Let Me Go 2160 2163

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Let me go, Mr.

Hill Chapter 2161 | Novel By Shallow South

Chapter 2161

Since Ryan wants to make Freya jealous, she doesn’t mind making Ryan jealous too.

“Isn’t that man as a makeup master, let’s go and talk to him.” Catherine gently pulled Eliza,
winking at her.
Eliza quickly took the hint and joke towards Freya said: “I and the inclination to go over
there and say hello, you Peyton and chat for a while here, see if I can Amway with fans
about our brand.”

“I Do your best.” Freya was stunned, and nodded with a joking smile.

After Catherine and Eliza walked a distance, Eliza said: “You don’t want to match Peyton and
Freya, I admit that Peyton Campbell looks very handsome, but the man in the entertainment
industry are too complicated……”

“Of course not, just occasionally appreciate the beauty, maybe she will be in a better mood.”
Catherine smiled and took out her mobile phone, and sent a Whatsapp message to assistant
Hans Fleming: We will arrange for Freya later. Sit with Peyton Campbell and let the live
broadcast go to them. ]

Hans Fleming: [You would not want the Forest Management and Campbell, You would know
about Miss Freya, Campbell fans are very small, may not be able to accept ……. ?

Catherine: [Thinking too much, I didn’t fry CP, you do as I said. ]

Ryan listened to a vice minister who had been drinking too much and chatted about the

He only felt uncomfortable with his head being smoked. After taking a sip of the tea, he
picked up the phone on the table and casually browsed through some circles of friends.

Before Freya was hospitalized and Catherine was there to accompany him, he added
Catherine’s Whatsapp group.

Usually, he doesn’t pay much attention to Catherine.

But 20 minutes ago, Catherine sent six photos. One of them was a photo of Freya standing
near of Peyton.

Tonight, Freya was in a light pink dress with her skin on the back.

Ryan’s clear eyes narrowed sharply.

Freya actually laughed so sweetly with other man, and Ryan knew this male actor.
Ryan didn’t see it in the entertainment industry, but a few days ago, when Freya was
recuperating at home, when Ryan went to see Freya, Ryan saw her watching a TV series by
this male star several times.

Once Ryan watched with Freya for a while, Ryan thought the plot was terrible, but Freya said
she didn’t care about the plot, she only watched it because she liked the Peyton Campbell.

Every woman has the right to chase stars, but once catch it in real life, it will be troublesome.

Ryan suddenly got up, “I remembered that there is something urgent tonight, I will
withdraw first, and I will invite you to dinner another day.”

After finishing speaking, Ryan hurriedly took his coat and left.

When Ryan went downstairs, he drank and couldn’t drive, so he had to take a taxi to the

On the way, Ryan made several calls to Freya, but no one answered at all.

Ryan had no choice but to open the official Facebook live broadcast of Freycatheli. Tonight,
as there were many top artists participating, there were millions of people watching it.

Not long after Freycatheli’s party started, two well-known TV hosts were invited to host the

When Ryan entered, there happened to be a certain popular female singer performing a
show. The screen occasionally switched to the audience.

Ryan quickly saw Freya sitting side by side with Eliza and Catherine in the first row. However,
on the other side of Freya was Peyton Campbell. Everyone was watching the show, but Freya
and Peyton Campbell were whispering to each other.

In the live comment, not only Ryan noticed, but many Peyton Campbell fans also noticed.

[Ahhhhhhhh, who is the beauty girl sitting next to Peyton? so beautiful, like a fairy. ]

[Ryan saw it too, Peyton and the fairy smiled happily. ]

[The beauties are not only beautiful, but also the founder of Freycatheli. All products of
Freycatheli are developed by her team. ]

[She is so beautiful and can still do it. Young Master Snow still has to go outside to find a
woman. Are her eyes smeared with shit? ]

[She is so temperamental, I think she is very right with our Peyton. ]

[Please, she was divorced. ]

[Upstairs, how good is Peyton? Didn’t you just make a few TV series? Can the status and
achievements be compared with Freya, speechless. ]

[Although Freya was divorced, but she is beautiful and talented, I still support her and
Peyton. ]

[I also support, I am a Peyton Campbell fan. ]

[Peyton Fan +1]


Looking at the increasingly crooked building, Ryan’s handsome face was as cold as freezing,
“Driver, can you drive faster, why haven’t you arrived yet?”

