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Digestive System

A. Function
The digestive system breaks down food into
molecules that are small enough to be used by
your body. Recall your body needs glucose and
oxygen to make energy through cellular
respiration. Our food into glucose molecules
that.Respiration needs. While the respiratory
system brings in the oxygen needed for cellular
B. Divisions
1. Alimentary canal
Oral. Cavity,Pharynx,esophagus.Stomach,
small intestine, large intestine,anus The oral
cavity is at the mouth. It houses the teeth, the
tongue and the salivary glands. The teeth
begin Begin digestion by cutting and grinding
food into very tiny pieces. This physical
breakdown of food into smaller pieces is called
a mechanical digestion. Tongue lets you taste
your food. It also pushes the true food to the
back of the oral cavity so it can be swallowed.
Very glands. Moisture in the food in your
mouth.behind your nose and mouth are your
pharynxFood groceries through your oral
cavity to your pharynx and goes down your
esophagus. To your stomach.Your Esophagus
is also known as your throat.This sack like
organ that breaks down true food into smaller
pieces. It's the food travels to the small
intestine. This intestine is actually longer than
the large intestine, but it's smaller all around.
Here, glucose molecules and oxygen molecules
are absorbed into your bloodstream. Whatever
waste that your body doesn't need goes to the
large intestine.the large intestine absorbs
water that the And once the water is
reabsorbed back into your body, the waste
becomes feces. He sees leaves your body
through the Anus
2. Accessory
The accessory organs help you digest
food, but food actually doesn't travel
through them.

Salivary glands,
Is the biggest organ inside your body.
The liver helps you to digest food by
secreting a substance called bile.
The gallbladder is a tiny green sack
under the liver. It stores the bio for the liver.
Small intestine
Large intestine
Secrete enzymes to help Digest
food.Enzymes are proteins.that help speed
up chemical reactions in digestion.

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