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Bulevardul Lascar Catargiu 28, etaj 1, ap.

4, Bucharest, Romania, 010672

Telephone: 0720 542 530

Bucharest, January 11th, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you regarding the work Miss Mara-Alexia Iordan carried out within the
foundation I run.
Located in Bucharest, the foundation " Amicii lui Pavese" is aimed at promoting Italian
culture and literature in Romania. The foundation operates within the Pavesiana cultural
and educational centre and runs a bookshop, a publishing house and a multi-purpose
cultural venue, offering courses in Italian language and culture, cultural and artistic events
such as book launches, movie evenings, symposiums, concerts, etc.
In my capacity as director of the foundation "Amicii lui Pavese", I certify that Mara-Alexia
Iordan, a student of the "Central School" National College in Bucharest, has carried out
volunteer activities in our cultural center, in the periods June-September 2021 and
June-September 2022 respectively, during the school holiday.
Some of the tasks that Mara has been involved in include her role as a shop assistant in the
bookstore, as well as the promotion the activities of our cultural venue and of our publishing
As shop assistant, Mara was in charge of managing the bookshop's stock, merchandising,
customer sales, providing information and all the current aspects of the organisation of the
As far as her work as a promoter is concerned, this included sending out newsletters and
invitations, welcoming guests to our events, designing and distributing promotional
Furthermore, she cooperated in some of the projects of our publishing house by
proofreading some of the magazines that we publish and other materials
Mara is a fast learner, she is a very organized, creative and curious young lady and she
proved to be of real help for our activities. She is a reliable person who does the tasks
assigned to her with diligence and accuracy. While working with us improved her people
skills, her and she had a positive attitude and outlook on things.
I strongly recommend her as a future student of your University.
Sincerely, yours,

Mara Chiritescu
President of “Amicii lui Pavese” Foundation

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