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The most vital factor against electric traction is the

A. necessity of providing a negative booster
B. possibility of electric supply failure
C. high cost of its maintenance
D. high initial cost of laying out over-head electric supply system.
Answer => D

2. For the single-phase ac system of track electrification, low frequency is desirable

because of the following advantage/s
A. it improves commutation properties of ac motors
B. it increases ac motor efficiency
C. it increases ac motor power factor
D. all of the above
Answer => D

3. The main reason for choosing the composite 1-phase ac to dc system for all future track
electrification in India is that it
A. needs less number of sub-stations
B. combines the advantages of high voltage ac distribution at 50 Hz with dc series traction motors
C. provides flexibility in the location of sub-stations
D. requires light overhead catenary
Answer => B

4. The free-running speed of a train does NOT depend on the

A. duration of stops
B. distance between stops
C. running time
D. acceleration
Answer => A

5. Tractive effort of an electric locomotive can be increased by

A. increasing the supply voltage
B. using high kW motors increasing dead weight over the driving axles
C. both and
D. both and
Answer => D

6. Welding is not done directly from the supply mains because

A. it is customary to use welding machines
B. its voltage is too high
C. its voltage keeps fluctusting
D. it is impracticable to draw heavy currents
Answer => D

7. In electric welding, arc blow can be avoided by

A. using bare electrodes
B. welding away from earth ground connection
C. using ac welding machines
D. increasing arc length
Answer => C

8. Submerged arc process is characterised by

A. deep penetration
B. high welding current
C.exceptionally smooth beads
D. all of the above
Answer => D

9. Unlike TIC welding, MIG welding

A. requires no flux
B. uses consumable electrodes
C. provides complet protection from atmospheric contamination
D. requires no post-weld cleansing
Answer => B

10. MIG welding process is becoming increasingly popular in welding industry mainly
because of
A. its easy operation
B. its high metal deposit rate
C. its use in both ferrous and non-ferrous metals
D. both and
Answer => D

11. Spot welding process basically depends on

A. ohmic resistance
B. generation of heat
C. application of forgin pressure
D. both and
Answer => D

12. In the process of electroslag welding theoretically there is no upper limit to the
A. thickness of weld bead
B. rate of metal deposit
C. slag bath temperature
D. rate of slag consumption
Answer => A

13. The characteristics of drive for crane hoisting is

A. smooth movement
B. precise control
C. fast speed control
D. all of the
Answer => D

14. Motors preferred for rolling mill drive is

A. d.c. motors
B. a.c. slip ring motors with speed control
C. both and above
D. none of the above
Answer => D

15. In case of centrifugal pumps the starting torque is generally

A. double the running torque
B. slightly more than running torque
C. same as running torque
D. less than running torque
Answer => D

16. Motor preferred for synthetic fibre mills is

A. D.C. Series motor
B. reluctance motor
C. D.C. Shunt motor
D. synchronous motor
Answer => B

17. Reluctance motor is a

A. self-starting type synchronous motors
B. low torque variable speed motor
C. variable torque motor
D. low noise, slow speed motor
Answer => A

18. Ward-Leonard controlled d.c. drives are generally used for

A. light duty excavators
B. medium duty excavators
C. heavy duty excavators
D. all of these
Answer => C

19. In case of contactors the ratio of the inservice period to the entire period,expressed as
a percentage is known as
A. duty
B. load factor
C. class of contact
D. none of these
Answer => B

20. A magnetic amplifier can be used for the control of

A. current
B. voltage
C. speed
D. all of these
Answer => A

21. In a contactor, overheating of contacts may result from

A. high inductive loads
B. copper oxide on contacts
C. carrying load continuously for a longer time
D. all of these
Answer => D

22. The failure of a thermal relay may occur due to

A. motor and relay in different ambient temperatures
B. relay previously damaged by short-circuit
C. mechanical binding
D. all of these
Answer => D

23. According to Indian Electricity rules, extra high voltage implies voltage exceeding
A. 440 V
B. 66 kV
C. 33 kV
D. 110 kV
Answer => A

