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Write Poetry
Lesson 3: The sonnet has 14 lines. Sonnets are written in iambic pentameter. The Italian / Petrarchan
sonnet follows a rhyme scheme of abba, abba, cde, cde. The English / Shakespearean sonnet follows a
rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg.

Instructions: (1) Label the rhyme scheme and the stressed and unstressed syllables of each poem. (2)
Write whether it is an Italian or English sonnet based on the rhyme scheme. (3) Write your own
sonnet, either in the Italian or English pattern. Your sonnet must be 14 lines, written in iambic
pentameter, and follow either an English or Italian rhyme scheme.

Sonnet #1: Tell Me of Your Anger in Whispers

Should you be moved to speak in anger, dear,

I ask that first you test your words alone.
If anger stems from blunder of my own
You’ll want to be assured your meaning’s clear.
Harsh words once thrown will travel like a spear.
We’ve both before said words we can’t disown,
They’re best unsaid than trying to atone.
The thoughts that form those words might disappear.

So hold those words for later; don’t despair

There’s nothing risked delaying words that grate.
My love, use whispers closely late tonight.
I’ll listen to your words- you know I’m fair.
So love, allow your anger to abate.
I love you dearly; I will make it right.

Question: is this sonnet English or Italian?

Sonnet #2: Trees At Dusk

My solitude sequestered now for night,

the quiet grove of beech becalms the trail
as gentle breeze presages failing light.
The leaves now whisper to the flowers frail.
The flowers brightly colored purple hue
will fade each night when dust turns things to grey.
Tomorrow they’ll again present a view
and scent; renewing nature’s grand bouquet.

Young trees, wattles, used both for fence and fuel,

are shouting out to man, “Tis fertile here!”
Few reach good lumber size for settlers’ tool
or burn them, leaving fertile farmland clear.
Now, man re-forests lands preserving scenes
like this, for now we know just what it means.

Question: is this sonnet English or Italian?

Exercise #2: Write your own sonnet, either Italian or English style!

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