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You must logically understand that even though you feel like dying sometimes, the worst thing

that can
happen to you from approaching is a little rejection. The worst possible outcome is you get told to fuck off.
It’s not the end of the world. Smile, learn from it, and move on.
The girl is only judging you on the first impression you’ve put forward. That is, the 15 seconds of data she
has received based on your body language, appearance, and verbals. These impressions are influenced by her
previous experiences and her current emotional state. Therefore, you can not take it personally.
She doesn’t know you, so she can’t reject you!
Keep in mind that all feedback is good feedback. You need to have interactions that don’t go well.
‘Rejections’ give you vital information on what to improve in the future.
Women are very accustomed to having guys approaching them in the club. Most of the time, the guys are
socially unaware, annoying, and lack social skills. They stubbornly hang around and are naive to the social
cues the girls give off, making the girls feel uncomfortable.
Remember if a girl rejects you immediately, this does not make her a “bitch” and it does not mean she has
rejected YOU as a person.
We will learn how to overcome these temporary rejections in the next chapter.

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