24. Resistivity of earth increases sharply if the moisture falls below

Answer => D

25. Earth electrodes can be in the form of

A. rods and pipes
B. strips
C. plates
D. all of these
Answer => D

26. PVC conduits can be buried on

A. lime
B. plaster
C. concrete
D. any of these
Answer => D

27. Mixture preferred for filling around the earth for electrode efective earthing is
A. bone-meat mixture
B. coal-salt mixture
C. saw-dust sand mixture
D. lime-sand mixture
Answer => B
28. Earthing is used as the return conductor for
A. telephone lines
B. telegraph lines
C. traction work
D. all of these
Answer => C

29. In automobiles, the sound produced by horn is due to

A. magnetostriction
B. vibrating diaphragm
C. moving coil
D. oscillating coil
Answer => B

30. Continuous operation of automobile horn will

A. help in charging the battery
B. improve mileage
C. damage the operating coil
D. change the tone
Answer => C

31. Electric braking is preferred because it is

A. smooth
B. maintenance cost is less
C. energy is saved in regenerating broking
D. all of these
Answer => D

32. The various types of electric braking are

A. plugging
B. rheostatic braking
C. regenerative braking
D. all of these
Answer => D

33. Motor recommended for locomotive drive is

A. D.C.series motor
B. p.c. shunt motor
C. .C. Compound motor
D. synchronous motor
Answer => A

34. In case of d.c. series motor it is possible to have finite no load speed if a resistance is
connected across its
A. field terminals
B. armature terminals
C. field and armature together
D. it is always very high at no load
Answer => B
35. During starting, the energy consumed by the armature of a d.c. shunt motor
A. equals the K.E. shored by the rotor and increases with increase in armature resistance.
B. equals the K.E. stored by the rotor and decreases with increase in armature resistance.
C. equals the K.E. stored by the rotor and is independent of armature resistance.
D. none of these
Answer => C

36. Overall efficiency of streams locomotive -system is close to

A. 5 to 10%
B. 25 to 30%
C. 55 to 60%
D. 75 to 80%
Answer => A

37. Suburban railways use

A. 1500 V, DC
B. 440 V, three-phase AC
C. 660 V, three-phase AC
D. 3.3 V, three-phase AC
Answer => A

38. Long distance railways use

A. 220 V, DC
B. 25 kV, single-phase AC
C. 25 kV, two-phase AC
D. 25 kV, three-phase AC
Answer => B

39. The advantage of electric braking is

A. it is instantaneous
B. more heat is generated during breaking
C. it avoids wear of track
D. motor continue to remain loaded during braking.
Answer => C

40. The coefficient of adhesion is

A. same on a.c. and d.c. traction systems
B. high in case of d.c. traction and low in a.c. traction
C. low in case of a.c. traction and high in d.c. traction
D. none of these
Answer => C

41. A composite system consists of

A. a combination of diesel engine and d.c. series motor.
B. a combination of diesel engine and a.c. single-phase motor.
C. single-phase power received is converted into d.c. or three-phase power a.c. system.
D. use of combination of d.c. and a.c. motors on the same locomotive
Answer => C
42. Which city in India was first to adopt electric traction?
A. Bombay
B. Madras
C. Calcutta
D. Delhi
Answer => A

43. Traction systems is latest used in the world is

A. Three-phase 3.7 kV
B. 20 kV, 50 Hz, single-phase
C. 600 V, DC
D. 3 kV, DC
Answer => A

44. In a long distance electric train, power for lighting in passenger coach is provided
A. through locomotive
B. directly through overhead electric line
C. through individual generator of bogie and batteries
D. through rails
Answer => C

45. An ideal traction system should have

A. high starting tractive effort.
B. the locomotive is to run on metre gauge track
C. the locomotive is for shunting duty
D. the locomotive is for goods trains only.
Answer => D

46. Quadrilateral speed-time curve is the closer approximation for

A. main line service
B. suburban service
C. urban service
D. urban and suburban service
Answer => D

47. The specific energy consumption

A. increases with increase in maximum speed
B. decreases with increase in maximum speed
C. is independent of maximum speed.
D. none of these
Answer => A

48. For welding duty the rectifiers commonly used are

A. Mercury arc rectifiers
B. Selenium metal rectifiers
C. both and
D. none of the above
Answer => B

49. Electrodes having least diameter is

A. 20 SWG
B. 14 SWG
C. 8 SWG
D. 4 SWG
Answer => A

50. TIC welding is

A. Temperature Insulated Gas welding
B. Tungsten Inert Gas welding
C. Thermally Induced Gas welding
D. Thorium Iodine Gas welding
Answer => B

