Superhuman Confidence

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Superhuman Confidence

3 Scientific Secrets to ​Annihilate Self Doubt​ and

Unleash Your ​Inner Superpowers

What if you could feel superhuman levels of confidence and charisma,

whenever you wanted?

You may have had a taste of that feeling before… when you’re totally “in
the zone”...

… when every moment is a celebration, and YOU are the life of the party...

… when men respect and follow you, and women are naturally drawn into
your orbit like you have your own gravitational pull.

What if THAT was your default state of mind…? And the occasional
moment of self-doubt was a rare occurrence?

What would that do for you? How would your dating and social life change?
How would YOU change?

This short report will show you 3 practical, scientific ways to access an
electrifying state of confidence​ you didn’t even know you had.

These are NOT vague, “woo woo” concepts where I tell you to “just think
positively” and the universe will do it all for you through the magical “law of

This is real, scientifically proven... and best of all, 100% under your control.

So you can get started immediately and see powerful results in just a
matter of days.

1. A simple and obvious trick to battle “brain drain,” explode
dopamine production and feel like a BEAST every day

This is gonna blow your mind when you see how obvious it is.

This is sad Spider Man.

He feels chronically tired, depressed, and unmotivated… for no reason.

Like he doesn’t have that extra “edge” or drive to really kick ass and get
after his mission in life.

Have you ever felt that way, too?

And has your lack of confidence and energy made you miss out on
opportunities with women you really wanted?

Believe it or not, this is a VERY common problem for men.

For most guys, and probably you too... ​the answer lies in a tiny little
molecule called dopamine.

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Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced by your brain. It’s there to reward
you for doing the things that nature wants you to do… like approach
women, conquer goals, and have sex.

Dopamine gives you the drive to get out there every day, doing what
superheroes are supposed to be doing…

Kicking ass, taking names, and coming home to Mary Jane.

You can think of dopamine as “confidence fuel.”

When you have a full tank of this fuel, you feel unstoppable… like you can
scale buildings, conquer villains and achieve impossible things…

Or at the very least, face your fear of rejection and ask your crush on a

But when your tank is low, or empty… you feel weak and ineffectual.

We’ll call this feeling “brain drain” because that’s literally what it is - your
brain has been drained of a vital chemical, and you are experiencing the
“hangover-like” effects.

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So what could possibly be ​draining your brain​ of dopamine like this?

Well, believe it or not, there’s actually 1 specific behavior that over 90% of
men do every day…

And if you do it too, you are depleting your dopamine supply and keeping
yourself feeling ​weak and unmotivated​ without even realizing it!

What’s this 1 thing you need to stop doing immediately?

Jerking off to porn.

I know it might sound crazy, or judgmental, or awkward… but hear me out.

If you’re one of the small minority of men who does NOT jerk off to porn,
you can ignore this. Otherwise, pay close attention.

Porn has become very mainstream and accepted in our culture. It’s so
normal that people don’t usually question it…

But you cannot keep doing normal things if you want SUPERHUMAN
results. You have to be willing to do what other men will not.

And the truth is… porn is hijacking your confidence and drive as a man…
and leaving you feeling ​weak, sad and painfully mediocre.

If dopamine gives you superpowers… then porn is the kryptonite.

Remember I said that dopamine exists to reward you for doing natural
things, like having sex?

Well, when you jerk off to porn, you are tricking your brain into thinking you
had sex… so it releases a flood of dopamine to make you feel good.

You are tapping into your NATURAL “confidence fuel” and getting high on
it, in UNNATURAL ways…

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And later on, when you need more dopamine to feel confident and go talk
to that girl you’ve been thinking about… you’ll find that your tank is on
“empty.” You’ve got nothing left...

If you jerk off to porn for long enough, as a habit, all the time… you will be
constantly depleted of dopamine…

And you will go through your daily life operating at 10% of your potential
confidence, or less.

I promise you, if you just stop doing this 1 thing, your tank of “motivation
fuel” will start filling up VERY quickly…

And you will suddenly feel like the veil over your eyes has been lifted,
everything looks better, smells better, feels better, and you have all the
power and energy you ever needed to kick ass at life and talk to any
woman you want...

