced D. estimated
13. For his excellent performance in study, the student was ____ with the title of Outstanding

Student last year.

A. based B. committed C. contacted D. honored

14. The government’s present policy to focus on economic development will ____ a disaster for

the environment. A. lead to B. object to C. adjust to D. devote to

15. It’s true that a person who has many friends ____ a happy life.
A. enjoy B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoys
16.The degree, to ____ college students get involved in societies and clubs, can be varied a lot.

A. that B. what C. why D. which

17. Language is the medium of culture, and when we learn a foreign language, we are ______ to

a culture quite different from ours. A. approached B. acquired C. qualified D. exposed

18. Robots are _____ of working in conditions which pose great threat to human beings.

A. capable B. considerable C. available D. valuable

19. The advances of the technology______ many factories to produce their products more


A. make B. enable C. remind D. reject

20. How students learn to get along with others in an organization ___ of more use in their

future jobs.

A. are B. have C. is D. has

21. If you can ____ him of your ability to repay, he will lend you the money you need.

A. convince B. complete C. informs D. refuse

22. Aerobic exercise helps to burn more energy. _____, it strengthens your heart muscles.

A. Apart from B. Aside from C. According to D. In addition

23. Parents are greatly touched by her dedication _______ the children’s education.

A. by B. with C. in D. to

24. It took them three months ____ they made the final decision.

A. after B. as soon as C. before D. when

25. After the typhoon, the beautiful city was ______ to a mess.

A. balanced B. reduced C. recognized D. reflected

26. She works hard to offer help to those women who _______ a great deal from domestic


A. suffer B. defeat C. require D. obtain

27. All the books and magazines in the library are ______ to teachers as well as students at this


A. capable B. available C. invisible D. virtual

28. The drug ______ my toothache. It was really effective.

A. varied B. avoided C. maintained D. relieved

29. Many people got seriously ill for ____of clean water.

A. reason B. amount C. measure D. lack

30. The survey shows that long-lasting unemployment may _______ depression.
A. object to B. lead to C. devote to D. adjust to

Translate the following Chinese sentences into English, using the given words and
expressions (20 points).
1. 就我个人而言,成功/幸福不能只用金钱来衡量。(opinion; in terms of…)

2. 他感激她的同情和理解,在当时这对他来说意味着很多。(appreciate; which)

3. 现代社会的很多疾病是由不良的生活方式造成的。 (be caused by...)

4. 科学家们担心全球气温上升对物种影响很大。(be concerned ; influence)

5. 研究显示肺癌与抽烟有着密切的联系。(be related to...)

6. 采取有效措施阻止疫情传播是非常有必要的。(effective; it)

7. 生病后他才意识到健康的重要性。(not … until…)

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