51. Flux used in TIC welding is

A. Ammonium chloride
B. Borax
C. Ash
D. None of these
Answer => D

52. MIG welding is

A. Midsteel Inert Gas welding
B. Medium Inert Gas welding
C. Maximum Inert depth Gas welding
D. Metal inert Gas Welding
Answer => C

53. When t is the thickness of the sheet, the tip diameter for spot welding is usually
A. 2t
B. t
D. T
Answer => C

54. Which of the following is of high importance in case of induction heating?

A. Voltage
B. Current
C. Frequency
D. All of these
Answer => C

55. Method of heating which is likely to give leading power factor is

A. electric arc
B. induction heating
C. dielectric heating
D. resistance heating
Answer => C

56. The ideal method of heating plastics is

A. Oil fired furnace
B. Resistance furance heating
C. Dielectric heating
D. Coal fired furance
Answer => C

57. If 'f' be the frequency, then dielectric loss is proportional to

A. f
B. f2
Answer => A

58. For heating of plywood, the frequency should be

A. 100 Hz
B. 1000 Hz
C. 10 - 20 kHz
D. 1 - 2 MHz
Answer => D

59. Quantities having the unit "lux" is

A. Utilization factor
B. Luminous flux
C. Luminous intensity
D. Illumination
Answer => D

60. The highest illumination is required

A. for office work
B. for mounting of wrist watches
C. for sorting work in the stores
D. for painting won.
Answer => B

61. A water boiler at home is switched on to the a.c. mains supplying power at 230 V/ 50
Hz. The frequency of instantaneous power consumed by the boiler is
A. 0 Hz
B. 50 Hz
C. 100 Hz
D. 150 Hz
Answer => C

62. If v, w, q stand for voltage, energy and charge, then v can be expressed as
A. v =dwdq
B. v =dw
C. dv =dq
D. dv = ?dw
Answer => B

63. The voltages at the two ends of a line are 132 kV and its reactance is 40 ohms. The
capacity of the line is :
A. 435.6 MW
B. 217.5 MW
C. 251.5 MW
D. 500 MW
Answer => A

64. In order to have lower cost of electrical energy generation :

A. The load factor and diversity factor should be low
B. The Icoad factor should be low but diversity factor should be high
C. The load factor should be high but diversity factor low
D. The load factor and diversity factors should be high
Answer => D

65. The insulation of the modern EHV lines is designed based on :

A. The lighting voltage
B. The switching voltage
C. Corona
Answer => B

66. The size of conductor on modern EHV lines is obtained based on :

A. Voltage drop
B. Current density
C. Corona
D. and
Answer => C

67. For stability and economic reasons we operate the transmission line with power angle
in the range :
A. 10? to 25?
B. 30? to 45?
C. 60? to 75?
D. 65? to 80? Fig. 15.2
Answer => B

68. For a lumped inductive load, with increase in supply ferquency :

A. P and Q increase
B. P increases, Q decreases
C. P decreases, Q increases
D. P and Q decrease
Answer => B
70. The presence of earth in case of overhead lines :
A. Increases the capacitance
B. Increases the inductance
C. Decreases the capacitance
D. Decreases the inductance
Answer => A

71. The load flow solution is always assured in case of :

A. Newton-Raphson method
B. Gauss method
C. Gauss-Seidel method
D. None of these methods guarantees.
Answer => D

72. An alternators is delivering a load current; its per cent regulation is found to be zero.
The type of load it delivers is :
A. Capacitive
B. Inductive
C. Resistive
D. None of above
Answer => A

73. The inertia constants of two groups of machines which do not swing together are Mi
and M2. The equivalent inertia constant of the system is :
A. MI +M2
B. MI - M2 if M >M2M I M 2
C. M + M2
D. TM-71712-
Answer => C

74. The cost of generation is theoretically minimum if :

A. The system constraints are considered
B. The operational constraints are considered
C. and
D. The constraints are not considered
Answer => D

75. The incremental transmission loss of a plant is :

A. Positive always
B. Negative always
C. Can be positive or negative
D. Zero
Answer => C

78. A transmission line of 80 km length is operating at 400 Hz, it can be classified as

A. Short length line
B. Medium length line
C. Long length line
D. all of the above
Answer => C

79. The main consideration for higher and higher operating voltage of transmission is to
A. increase efficiency of transmission
B. reduce power losses
C. increase power transfer capability
D. and
Answer => C

