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MINUTES: PS 151 "Kumustahan"

Location: UPC Arts and Sciences Building AS LOBBY

Date: February 23, 2023

Time: 1:00pm- 1:20pm

Attendance (Group Members Present)

Angtud, Mia Marybel D.

Cansancio, Jhem Scarlet S.

Castillon, Joyce Rea A.

Gallentes, Miriam I.

Gilig, Kaye Angelie P.

Our Objectives:
● Brainstorm on these terminologies—politics, power, authority, and equality—and their
meaning, relevance, and interrelationship to one another.
● Make a concept map to show the interconnections of the given concepts that were discussed
during the brainstorming session.

● February 23, 2023– Kamustahan/Brainstorming
● February 24, 2023– Final output (concept map)

Agenda Items
Questions to be answered:

1. What is your idea about politics? How about power? Aren’t they the same concept?
2. What is authority? Who has power over “us”?
3. How is equality achieved through the use of power or authority?
4. In what way are the concepts above interrelated?
Roundtable Discussion
● Minute Taker and Moderator
- Angtud
● Ideas, Perspectives, and Answers.
- Cansancio
- Castillon
- Gallentes
- Gilig


- Politics is the making of a collective decision for the general welfare and
societal development.

-Power is the capacity of politicians, leaders, and others to shape

governmental policy and thus influence the choices that individuals and
nations make.

-Power and politics are different because politics is the exercise of power,
hence the notion of managing and distributing power is under politics.
(interrelationship of power and politics)


-Authority is the right to exercise power. (Authority meaning)

- Without power, there is no authority and those who have authority, have the
power over us. Like the leaders and politicians that we have are in our
government. (Interrelation between power and authority)


- Equality is the fair distribution of justice, rights, and freedom. (Meaning of

. equality).

- Equality is the byproduct of the unprejudiced exercise of power.

……….. (Interrelation between equality and power)

Q4 (Final Output)

Concept map

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