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Heres my story...In 1993 i went in to have my wisdom teeth pulled..

They pulled all 4 of

them.but on the bottem left side it never felt right, it felt like a nawing feeling at times and i
wanted to dig at it, but it would come and go..After 6 months of having the teeth pulled, I
started having very painful orgasms when i had sex, Remind you i was in my early 20s married
with a baby, I thought i was going nuts.I went to the doctor and they scoped me but never
found anything wrong.I told them it felt like a nerve in my prostate and they didnt search any
farther, After 6 months of painful sex it finally relieved and then i started having a ear ache
on my left side, Again i go back to the doctor and they do a scan on my sinuses and see
nothing.I went thru painful ear aches for about 6 months and it finally eased up,I literally
thought i was going nuts.

Then i started running a very low grade fever and by the way , I ran that fever for 18 years.Id
go to a different doctor and tell them what im going thru and the having a fever, They would
say oh its allergies, excuse me, allergies dont make you run a fever..My face and body started
swelling up but very slowly, i felt like total shit.So back to the doctor id go and they would do
blood work on me. But it would always come back normal..2 years after this all started.I went
back to the dentist and told him this story and he looked at the bottem left side and said its
looks normal and healed, I knew something was major wrong, so i got drunk and walked into
the dentist office and walked right into a patients room and told the dentist to give me
novacane and a going to up open this sob and see whats going on, He told me to
come back in 2 weeks and he would cut that back open..So i went back and he opened it up.

He said, oh shit, something had laid in your jaw bone for quite awhile..He sewed me up and
on the way out of the door he said..Youll be at the Mayo Clinic before this is over with.I said
what, He said never mind...I just kept getting worse and worse until mentally i thought i was
going crazy..I went another doctor and explained everything..He prescribed me
Metronidazole and 10 days later i felt something hit that jaw bone and my face went totally
numb.I got scared and went to the doctor and they said that the nerves in your face in
connected to your jaw and itll come out of it, it did but still no answers of why im running a
small fever and felt horrible..So i go to a ENT specialist, He does scans and see's nothing and
sends me home..Then i went to a old time country doctor.

He shoved rods in my nose and tells me that i have so much pressure in my head that he dont
know why im not knocked out..He then he says.I think you have a bacterial fungal type
infection and he gives me Diflucan..I took those for 30 days but really didnt notice. any
differents, by the way those other doctors were perscribing me antibiotics also, but in the
long run it was creating more infections...I couldnt get my got to the emergency
room and 1 doctor said i was having panic attacks so he gave me nerve pill and it never
stopped my breathing issues. Remind you id only have these every so often..Ive been to the
ER 4 or 5 times and they would tell me the same thing..I asked them to put me in a nut ward,
maybe they would figure out why i feel this way and they would tell me i wasnt crazy..So i
started to give up on life.forgot my dreams and marriage and i thought id drink my self to
death.My face felt like fiber glass in the heat and id tell the doctors i have a fungal infection
and they would tell me, my blood work dont show it..

So they wouldnt do anything..So i started taking what ever i could find to kill fungus and
slowly.i mean slowly my body started reversing of everything i felt and it worked on me
mentally..I moved to Arizona in 07 and its really hot there and i was really sick.A friend of
mine gave me a bottle of Sea Aloe and i started taking that and shit started draining out of
my head and in my breathing went nuts..I went to the ER and Mayo clinic and was
admitted in the hospital..They done every test you can imagine.I lost 35 lbs in 8 days and all
the muscle in my legs and i noticed before at times my legs would get real weak, but this
bout took them totally out..The specialist would come in my room 5 at a time and asked me
questions and did all kinds of blood work, i kept telling them i have a fungal infection and
they said it dont show up as one..

3 days later they started giving me anti fungal meds with out me knowing it and they came
and told me that my.blood work has changed since the fungal meds..The Sea Aloe had
boosted my immune system in orbit and was dumping infefection in my body that they found
mass's in my chest and colon..They did a biopsy in my chest and found out what ever it was,
it grows real slow in a pedric dish..They also said my body was like a roller coaster and
everything is up and down like a yo yo and they don't know why im alive..I asked to be
released from hospital and that was in 10..I was told to see every specialist there is and stay
on top of things..I told them i believe in a God and he runs mt boat..I read about this juice
and thought, why not ive takin everything .I made a batch and started drinking a shot of with
a vit pill that contains Mag.Zinc, Cal and D..After the first dose i immediately started to feel
different and very relaxed..In 30 days of taking this.

I have felt better then then i have since 93..Its killing this stuff in my head and body and in
another 30 days i truely believe i will be totally cleared up...This is just a short story of what i
really went thru.but by Gods grace im here to tell you this anyways. Have any questions
please pm me..May God bless each of you and stay on the juice..

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