80. When there is a change in load in a power station having a number of generator units
operating in parallel, the system frequency is controlled by
A. adjusting the steam input to the units
B. adjusting the field-excitation of the generators
C. chaning the load divisions between the units
D. injecting reactive power at the station bus bar
Answer => A

81. The flow-duration curve at a given head of a hydro-electric plant is used to determine
A. total power available at the site
B. total units of energy available
C. load-factor at the plant
D. diversity-factor for the plant.
Answer => A

82. In the optimum generator scheduling of different power plants, the minimum fuel
cost is obtained when
A. only the incremental fuel cost of each plant is the same
B. the penalty factor of each plant is the same
C. the ratio of the incremental fuel cost to the penalty factor of each plant is the same
D. the incremental fuel cost of each plant multiplied by its penalty factor is the same.
Answer => D

83. A hydel power plant of run-off-river should be provided with a pondage so that the
A. firm-capacity of the plant is increased
B. operating head is controlled
C. pressure inside the turbine casing remains constant
D. kinetic energy of the running water is fully utilised
Answer => A

84. Which of the following are the advantages of interconnected operation of power
system? 1..Less reserve capacity requirement 2. More reliability 3. High power factor 4.
Reduction in short-circuit level Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
Codes :
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
Answer => A

85. Equal area criterion gives the information regarding

A. stability region
B. absolute stability
C. relative stability
D. swing curves
Answer => B

118. According to Indian Electricity rules, extra high voltage implies voltage exceeding
A. 440V
B. 66kV
C. 33kV
D. 110kV
Answer => A

119. Non metallic conduits for wiring are generally made of

A. rubber
B. cork
C. wood
Answer => D

120. PVC conduits can be buried on

A. lime
B. plaster
C. concrete
D. any of these.
Answer => D

121. PVC conduits can be joined by

A. solvent cement
B. welding
C. threading
D. all of these
Answer => D

122. The earthwire should not he thinner than a

A.aSW-G- wire
B. 16 SWG wire
C. 10 SWG wire
D. 8 SWG wire
Answer => D

123. Electric braking is preferred because

A. smooth
B. maintenance cost is less
C. energy is saved in regenerating braking
D. all of these
Answer => D

124. The various types of electric braking are

A. plugging
B. rheostatic braking
C. regenerative braking
D. all of these
Answer => D

125. Braking retardation on suburban trains is

A. 0.3 to 0.5 km-phps
B. 0.5 to 1 km-phps
C. 3 to 5 km-phps
D. 30 to 40 km-phps
Answer => C

126. The coefficient of adhesion is highest when the rails are

A. dry
B. oiled
C. wet with dew
D. dusty
Answer => A

127. When the speed of the train is estimated taking into account the time of stop at a
station in addition to the actual running time between stops, is known as
A. Average speed
B. Schedule speed
C. Notching speed
D. Free running speed
Answer => B

128. A train runs at an average speed of 50 kmph between stations situated 2.5 km apart.
The train accelerates at 2 kmphs and retards at 3 kmphs. Speed-time curve may be
assumed to be trapezoidal. The maximum speed is
A. 27.75 kmph
B. 38.50 kmph
C. 44.25 kmph
D. 57.75 kmph
Answer => D

129. If the resistance to electric train is given by : Fr = a + by + cv2. In this equation,

constant c is likely to cover
A. air resistance
B. frictional resistance
C. flange resistance
D. track resistance
Answer => A
130. An ideal traction system should have
A. high starting tractive effort.
B. the locomotive is to run on metre gauge track
C. the locomotive is for shunting duty
D. the locomotives is for goods trains only.
Answer => D

132. Two locomotives having identical tractive-effort-slip characteristic haul a heavy train.
The loco with larger diameter shares
A. larger tractive effort
B. smaller tractive effort
C. equal tractive effort
D. none of these
Answer => A

133. In case of bow and pantograph current collectors.

A. the bow collector is used for large current at higher speeds.
B. the pantograph collector is used for large currents at higher speeds.
C. the bow collector is used for large currents at lower speeds.
D. the pantograph collector is used for large currents at lower speeds.
Answer => D