“There Was a traffic jam in front of Ryan.” The uncle who drove was very difficult. Helplessly
said, “It seems that some company is hosting an event at the hotel you mentioned tonight.
Many celebrities are there, and many little girls are running there. Today I have sent several

After that, Ryan said again, “Hey, look, there is a blockage ahead.”

Ryan looked at the map, and there was still four kilometers away from there, “You can stop
by the road and I’ll start sharing a bicycle.”

After paying, Ryan asked for a shared bicycle on the side of the road and rode it all the way
It’s just that when Ryan got there, his hands had been frozen by the cold wind, almost

Security outside the hotel is very strict, but it is not difficult for Ryan to get in.

After a phone call, the hotel manager personally took him into the banquet hall.

The performance on stage was almost over, and offstage, a group of celebrities and
fashionistas were toasting and chatting.

Freya happened to be sitting with Peyton Campbell. After everyone started chatting, Freya
also chatted with Peyton Campbell by the way.

“When I was working in a foreign fashion circle, I had some friendship with Cartier’s chief

“Freya…” A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Freya thought she had an illusion, until looking back, Ryan strode towards her.

It doesn’t matter if Ryan came, but the brown flight jacket on his body is completely
different from the elegant style of the banquet hall, and it seems to attract a lot of people’s
attention like an alien.

Freya was stunned until Ryan walked up to her and showed a gentle and cowardly smile,
“Sorry, I’m too late for the banquet tonight.”

Freya: “???”
Let me go, Mr. Hill Chapter 2163 | Novel By Shallow South
Chapter 2163

No, it’s too late, she doesn’t seem to have invited him at all.

Is this man wicked?

“Miss Freya, this is…” Peyton Campbell asked suspiciously.

Ryan glanced at him faintly.

Peyton was shocked. He has been in the entertainment industry all year round, and he
usually comes into contact with people with extraordinary identities. Although he has never
seen Ryan, no one knows the name.

The only son of the current prime minister.

It is also a promising political figure.

“Master Snow, hello.” Peyton hurriedly stretched out his hand excitedly, “I’m Peyton

Ryan shook his hand but did not rush to release it, but said with a smile: “I know that Mr.
Campbell’s face are quite popular, handsome and charming, and I like it.”

Peyton Campbell was taken aback, and then remembered that Ryan’s love for men was
revealed in the news a few days ago, although at that time Peyton have clarified, but many
people said that they don’t believe it. What Ryan’s words mean now, shouldn’t it be… he
likes himself.

Realizing this redness, Campbell’s face flushed fiercely.

Of course he knew that he is handsome. After entering the circle, many rich women and
even wealthy businessmen have thought about supporting him.

But he has no interest in that aspect at all.

However, Ryan’s status is prominent, and he is different from the level of people he has
been in contact with in the past. If he refuses him, it will take minutes to block himself.

what to do?

Is he going to refuse it hard, or… reluctantly agree.

“Your hand…is very slippery.”

Just when Peyton Campbell was fighting between heaven and human, Ryan smiled and
touched the back of his hand.
Peyton Campbell’s body trembled.

Freya on the side was already dumbfounded, and all three views were destroyed.

God, what did Freya hear and see?

Freya heard Ryan suggesting Peyton, and saw Ryan touching Peyton’s hand.

Peyton Campbell is an idol that she has liked for three or four years. As a man, how can he
not refuse or push away, even blushing shyly.

What made Freya unbearable was Ryan, how could Freya seduce a man in front of her.

Does Ryan like women so much? Isn’t he going to marry Selena?

Freya was almost furious.

“Ryan…” After Freya gritted her teeth and called out his name, she slammed Ryan to the
back lounge.

Not far away, Eliza and Catherine saw this scene.

Eliza raised her eyebrows, “Freya, you deliberately wanted to anger Ryan?”

Catherine smiled helplessly, “It’s like this, but it’s different from what I thought.”

She thought Ryan angrily took Freya from Campbell. Peyton took it away, and then jealously
confessed and declared his sovereignty, so that Freya could become the dominant player.

Well, not all men are like Shaun, she completely underestimated Ryan’s shamelessness.

Hook up Peyton in public?

It was incredible.

Freya hooked her finger at Hans Fleming, “Take care of the scene just now. No photos can
be posted.”

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