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Tech- All Non CIT Branches

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
UNIT Contents Lectures COs
Semiconductor Devices:
Diode: Fundamental Characteristics of diode: Formation of
I P-N junction, I-V characteristics, half-wave and full-wave
rectifier circuits, Zener and Avalanche breakdown; diode
8+8 CO1
applications in clipper and clamper, Zener diode: voltage
Transistor: Construction and operation, Transistor
amplifying action, Amplification factors; Limits of operation,
Applications of transistor, DC-Biasing: Fixed bias, Emitter
bias, Voltage divider bias.
Boolean algebra: Number system and codes, Minimization
techniques: Boolean logic operations, Basic laws of Boolean
II algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems; Logic gates: AND, OR,
7 CO2
NAND, NOR and realization. Implementation of Adder and
subtractor, Two, three and four variables Karnaugh-map (K-
Network Theory: Voltage and current sources (conversion),
Kirchoff current and voltage laws, Network theorems
(DC/AC): Superposition, Thevenin’s and Maximum Power 10 CO3
Transfer theorem, star-delta transformations.
AC Circuits and Electrical Machines
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and RMS
IV values, phasor representation. Elementary analysis of single-
12 CO4
phase ac circuits R, L, C, series/parallel RLC circuits and
Resonance conditions. DC machines: working Principle
transformer, losses in transformers & efficiency;
Classification of motors (AC & DC), characteristics &
applications of DC Motors

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