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( 6) THE ARTICLES 1. Definite Article 2. Indefinite Article 3. When articles are not used 4.

Difference in meaning with use of articles 5. Difference in meaning with or without the use of articles The articles are the words: a, an, the, and are of two kinds: Definite Article The Indefinite Article A or An There are rules governing the usage of a, an and the. By learning the rules, we may still not fully understand their usage. However, there are ways to better understand how to use them and one effective way is to read as much as we can.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->The is the definite article as it identifies a definite or

particular noun that we know of. It is not about a noun that has not been mentioned beforehand or a noun that we are unaware of. EXAMPLE: I received a letter. The letter is from a former classmate. (CORRECT) NOT: I received the letter. The letter is from the former classmate. First sentence: I received the letter. Which letter is referred to? Second sentence: The letter is from the former classmate. We know 'The letter' as it refers to the letter I received (in the first sentence). / the former classmate There are many former classmates, which one?) This shows how easily we can confuse the reader if we do not exercise care in using the. 'The' is used: 1. when the same thing or person is mentioned again, that is, a particular thing or person. Example: I bought an orange. The orange is sweet. 2. when there is only one such thing. Example: the earth, the sun, the moon. 3. before the names of famous buildings, etc. Example: The Eiffel Tower, The Great Wall of China. 4. when a singular noun is used to point out a whole class, race, group, etc. Example: The bear is a strong animal. 5. before the special names of a rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges, groups of islands, certain organizations, political parties, and countries such as the U.S.A., the U.K., the U.S.S.R. and the U.A.R.

Example: The Nile, The Dead Sea, The Pacific Ocean, The Himalayas, The United Nations, The Republican Party, etc. 6. before the names of holy or important books. Example: The Koran, The Bible. 7. before an adjective when the noun is understood. Example: The poor need help. Example: No one seems to care for the homeless in the city. More examples: This is the boy you are looking for. (This means this is the particular boy you are looking for, not any other boy.) That is the cinema I went to yesterday. (I remember and am sure that is the cinema I went to and not another cinema.) While they were there, they visited the science museum. (They visited the particular museum which is the only one in the country.)


The indefinite articles are a and an. We use them to show an unspecified noun, and not a special one, or when we are speaking in general.


A is used: before a word which begins with a consonant. Example: There is a woman waiting for you. before a singular, countable noun. Example: A banana was all I had for lunch. when we mention something for the first time. Example: I saw a dog. before a word with a long sound of u Example: a university, a uniform, a useful book, a European, a unique opportunity. Example: It would be a unique opportunity to travel in space. before the word one because one is pronounced wun, as if it began with W. Example: a one-way street, a one-eyed man, a one-year course, a one-day holiday, etc. Example: I have a one-way ticket to travel from one place to another as I don't intend to visit a place twice. An is used: before a noun which begins with a vowel. Example: They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. before a word which begins with a vowel sound or a silent h. Example: an hour, an honest man, an heir, an honour, an honourable man, etc. Example: An hour passed and she still hadn't arrived.

Articles are not used: 1. before the name of a person: Example: I am a fan of Michael Jackson. (NOT: I am a fan of the Michael Jackson) 2. before the name of a place, town, country, street, or road. Example: Barcelona is a beautiful city. (NOT: The Barcelona is a beautiful city.) 3. before names of materials. Example: Gold is found in Australia. (NOT: The gold is found in Australia.) 4. before abstract nouns used in a general sense. Example: You cannot buy happiness. (NOT: You cannot buy a/the happiness.)

It helps to observe the following rules: When we use two or more adjectives to describe the same person or thing, we use the article only before the first adjective. Example: He talked to a tall and blonde woman. (He talked to a (one) woman who was tall and blonde.) When we use two or more adjectives to refer to more than one person or thing, we use the article before each adjective. Example: He talked to a tall and a blonde woman. (He talked to two women, one of whom was tall and the other was a blonde.)

He is at the school. He is at a school. (We He is at school. (He is a student and is learning.)

(We don't

know know

which which

school.) school.)

( 6.1) EXERCISE - THE ARTICLES Fill each blank with a', an', the' or leave it blank.

1. He left _____ home without informing anyone. Click here for the answer

2. There is _____ box of sweets on _____ table. Click here for the answer

3. Do you need _____ degree in Economics or _____ degree in finance to be a better manager? Click here for the answer

4. When we arrived, she went straight to _____ kitchen and started to prepare _____ meal for us. Click here for the answer

5. He has _____ cut on his leg and _____ bruise on _____ chin. Click here for the answer

6. _____ Mt. Everest is _____ highest mountain in _____ world. Click here for the answer

7. Switch off _____ air-conditioner please. I have _____ cold. Click here for the answer

8. We reached _____ top of _____ hill during _____ afternoon. Click here for the answer

9. Do you like _____ weather here? Isn't it too hot during _____ day but it is very cold at _____ night? Click here for the answer

10. _____ attempt has been made to collect _____ funds to start _____ public library in _____ town where I live. Click here for the answer

1. The family now (live/lives) in London. Click here for the answer The family now live in London.

2. The cat family (include/includes) lions and tigers. Click here for the answer

3. There (hasnt/havent) been any news of him since he left home. Click here for the answer

4. News (is/are) coming in of a major explosion. Click here for the answer

5. (Who/Whom) did he talk to? Click here for the answer

6. You are not as happy as (I/me). Click here for the answer

7. (I/He) and (I/he) are brothers. Click here for the answer

8. Her sister is fatter than (she/her). Click here for the answer

9. His car is (cleaner/more cleaner) than mine. Click here for the answer

10. My mother did not buy (any/some) apples. Click here for the answer

11. There are (fewer/less) than five oranges on the table. Click here for the answer

12. There is a (few/little) ice in the glass. Click here for the answer

13. One must do (his/ones) duty. Click here for the answer

14. The (better/best) of the two is mine. Click here for the answer

15. He can (help/helps) you lift this box. Click here for the answer

16. (A large number/great deal) of houses were burnt down in the fire. Click here for the answer

17. He lives (at/in) 43, Station Road. Click here for the answer

18. The hunter shot at the (brood/flock) of birds. Click here for the answer

19. They are playing in the (childrens/childrens) park. Click here for the answer

20. He (lived/has lived) here since 1990. Click here for the answer

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