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Federal republic of Germany

For decades, the population of Cambodia has suffered the death of

thousands of people, the loss of the economy and the human rights of its citizens because of the Indochina
war and the communist attack of the Khmer Rouge. The genocide in Cambodia was the result of years
without independence, first by the French and then by falling into the hands of the communist Democratic
Kampuchea party, where Pol Pot took over converting Cambodia back to an agricultural and rural society
which does not allow them to continue to advance and develop as a modern country. Leaving millions of
people working in rural areas without access to freedom or rights, hunger, poverty and disease, turning
the whole country into a terrible prison of innocents.
Federalism has proven to be the most convenient way to manage a country because it allows each
area to be specially managed, to work together to achieve a better state. The Federal Republic of Germany
considers that federalism is more than a state system, it reflects the country's decentralized cultural and
economic structure. This structure always has positive results, unlike communism, which as in the case of
Cambodia, always ends up self-destructing its economy.
Taking into consideration that what led to Cambodia is extremist communism and the dictator
who imposed it, the best option to stop the millions of deaths in Cambodia is to remove the communist
government as soon as possible or at least reform it since the way it is being applied is destroying its own
nation. And being such a strong and dangerous political party. The safest way to solve the current
situation of this country is to impose on the president a series of requirements, such as supervision and the
taking of advice from other nations so that he can carry out a more effective government without
disrespecting the sovereignty of the country in matter. Definitely, if the nations had agreed and attacked
the situation earlier, not so many lives would have been lost.
It is important to remember that although the sovereignty of countries must be respected, when
the problem involves the death of millions of people, immediate action must be taken. Especially when
the administration of a country is responsible for the situation. As the United Nations, we must provide
aid to other countries when they need it and ensure the safety of all.

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