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Delivery Schedule
As of 6/12/14

Note: (*) denotes “essential material”

1. Feature Delivery Materials

a. * An Apple ProRes 422 HQ or Apple ProRes 4444 .MOV Quicktime file delivered either via hard drive or
secure file delivery (in its most natural settings including aspect ratio). No websites, phone numbers,
addresses, emails, or any other form of contact info can be see within the feature on this or any other
deliverable as it will be rejected by key partners. Master must pass third party quality control standards with
Content Bridge defined as: meeting a distribution grade of Tier 1 (suitable for all DSPs) or Tier 2 (suitable
for most DSPs).

Apple ProRes shall have the following audio embedded:

Ch.1-6: 5.1 Printmaster (L, R, C, Lfe, Ls, Rs)
Ch.7/8: Stereo English Mix
Ch.9/10: Stereo M&E

Apple Pro Res must include textless version at tail 60 seconds after LFOA.
Pre-roll specs- 56:00:00-TC start, 57:00-58:00 bars & tone, 58:00-58:30 - slate with: Feature Title, Feature
RT, TRT, (with textless), aspect ratio, audio configuration, date.

b. * One (1) HD-CAM-SR -1080P/23.98 PsF (4:4:4) 16x9 Original Aspect Ratio (1.78 or 1.85 or 2.35)
ENGLISH Subtitled Feature Master with Stereo Audio and 5.1 Audio with the following configuration:
Ch.1-2: Stereo English
Ch.3-4: Stereo M&E
(Ch.5-10 5.1 Printmaster)
Ch 5. L
Ch 6. R
Ch 7. C
Ch 8. LFE
Ch 9. LS
Ch 10. RS

HD-CAM-SR of FTR must include textless version at tail or as separate HD-CAM-SR 1080P/23.98 PsF.

One (1) NTSC - Digibeta 4x3 Letterbox Original Aspect Ratio (1.78 or 1.85 or 2.35) Closed Captioned
Feature Master, One (1) NTSC - Digibeta 4x3 1.33 Full Frame Closed Captioned Feature Master.

c. DCP (Digital Cinema Package) of the feature – Amplify will need access to lab in order to create final DCP
In the event that the DCP is already completed production company agrees to provide non-encrypted DCP
with reel markers for pre-film logos at the start of the feature in the event any changes or alternations must
be made. Reel markers should correspond to original reel lengths, with an additional reel marker included at
the start of the end credits sequence. Amplify has the right to re-wrap the DCP at any time

d. * One (1) 5.1 Surround including L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs channels, separate 5.1 D / M / E tracks, and One (1)
Stereo L/R Mix incorporated within the video file.

e. * One (1) digitally delivered 5.1 International M&E (with original dialogue present for “UN style” dubbing),
One (1) 5.1 M&E (clean), One (1) Lt/Rt M&E

f. One LTO 6 Tape Archive (LTFS format) containing all delivery materials (DCP, ProRes, 5.1 surround mix,
5.1 D/M/E tracks, close caption/subtitle files, and all legal deliverables, along with an LTO Manifest in
PDF form listing everything on the tape.

g. * Close Caption/Subtitle files: All titles must be captioned. Caption files should be delivered as .scc or
.cap, timed at 29.97fps regardless of video frame rate. Captions should maintain native timebase of source
(Drop frame or Non drop). Must have a starting timecode of 00:00:00:00. Closed captions include all
dialogue, indications of who is speaking, off-screen events, music ques, and sound effects. Captions should
display and synchronize to within one second of each event, and should not linger for longer than one
second after each event. Captions should display the exact dialogue spoken. Captions should clear out with
each new scene change. A caption should not linger into the next scene. Captions should not exceed 2 lines
per caption. Captions should not be longer than the video. Captions should not cover an forced narrative
within the video. Acceptable subtitle formats are .stl or .srt. 2 line maximum per subtitle, preferred with no
black outlines around text.

h. One (1) document containing the complete final dialogue and action continuity script matching delivered
master(s) that contains all dialogue, narration and vocals, as well as a cut-by-cut description of the on screen
action in a form suitable for use in connection with dubbing and subtitling and matching exactly to the
action and soundtrack of the master(s).

i. Metadata: Blank form to be provided to producers - cast, crew, production companies, etc. must be filled in
their completion and be screen accurate.

j. Exhibit J. Lab Information. Please fill out and return.

