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Lesson No.

4 NCM 107
Prof. Dymphna Casquejo
Ovulation from 1st day of one period as day 1 to
- means the release of a mature egg from the the 1st day of the next period
- Using an Ovulation Prediction Kit, OPK
Significance of Ovulation
- when the mature egg released from the ovary Listen to your body
fuses or combines with the sperm (from the - in 20% of women, your body informs you when
male) it will be fertilized and develop to form a you’re ovulating in the form of pain or series of
fetus/baby. cramps in the lower abdominal area (usually
- ovulation is the most important phenomenon in localized to one side - the side of the ovary
getting pregnant. A woman must ovulate in that is ovulating)
order to get pregnant. - this is referred to as mittelschmerz, german for
“middle pain” as it occurs at the middle of the
Importance of Ovulation menstrual cycle (mid-cycle pain)
- generally every month, only one egg matures - this monthly reminder of fertility is thought to
inside one of the ovaries be the result of the maturation and release of
- if no mature egg is released from the ovary, no an egg from the ovary.
egg will be available for fertilization and
pregnancy will not be possible. Getting to know the cervix
- once an egg is released, it will not be fertilized - the cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue
if no sexual contact is done that connects the vagina and uterus. located at
the lowermost portion of the uterus
When does ovulation happen? - as the body senses the hormonal shifts that
- timing varies with the length of the woman’s indicate an egg is about to be released from
menstrual cycle the ovary, the cervix begins to ready itself for
- in an average 28-day cycle, the Luteinizing the incoming large number of sperm and give
Hormone, (LH) surge occurs between cycle the egg its best chance of getting fertilized
days 11-13 and ovulation follows about 24-36
hours later, on or close to cycle day 14. The Cervix
- during the beginning of a cycle, the cervix is
What is LH? low, hard and closed. But as ovulation
- it is one of the hormones produced by the approaches, it pulls back up, softens a bit and
pituitary gland. Ordinarily, it’s secreted at very opens a little to let the sperm through on their
low levels throughout your menstrual cycle. target 🡪 the egg.
- but once a developing egg follicle reaches a
certain size — usually around the midpoint of
your cycle — LH secretion surges to really
high levels. This hormone surge is what
triggers ovulation about 24 to 36 hours later.

How to keep track of ovulation:

- Check the calendar
o ovulation most often occurs halfway
through the menstrual cycle – the
average cycle lasts 28 days (counted

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[NCM 107] 4. Ovulation – Prof. Dymphna Casquejo

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[NCM 107] 4. Ovulation – Prof. Dymphna Casquejo

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