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If there’s one thing I’m aware of about the Philippines is that we really love

elections and politics. Not as confusing as America, and not as complicated as other
countries, it still manages to stand out in the absurd number of posters and flyers of the
many candidates around the barangays and electrical posts around the city. It’s
exhausting to see given as how severe it divides the people sometimes, among my
peers and with my family. But as annoying as it may be, choosing your leader is not as
easy as just putting a name in a ballot box, and I was never aware of how tedious the
whole process is until the three days this seminar has offered us students.

Although none of the talking points have changed my opinions on politics or my choice
to be involved in such matters, it really is refreshing to know that they try to make us
learn about practical and important things such as voting. I always worried how to
function as a new member of society when no subject in school has taught me practical
life lessons such as paying taxes, finding jobs, and in this case voting. But thanks to the
existence of this seminar its reassuring to know that our instructors care enough to hand
us a few basics when it comes down to voting for a new line of people who can lead us.
The speakers did a good job in explaining the basic do’s and don’ts when the time
comes to choose your leader and were certified to know the way around voting and the
law, giving us more information as to how the system works, tips and tricks, and the
consequences one might face if they somehow cross any lines.
I do have to say however, the seminar did get dull at times, and sometimes I
don’t understand some of the words they say. Only for the act that someone as
apolitical as me wouldn’t really understand some of the terms, or I couldn’t really picture
how most of their descriptions go. Even though I find it difficult to understand the
vocabulary at times, I will admit that this seminar is very insightful and is actually helpful
to the younger generation who is just learning the ropes on responsibilities given at
legal age. And coming from qualified attorneys who would even respond to questions
post-seminar, this is a great stepping stone on the path to becoming a fully functioning
adult in society. It is also in great timing, as voting season is just around the corner. So,
the seminar tackling this topic right before the up coming elections is almost like
studying for a big test. That being another good thing that this seminar brings to the
young and developing generation.

Overall, I am very thankful for the creation of this seminar and the qualified speakers
who were willing to share their experiences and knowledge on the next generation of
voters, who may just vote for the right people to lead them and their country. Although
there may be apolitical people like me amongst the crowd, the seminar was made well
enough for everyone to at take a different perspective on a bigger picture, and to
actually be interesting at some points along the way, especially if you’re a history or
general knowledge buff who takes interest in learning new things about the world
around them. So far this is one experience that can be used practically in the near
future, and one that I assume will be handy in working our way into being the next
generation of our countries workers

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