2. Marketing Materials

a. Any pre-existing key art, if any, delivered as a layered digital file in either Adobe Photoshop (PSD) or
Illustrator (AI).

b. Any pre-existing trailer or promotional piece, if any, delivered as an Apple ProResHQ .MOV Quicktime
file with separate D/M/E audio tracks. Quality of promotional piece must match the quality of the feature.

c. Fifty (50) approved hi-resolution (taken with SLR camera – screenshots of the Master(s) are not acceptable)
stills in JPG format and at least 2500 pixels wide. Twenty (20) must feature clearly the primary cast
members of the film. Must be accompanied by a caption sheet that notes all persons (and their character
names) in the shot from left to right, as well as photographer credit required.

d. Main and end credits, delivered in Microsoft Word format (DOC or DOCX). Credits must be screen
accurate to the file end credits on the delivered master(s).

e. Any “behind the scenes” featurettes, raw b-roll, or EPK, if available, delivered as a Quicktime ProRes with
D/M/E stems. All must be fully cleared for use with documentation.

f. Laboratory access to any unfinished or deleted scenes, b-roll, or unused footage.

g. Any press notes previously created, in Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) format, along with any previously
written synopses of the film.

h. Any music cleared for use “out of context” delivered as WAV or AIFF files.

3. Legal Materials

a. * Chain of Title documentation.

b. *Complete Paid Advertising Statement which includes all (i) credit obligations, (ii) name and/or likeness
restrictions in connection with the advertising and/or publicity of the Picture, (iii) likeness/artwork
title/excluded ad tie-ins (iv) dubbing/subtitling restrictions (v) restrictions/entitlements of cast, and crew
relating to publicity (including any lodging, travel and accommodation provisions), and (vi) any other talent
approval rights as they apply to still photography, promotional material, artistic renderings, biographies,
credits, video mastering, editing, or any other related matter.

c. *Final approved billing block for posters as well as print-ready digital files (vector-based Photoshop or
Illustrator file formats preferred) of all logos contractually required to be included.

d. * A full text copy of Licensor's (or producer's) E&O Insurance policy (which shall be a "claims made"
policy), including all endorsements and amendments. The policy shall have limits of $3mm/$5mm, with a
$25k deductible, and shall remain in full force and effect for 3 years from delivery of the Picture to
Amplify. There shall be no non-standard exclusions or excess deductibles, and coverage shall be provided
for music, the title, film clips and bonus material. Licensor shall provide written confirmation that the
policy may not be canceled or revised without the consent of Amplify. Further, the policy shall be deemed
primary insurance and any other insurance obtained by Amplify, as applicable, shall be excess insurance not
to be subject to exposure until the insurance coverage of the delivered policy shall be exhausted. Licensor
shall add Amplify (and, GoDigital or any related company) as an additional insured using the following
“GoDigital, Inc, including all majority owned subsidiaries and newly acquired companies within the term
of this policy; its parent companies, subsidiaries and all associated, affiliated and related entities, their
respective successors, licensees, sub-distributors and assigns and their respective officers, directors,
employees, within the scope of their duties; and any independent (non-owned) film production companies
declared to this policy, including their officers, directors and employees but only with respect to their duties
as officers, directors or employees."

e. *One (1) copy of the music cue sheet detailing the particulars of all music contained in the film, including
the title of each cue; the names and addresses of the composers, publishers, and copyright owners; the
usages and the number of such uses; the percentage of ownership for each composer and publisher; and, any
other information customarily set forth in music cue sheets.

f. One (1) copy of each music synchronization, master use and performance license covering each musical
composition embodied in each version of the film. Where any music performance license is claimed to be
available by blanket license from a performing rights society, Producer may, in lieu of an individual license,
provide copies certified by Producer to be complete and accurate in all material respects, of the composer,
lyricist, and publisher affiliation agreements with the applicable performing rights society and the inclusion
of the subject musical composition in the performing rights society’s catalogue.

g. Any available cue sheets and music licenses for any “behind the scenes” or b-roll, and any trailer or
promotional piece previously created.

h. Clips and/or stock footage cue sheet and clip and/or stock footage licenses (if any).

i. The final cast list as prepared by Producer’s payroll company from which all residuals are to be calculated.

j. A statement detailing all shots taken for the TV version of the film, including all dialogue changes and film

k. All talent and crew agreements for the film, including the director(s), producer(s), writer(s).

l. *Two (2) original copies of the short form assignment in a form and substance approved by Amplify.

m. *Two (2) original copies of the copyright mortgage and security agreement in a form and substance
approved by Amplify.

n. Safe Harbor Letters: If the Picture was produced after March 15, 2009, Licensor shall provide Amplify with
a signed copy of the Safe Harbor letter(s) as sent to the U.S. Attorney General in connection with the

o. Safe Harbor Documentation: Individually identifiable information regarding all performers, including minor
performers, employed by the Licensor, pursuant to tax, labor, and other laws, labor agreements or otherwise
pursuant to industry standards, where such information includes the name, address and date of birth of the
performer, in accordance with 28 CFR part 75.

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