But don’t just take my word for it. Millions of men SWEAR that when they
simply stop watching porn, and even stop masturbating all together, they
suddenly feel like they have gained “superpowers.”

Here’s what a few men had to say after abstaining from PMO (Porn,
Masturbation and Orgasm) for just a few days.

“​ I'm on the longest streak ever, 36 days... and I can't help

but notice the difference everywhere I go!

I was thinking to myself that it might be something I'm

telling myself, but the funny thing is, I started to feel my
own presence in a sense.

I remember walking in crowded places feeling invisible, now I get

some sort of energy everywhere I go, a lot of people keep looking, ​and
most women don't even look away when I keep looking for 3-4 seconds it
releases some sort of vibe, a calm vibrant control over myself and the

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situation at all times.

And it doesn't stop with that 1 look, ​it amazed me how many times
women would look back and seem so connected to my
vibrant-energy.​ since I feel my own presence as being this aura around

I'm also a lot more in control of my emotions and the way I listen/talk
to people, not just woman, but also to men.​ I feel like I'm less defensive
and more tolerant/open in comparison to who I was before.

I really like this new me, since I started to feel my own presence a lot has
changed, I'm addicted to the control I have over myself, ​by restricting
short-term pleasure I'm more free than ever.”

“For the first time ever, I had the time of my life at a

party.. and for the first time ever ​I was the center of the
attention in the room.

My body was basically making love to the fucking music..

the next thing I know, a crowd of people around me
watching me dance (i'm kinda good at breakdancing/shuffle/freestep but
I've never danced out of my room or with my homie, I had massive self

The feeling was indescribable, I felt free and an immense energy

radiating from me, and many girls were smiling at me and coming to
dance with me or next to me​, but I couldn't talk to any of them because
I'm shy and clumsy so they just go away after a while, but I’m working on
overcoming that now.”

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“Holy. Shit. Before the streak I'm currently on right now, I
was, well, by my definition, a loser.

I couldn't talk to girls without stuttering and getting

nervous. I acted awkward as fuck.​ I walked around the
halls with my head down and headphones in. I had friends
and I did talk to people and I wasn't a weirdo, but ​I just had very low self
self-esteem and and no confidence in myself.

10-11 days later... suddenly I feel something inside of me just burst. ​My
insecurities and anxiety vanished into thin air. I found myself having
an amazing connection with girls.​ I held a conversation for over an hour
and did it again the next day.

Girls finally started to "notice" me. It's like I was invisible before. ​They
would randomly smile at me, laugh and hold a conversation with me when
talking. Heck, girls I didn't even know would say hey to me in the halls.

I stopped listening to music in the halls, I started to hold my head up high

and walk with confidence.​ I could talk to any girl at this point without
getting nervous or stuttering.

And I also found that guys started respecting me more. It just like ​everyone
knew something had changed in me.​ It's crazy!

The depressing thoughts in my head disappeared. My motivation to talk to

people, be chill, and just have fun in life increased tenfold. And the more I
notice myself doing it, the more confident I get. I love that feeling. I've been
riding a wave for the past 4 days.

SUPERPOWERS ARE REAL. If this has completely changed me in just

13 fucking days, then I know it can do the same with you.”

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And that’s just a TINY example out of thousands that I was easily able to
find in just a few minutes.

These guys have clearly undergone a radical transformation in confidence,

in a shockingly short period of time.

That’s the kind of thing you can expect, too, when you quit draining your
brain and start getting your natural dopamine production back on track.

Now, there are also plenty of people who disagree with this… plenty of
doubters who say this is fake, it’s over-hyped, the “superpowers” aren’t
real, that this isn’t science, it’s only “Bro-science.”

Who cares?

Personally, I don’t give a damn if it’s real science, bro science, or 100%
placebo effect.

All I care about is… does it work? Does it make you feel DRASTICALLY
more confident, and does that make your life significantly better?

The answer is, resoundingly and unequivocally - YES.

It certainly has for me, in a massive way. And millions of other men agree.

Now, it’s your turn.

Try it and see for yourself. Abstain from your normal “habits” for a few
weeks and monitor how you feel on a daily basis.

You may find this difficult at first, especially if it’s an ingrained habit, but it
gets easier and easier as time goes on.