134. The method of heating used in an electric room heat convector is

A. resistance heating
B. induction heating
C. dielectric heating
D. arc-heating
Answer => A

135. Highest power factor can be expected in

A. Electric arc heating
B. Dielectric heating
C. Induction heating
D. Resistance heating
Answer => D

136. Heating elements which can give highest temperature in resistance heating is
A. Copper
B. nickel copper
C. Nichrome
D. silicon carbide
Answer => D

137. Nichrome wires can be safely used for heating to temperature around 1500 ?C.
Materials selected for heating element should be
A. Eureka
B. Kanthal
C. Platinum molybdenum, carbon compound
D. Nichrome
Answer => C

138. Which of the following element will have the least range of temperature?
A. Eureka
B. Nichrome
C. Silicon carbon
D. Kanthal
Answer => A

139. Furnances used for cremation use is of

A. resistance heating
B. induction heating
C. dielectric heating
D. arc heating
Answer => A

140. Induction hardening is possible

A. on ferrous materials only
B. on magnetic materials only
C. on d.c. supply only
D. on only
Answer => D

141. In a domestic cake baking oven, the temperature is controlled by

A. series parallel operation
B. auto transformer
C. thermostat
D. voltage variation
Answer => C

142. Thermal conductivity is least for

A. air
B. water
C. glass
D. copper
Answer => A

143. Method of heating which likely gives leading power factor is

A. electric arc
B. induction heating
C. dielectric heating
D. resistance heating
Answer => C

144. In an electric press, mica is used

A. for dielectric heating
B. for induction heating
C. as an insulator
D. as a device for power factor improvement
Answer => C

145. Methods which is suitable for the heating of conducting medium is

A. Radiant heating
B. Eddy current heating
C. Induction heating
D. Indirect arc heating
Answer => C

146. In dielectric heating, current flows through

A. metallic conductor
B. ionic discharge between dielectric medium and metallic conductor
C. dielectric
D. air
Answer => C

147. Desirable property of resistance heating element materials is

A. High resistivity
B. High melting point
C. Low temperature coefficient
D. All of these
Answer => D

148. The ideal method of heating plastics is

A. Oil fired furnace
B. Resistance furance heating
C. Dielectric heating
D. Coal fired furance
Answer => C

149. If 'f' be the frequency, then dielectric loss is proportional to

A. f
B. f2
Answer => A

151. Radiant heating is used for

A. melting of ferrous metals
B. drying of paints and varnishes
C. heating of liquids in electric kettle
D. annealing of metals
Answer => B

152. Method which is appropriate for heating non-ferrous metals?

A. Dielectric heating
B. Radiant heating
C. Indirect arc heating
D. Indirect resistance heating
Answer => C

153. For arc heating, the electrodes are mode of

A. Copper
B. Aluminium
C. Graphite
D.ACSR conductor
Answer => C

154. A plywood board is to be heated through 100 ?C. The method suitable for this
purpose is
A. Induction heating
B. Resistance heating
C. Arc heating
D. Any of these
Answer => A

155. For heating of plywood, the frequency shoiuld be

A. 100 Hz
B. 1000 Hz
C. 10-20 kHz
D. 1-2 MHz
Answer => D

156. High frequency for induction heating can be generated by

A. motor generator set
B. spark gap oscillator
C. vacuum tube oscillator
D. All of these
Answer => B

157. Steel rails are welded by

A. Argon arc welding
B. Thermit welding
C. Gas welding
D. Resistance welding
Answer => B

158. Quantities having the unit "lux" is

A. Utilization factor
B. Luminous flux
C. Luminous intensity
D. Illumination
Answer => D

159. Which of the following statements about illumination is true?

A. If the distance from the source doubles, the illumination becomes half
B. If the distance from the source doubles, the illumination reduces to one fourth
C. The greater the illumination, the better one sees
D. The finer the work, the less the required illumination
Answer => B

160. The highest illumination is required

A. for office work
B. for mounting of wrist watches
C. for sorting work in the stores
D. for painting work.
Answer => B

161. Which of the following comparisons between the filament lamp and the fluorescent
lamp is correct?
A. The flurescent lamp has a higher dazzle
B. The fluorescent lamp produces shrper shadows
C. The fluorescent lamp produces greater brightness
D. The average life of the fluorescent lamp is five to seven times higher.
Answer => D

