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Unidad Educativa Salesiana Cardenal Spellman

Nombre: Dominic Nicolas Vaca

Curso: 2BGU “D”
Fecha: 17-02-2023

Dear Eddy Apolo

I was pleased to read your email about getting new technology for our
school. All teenagers have been waiting a decision like that. We
haven’t got any changes in our laboratories for many years.
It has made me happy to know that our authorities have finally
decided to get new computers for our daily work. As you know all
kind of information now it’s been coming an available for new kind
of technological sources and it is better to work with it by using
modern appliances. It will completely change our way of working
which has been difficult during the last years.
I think that one of the advantages that this technology will give us is
that touch screens have been improving fast work and dynamic
resolutions which will permit us to handle our work in a better way.
I hope that my email could motivate to my friends by giving support
to your decision.
Best wishes.
Dominic Vaca.

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