I have a feeling you’ll be pleasantly surprised, if not absolutely BLOWN

AWAY by the amount of energy and confidence that comes flooding back
to your body after just a few days of abstaining.

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And if it doesn’t work for you, then at least you’ll know for sure.


There’s a long history of successful men who attributed their success to

abstaining from masturbation, and even sex altogether, in order to increase
motivation, creativity, and energy. Here are just a few of them:

● Steve Jobs ● Nikola Tesla

● Jim Carrey ● Mahatma Gandhi
● Terry Crews ● Miles Davis
● Sigmund Freud ● Leo Tolstoy
● Isaac Newton ● Manny Pacquiao
● Muhammad Ali ● Kanye West
● Mike Tyson ● Mark Wahlberg
● 50 cent

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There’s also a growing body of scientific evidence to support that
abstaining from masturbation gives men the following benefits:

● More energy ● Brighter eyes

● Less depressed ● Clearer skin
● More confidence ● Improved body language
● Happier ● Increased attention from
● Less anxiety women
● Increased social skills ● More respect from men
● Highly motivated to succeed ● Improved memory
● Highly motivated to ● Removal of brain fog
approach women ● Better sex
● Increased fat loss ● Thicker/longer penis
● Increased muscle growth ● Aloof attitude
● Improved sporting ● High sex drive
performance ● Controlled aggression
● Deeper voice ● Feelings of power
● Increased hair growth ● Improved relationships
(Facial, body and hair) ● Improved immunity
● Less sleep required ● Increased stamina

Just do a quick google search, or visit websites like, and you’ll see this is a serious issue that
affects millions of men.

Whether you’re a hardcore porn addict who needs serious help to quit, or a
casual browser who thinks it’s no big deal… the evidence is overwhelming
that porn is keeping you stuck with sub-optimal levels of dopamine, and a
sub-optimal level of confidence.

I’m not gonna preach to you about morality, or tell you that porn is evil and
wrong and you should never, ever watch it. I’m just gonna tell you the facts
and let you decide for yourself.

Just be aware - the next time you feel lethargic, unmotivated, lacking
confidence - it could very well be because of something you’re doing to
yourself. Which means you have ALL the power to change it.

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2. How to make a Killer First Impression and Have Women Staring at
You Like a Piece of Meat

The way women treat you is largely based on their first impression of you.

If you give off the vibe that you're not confident - that you don't believe you
are valuable or attractive - then that's how women will treat you.

Good or bad, your first impression happens in just seconds and it is

notoriously hard to change.

But how does this happen? How can someone see you and make a
split-second decision about who you are and how they should treat you...
when they haven't even met you yet?

It's because they are subconsciously reading your body language.

And your body language is a very accurate predictor of your confidence.

Whether you're insecure or confident, people can tell by the way you carry

Confident guys carry themselves with a purpose. They are rarely in a hurry,
and they look like they know where the fuck they are going.

It’s almost like they have a personal theme song playing in their head
whenever they walk down the street.

Here's the exact body language that communicates you are a sexy,
confident, attractive guy... and will have hot women turning their heads and
staring at you everywhere you go.

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Widen your stride, so your heel hits the ground first.

Keep your chin and neck up, like there’s a straight line going thru your

Look at everyone you see and smile like you know the coolest secret in the

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Spread your feet wide and plant them in the ground.

Pull your shoulders back and down (makes your chest broader without
looking like you are puffing it out and trying to look cool).

Chin up, look people straight in the eyes.

(Superhero flexing optional)

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Own your space.

Make yourself comfortable.

Don't shrink away from other people to accommodate them, and don't lean
forward to hear them better.

Lean back like you’re in your own living room and invite people to lean
towards you.

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For the next few days, practice this kind of dominant body language every
day, everywhere you go.

When you walk to work, walk like this. When you sit on your couch at
home, sit like this. When you’re standing in line at Starbucks, stand like

You shouldn't be shocked when women start checking you out, and men
start making themselves smaller and moving out of your way.

Even better, your body language and your emotions are intricately
connected. Change one, and you change the other.

So the more you adopt the body language of a dominant, powerful, badass
man... the more you're gonna feel that way.