162. What is attained by heating the electrodes of the fluorescent lamp?

A. The therniionic emission of electrons
B. The photo emission of electrons
C. The heating up of the gas filling and thus the creation of ions
D. An increase in the voltage across the electrodes
Answer => A

163. The process taking place in a fluorescent tube is

A. Gaseous discharge
B. Secondary emission
C. Phosphorescence
D. Thermionic emission
Answer => A

164. The difference between fluorescent lamps that produce different coloured light is
A. the colour of the glass
B. the composition of the fluorescent material
C. the pressure of the filled gas
D. the composition of the filled gas
Answer => B

165. The white matter coated inside the fluorescent lamp?

A. reduces the brightness
B. provides a proper exterior to the tube
C. converts the ultraviolet radiation into visible light
D. provides the ions necessary for the gas discharge
Answer => C

166. Which of the following is an advantage of electric traction over other methods of
A. Faster acceleration
B. No pollution problems
C. Better braking action
D. All of the above
Answer => D

168. Long distance railways use which of the following?

A. 200 V. D.C.
B. 25 kV single phase A.C.
C. 25 kV two phase A.C.
D. 25 kV three phase A.C.
Answer => B

169. The speed of a locomotive is controlled by

A. fly wheel
B. gear box
C. applying brakes
D. regulating steam flow to engine
Answer => D

170. Main traction systems used in India are, those using

A. electric locomotives
B. diesel engine locomotives
C. steam engine locomotives
D. All of the above
Answer => C

171. In India diesel locomotives are manufactured at

A. Ajmer
B. Varanasi
C. Bangalore
D. Jamalpur
Answer => B

172. For diesel locomotives the range of horse power is

A. 50 to 200
B. 500 to 1000
C. 1500 to 2500
D. 3000 to 5000
Answer => C

173. locomotives has the highest operational availability.

A. Electric
B. Diesel
C. Steam
D. none of the above
Answer => A
174. The horsepower of steam locomotives is
A. upto 1500
B. 1500 to 2000
C. 2000 to 3000
D. 3000 to 4000
Answer => A

175. The overall efficiency of steam locomotive is around

A. 5 to 10 percent
B. 15 to 20 percent
C. 25 to 35 percent
D. 35 to 45 percent
Answer => A

176. In tramways which of the following motors is used?

A. D.C. shunt motor
B. D.C. series motor
C. A.C. three phase motor
D. A.C. single phase capacitor start motor
Answer => B

177. In a steam locomotive electric power is provided through

A. overhead wire
B. battery system
C. small turbo-generator
D. diesel engine generator
Answer => C

178. Which of the following drives is suitable for mines where explosive gas exists?
A. Steam engine
B. Diesel engine
C. Battery locomotive
D. Any of the above
Answer => C

179. In case of locomotives the tractive power is provided by

A. single cylinder double acting steam engine
B. double cylinder, single acting steam engine
C. double cylinder, double acting steam engine
D. single stage steam turbine
Answer => C

180. Overload capacity of diesel engines is usually restricted to

A. 2 percent
B. 10 percent
C. 20 percent
D. 40 percent
Answer => B
181. In case of steam engine the steam pressure is
A. 1 to 4 kgf/cm2
B. 5 to 8 kgf/cm2
C. 10 to 15 kgf/cm2
D. 25 to 35 kgf/cm2
Answer => C

182. The steam engine provided on steam locomotives is

A. single acting condensing type
B. single acting non-condensing type
C. double acting condensing type
D. double acting non-condensing type
Answer => D

183. Electric locomotives in India are manufactured at

A. Jamalpur
B. Bangalore
C. Chittranjan
D. Gorakhpur
Answer => C

184. The wheels of a train, engine as well as bogies, are slightly tapered to
A. reduce friction
B. increase friction
C. facilitate braking
D. facilitate in taking turns
Answer => D

185. Automatic signalling is used for which of the following trains?

A. Mail and express trains
B. Superfast trains
C. Suburban and Urban electric trains
D. All trains
Answer => C

186. The efficiency of diesel locomotives is nearly

A. 20 to 25 precent
B. 30 to 40 percent
C. 45 to 55 percent
D. 60 to 70 percent
Answer => A

187. The speed of a superfast train is

A. 60 kmph
B. 75 kmph
C. 100 kmph
D. more than 100 kmph
Answer => D
188. The number of passenger coaches that can be attached to a diesel engine locomotive
on broad gauge is usually restricted to
Answer => D

