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NAMA SD Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021 No. Absen :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : 2 / Genap Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

Pililhlah jawaban yang Benar dengan Memberi Tanda Silang (x) pada A,
B,C Atau D!

1. Yanal helps her mother.

Kata yang digarisbawahi artinya ...

a. Melihat
b. Menolong
c. Memberi
d. Mendekat

2. The picture below is ....

a. Calipers
b. Tape measure
c. Ruler
d. Micrometer srew

3. The picture below is ....

a. Micrometer srew
b. Ruler
c. Tape measure
d. Calipers

4. “My Experience” artinya ...

a. Pengalamanku
b. Kehidupanku
c. Permainanku
d. Peraturanku

5. “Dinding” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ....

a. Way
b. Walk
c. Wark
d. Wall

6. “ kerajinan ” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ....

a. Craft
b. Scraft
c. Brush
d. Face

7. Dian sweeps the yard.

Kata yang digarisbawahi artinya ...

a. Menyapu
b. Menyiram
c. Menanam
d. Merumput

8. Plays - in the - garden – she

The correct order is ...

a. She plays in the garden

b. In the garden she plays
c. She in the garden play
d. Plays she in the garden

9. This is a ......

a. Game
b. Party
c. Dance
d. A gobak sodor game

10. This is a .....

a. buterfly

b. butterfly

c. butterfli

d. butterflai

11. “ Playground” artinya ...

a. Tempat bertemu
b. Tempat berkumpul

c. Tempat istirahat
d. Tempat bermain

12. Komodo island located in .....

a. South Sulawesi

b. West Sumatra

c. East Nusa Tenggara

d. West Kalimantan

13. Animal Around me.

Kata yang digarisbawahi artinya ...

a. Disekitar
b. Disamping
c. Didepan
d. Dibelakang

14. The picture below is ....

a. Cat

b. Duck
c. Turtle
d. Rabbit

15. The picture below is ....

a. Cat

b. Bird
c. Rabbit
d. Turtle

16. “Cage” artinya ...

a. Kandang
b. Halaman
c. Hewan
d. Tumbuhan

17. “Carrot” artinya....

a. Jagung
b. Wortel
c. Pisang
d. Sawi

18. “ Sayap ” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ...

a. Wide
b. Wise
c. Wing
d. Wife

19. “ Jump” artinya ...

a. Lari
b. Lompat

c. Jalan
d. Duduk

20. Cleans – they – a cage – regularly

The correct order is ...
a. They cleans regularly a cage

b. They cleans a cage regularly

c. A cage they cleans regularly

d. Regularly they cleans a cage

21. She gives a ...... to rabbit.

a. Food
b. Water
c. Vitamin
d. Bread

22. Rabbit eats a carrot.

Kata yang digarisbawahi artinya ...

a. Beras

b. Pisang

c. Wortel

d. Rumput

23. “ plant” artinya ...

a. Tumbuhan

b. Pohon
c. Ranting
d. Akar

24. This is a .....

e. Jasmine

f. Rose

g. Aglaonema

h. Kamboja tree

25. “Sejuk” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ....

a. Shady

b. Sade

c. Cool

d. Hoot

II. Arrange the following words correctly!

Susunlah kata- kata di bawah ini dengan benar!
1. L – H – E – P ( Membantu)
2. O– F – A– L ( Anak kuda)
3. B – H – I – A – V – O – V – E – R (Perilaku)
4. P – O – G – E – A – Z – L – O – I (Minta maaf)
5. H – O – T – O – N – M – E – W (Kampung halaman)
6. Dika – his – loves – animal
The correct order is ...
7. bread – eats – he – everyday

The correct order is ...

8. Have – tree – I – ducks
The correct order is ...
9. “ Plant “ artinya ...
10. “ Ginger” artinya ...

Answer key
I. Multiple Choice

1. B 16 A
2. B 17 B
3. A 18 C
4. A 19 B
5. D 20 B
6. A 21 A
7. A 22 C
8. A 23 A
9. C 24 B
10. B 25 A
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. B

II. Essay

6. Dika loves his animal
7. He eats bread everyday
8. I have tree ducks
9. Tumbuhan / tanaman
10. Jahe

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