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3. Use Your Eyes to Trigger Red Hot Animal Attraction

Strong eye contact is one of the highest rated qualities that women find
attractive in men.

The crazy thing is, even though most guys have heard this before, very few
guys actually do it right, in a way that turns women on.

There are 2 main reasons why guys don’t make attractive eye contact.

1, They’re not paying attention and they forget how important this is… and
then in the moment, when they feel nervous, they naturally look away from
the girl to avoid feeling awkward.

2, They are trying too hard to project confidence in their eye contact, when
they don’t actually feel confident, and women can tell.

You can fake confidence in a lot of ways, but you can’t fake it with your

There are dozens of little muscles around your eyes that create all your
subtle facial expressions.

And you have little-to-no-control over these muscles - they are controlled
by your emotions.

So when a woman looks into your eyes, she can tell exactly how you are

Your eyes tell no lies.

Whatever it is that you are thinking and feeling, that’s what will be projected
when you look at someone.

If you are feeling nervous and trying to hide it, your eyes will show that.

Here’s the trick to turning women on with your eyes - don’t try to hide how

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you’re feeling, and don’t try to “fake” anything.

If you’re nervous, just allow yourself to feel nervous and look her in the
eyes anyways.

If you’re excited, be excited. If you’re turned on, be turned on.

It’s not about projecting strength or confidence...

It’s about projecting ​vulnerability and honesty​ - showing you are 100%
comfortable with how you are feeling and ​you have nothing to hide.

A man who’s trying too hard to show strength and confidence is secretly
insecure, and you can tell when you look into his eyes.

He’s untrustworthy. He’s trying to hide something. He’s afraid of what

women might think of him.

But a man who’s okay with being vulnerable and open… who is INVITING
women to read his eyes and know exactly how he feels…

That man is afraid of nothing.

THAT’S sexy.

Here’s a cool trick that will make this easy and fun for you.

Make it your goal to always be thinking positive, loving, accepting things

about people as you are looking at them.

For example…

The next time you’re sitting across the table, on a date with a girl you really
like, look into her eyes and think to yourself…

“You are so interesting, I’m so thrilled to be getting to know you, I totally

and completely accept you.”

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You will actually project this feeling of positivity and acceptance, through
your eyes, and she’ll feel it.

Later on, you can do the same thing to get her turned on… think sexual,
erotic, naughty thoughts to yourself, and communicate those things through
your eyes as well…

Think to yourself… “you are so sexy… I’m going to do so many bad things
to you when we get home… you are totally gonna get it…”

Whatever you are feeling, your eyes will project it, and she will feel it too…

And she’ll start to feel turned on, even if you’re not touching her or talking
about anything sexual, whatsoever.

That’s how powerful your eyes really are…

Women are hypersensitive to this. They find this ability extremely intriguing
and will be drawn to you.

They will look into your eyes and NEED to know who you are.

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Final Advice...

If you’re not feeling as confident as you want to feel every day, you don’t
have to accept that as reality.

There is a massive amount of potential in you, just waiting to be unleashed.

I know this is true, because if it weren’t… you wouldn’t be here reading this.

I want to see you unleash that inner confidence and start being the guy you
know you’re meant to be…

And women wanna see that from you too. They want to see the superhero
in you, that raging sexy BEAST who loves women, who takes care of the
people in his life, who refuses to settle for less...

So this is my challenge to you… man to man.

Look over your life so far. Look at your successes, your failures, and where
you are now…

And if you find a lot of things you don’t like, I don’t want you to accept them
anymore. Instead, I want you to get angry…

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Fuck “positive thinking” - it’s time to tap into your RAGE.

Tap into that well of energy and passion within you… and then channel it
into something productive…

USE it to go out and do something amazing today…

Go talk to that girl you’ve been thinking about... but haven’t asked her out

Grab your best friends and lead them on an adventure.

Prove to yourself that you’re alive and you’re in charge of your own path in

I know there’s something you’ve been meaning to do… but you haven’t yet,
because you’ve been waiting until someday in the future when the time is

Make “someday” today.

And don’t do it for women, or for me, or for anyone else… do it for yourself.

You already know what it is.

No excuses, just make it happen.

I’d wish you good luck, but you won’t need it.

- Andrew Ryan

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