189. Which of the following state capitals is not on broad gauge track?
A. Lucknow
B. Bhopal
C. Jaipur
D. Chandigarh
Answer => C

190. Which of the following is the advantage of electric braking?

A. It avoids wear of track
B. Motor continues to remain loaded during braking
C. It is instantaneous
D. More heat is generated during braking
Answer => A

191. Which of the following braking systems on the locomotives is costly?

A. Regenerative braking on electric locomotives
B. Vacuum braking on diesel locomotives
C. Vacuum braking on steam locomotives
D. All braking systems are equally costly
Answer => A

192. Tractive effort is required to

A. overcome the gravity component of train mass
B. overcome friction, windage and curve resistance
C. accelerate the train mass
D. do all of the above
Answer => D

193. For given maximum axle load tractive efforts of A.C. locomotive will be
A. less than that of D.C. locomotive
B. more than that of D.C. locomotive
C. equal to that of D.C. locomotive
D. none of the above
Answer => B

194. Co-efficient of adhesion reduces due to the presence of which of the following?
A. Sand on rails
B. Dew on rails
C. Oil on the rails
D. both and
Answer => D
195. Due to which of the following co-efficient of adhesion improves?
A. Rust on the rails
B. Dust on the rails
C. Sand on the rails
D. All of the above
Answer => D

196. Quadrilateral speed-time curve pertains to which of the following services?

A. Main line service
B. Urban service
C. Sub-urban service
D. Urban and sub-urban service
Answer => D

197. Which of the following is the disadvantage of electric traction over other systems of
A. Corrosion problems in the underground pipe work
B. Short time power failure interrupts traffic for hours
C. Interference with communication lines
D. All of the above
Answer => C

198. Co-efficient of adhesion is

A. high in case of D.C. traction than in the case of A.C. traction
B. low in case of D.C. traction than in the case of A.C. traction
C. equal in both A.C. and D.C. traction
D. any of the above
Answer => B

199. Speed-time curve of main line service differs from those of urban and sub-urban
services an following account
A. it has longer free running period
B. it has longercoasting period
C. accelerating and braking periods are comparatively smaller
D. all of the above
Answer => D

200. The rate of acceleration on suburban or urban services is restricted by the

consideration of
A. engine power
B. track curves
C. passanger discomfort
D. track size
Answer => C

201. The specific energy consumption of a train depends on which of the following
A. Acceleration and retardation
B. Gradient Distance covered
C. All of the above
D. None of these
Answer => D

202. The friction at the track is proportional to

A. 1/speed
B. 1/(speed)2
C. speed
D. none of the above
Answer => C

203. The air resistance to the movement of the train is proportional to

A. speed
B. (speed)2
C. (speed)3
D. I /speed
Answer => B

204. The normal value of adhesion friction is

Answer => D

205. The pulsating torque exerted by steam locomotives causes which of the following?
A. Jolting and skidding
B. Hammer blow
C. Pitching
D. All of the above
Answer => A

206. Which of the following braking systems is used on steam locomotives?

A. Hydraulic system
B. Pneumatic system
C. Vacuum system
D. None of the above
Answer => C

207. Vacuum is created by which of the following?

A. Vacuum pump
B. Ejector
C. Any of the above
D. None of the above
Answer => C

208. The resistance encountered by a train in motion is on account of

A. resistance offered by air
B. friction at the track
C. friction at various parts of the rolling stock
D. all of the above
Answer => D

209. Battery operated trucks are used in

A. steel mills
B. power stations
C. narrow auge traction
D. factories for material transportation
Answer => D

210. method can bring the locomotive to dead stop.

A. Plugging braking
B. Rheostatic braking
C. Regenerative braking
D. None of the above
Answer => A

211. The value of co-efficient of adhesion will be high when rails are
A. greased
B. wet
C. sprayed with oil
D. cleaned with sand
Answer => D

212. The voltage used for suburban trains in D.C. system is usually
A. 12 V
B. 24 V
C. 220 V
D. 600 to 750 V
Answer => D

213. For three-phase induction motors which of the following is the least efficient method
of speed control?
A. Cascade control
B. Pole changing
C. Rheostatic control
D. Combination of cascade and pole changing
Answer => C

214. Specific energy consumption becomes

A. more on steeper gradient
B. more with high train resistance
C. less if distance between stops is more
D. all of the above
Answer => D

215. In main line service as compared to urban and suburban service

A. distance between the stops in more
B. maximum speed reached is high
C. acceleration and retardation rates are low
D. all of the above
Answer => D

216. Locomotive having monomotor bogies

A. has better co-efficient of adhesion
B. are suited both for passanger as well as freight service
C. has better riding qualities due to the reduction of lateral forces
D. has all above qualities
Answer => D

217. Series motor is not suited for traction duty due to which of the following account?
A. Less current drain on the heavy load torque
B. Current surges after temporary switching off supply
C. Self relieving property
D. Commutating property at heavy load
Answer => B

218. When a bogie negotiates a curve, reduction in adhesion occurs resulting in sliding.
Thus sliding is acute when
A. wheel base of axles is more
B. degree of curvature is more
C. both and
D. none of the above
Answer => C

220. An ideal traction system should have

A. easy speed control
B. high starting tractive effort
C. equipment capable of with standing large temporary loads
D. all of the above
Answer => D

221. have maximum unbalanced forces

A. Diesel shunters
B. Steam locomotives
C. Electric locomotives
D. Diesel locomotives
Answer => B

222. Specific energy consumption is affected by which of the following factors?

A. Retardation and acceleration values
B. Gradient
C. Distance between stops
D. All of the above
Answer => D
224. Overhead lines for power supply to tramcars are at a minimum height of
A. 3 m
B. 6 m
C. 10 m
D. 20 m
Answer => C

225. The return circuit for tramcars is through

A. neutral wire
B. rails
C. cables
D.common earthing
Answer => B

226. Specific energy consumption is least in service.

A. main line
B. urban
C. suburban
D. none ofthe above
Answer => A

227. Locomotives with monometer bogies have

A. uneven distribution of tractive effect
B. suitability for passanger as well as freight service
C. lot of skidding
D. low co-efficient of adhesion
Answer => B

228. ____ was the first city in India to adopt electric traction.
A. Delhi
B. Madras
C. Calcutta
D. Bombay
Answer => D

230. For 25 kV single phase system power supply frequency is

A. 60 Hz
B. 50 Hz
C. 25 Hz
D. 16 - Hz
Answer => B

231. Power for lighting in passenger coach, in a long distance electric train, is provided
A. directly through overhead electric line
B. through individual generator of bogie and batteries
C. through rails
D. through locomotive
Answer => B
232. In India, electrification of railway track was done for the first time in which of the
following years?
A. 1820-1825
B. 1880-1885
C. 1925-1932
D. 1947-1954
Answer => C

234. In case of a steam engine an average coal consumption per km is nearly

A. 150 to 175 kg
B. 100 to 120 kg
C. 60 to 80 kg
D. 28 to 30 kg
Answer => D

236. For which of the following locomotives the maintenance requirements are the least?
A. Steam locomotives
B. Diesel locomotives
C. Electric locomotives
D. Equal in all of the above
Answer => C

237. Which of the following methods is used to control speed of 25 kV, 50 Hz single phase
A. Reduced current method
B. Tap changing control of transformer
C. Series parallel operation of motors
D. All of the above
Answer => B

238. If the co-efficient of adhesion on dry rails is 0.26, which of the following could be the
value for wet rails?
Answer => D

240. The braking retardation is usually in the range

A. 0.15 to 0.30 km phps
B. 0.30 to 0.6 km phps
C. 0.6 to 2.4 km phps
D. 3 to 5 km phps
Answer => D

241. The rate of acceleration on suburban or urban service is in the range

A. 0.2 to 0.5 km phps
B. 1.6 to 4.0 km phps
C. 5 to 10 km phps
D. 15 to 25 km phps
Answer => B

244. is the method of braking in which motor armature remains connected to the supply
and draws power from it producing torque opposite to the direction of motion.
A. Rheostatic braking
B. Regerative braking Plugging
C. All the above
D. none of above
Answer => C

245. For 600 V D.C. line for tramcars, track in connected to

A. positive of the supply
B. negative of the supply
C. mid voltage of 300 V
D. none of the abcve
Answer => B

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