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Yudith Ramos Mendoza

WRITING 1(0-2points)

1. What are the advantages or disadvantages of studying online?

2. Write one paragraph of 6 to 10 sentences explaining your ideas.
3. Use simple present, present progressive, present perfect, and present perfect
progressive. Underline these sentences.
4. Use correct punctuation, connectors, capital letters.
5. Check calendar for submission date. Upload your composition through Canvas/
Discussions / Writing 1.
6. Follow this format to write your paragraph:

The studying online has been the new era since the beginning of pandemic. In my opinion, it
has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it offers more opportunity, one of them it’s
the flexibility. We can learn from anywhere without having to be physical at the place.
Nevertheless, one difficulty is the internet connectivity, while the apparition internet has
grown in smaller cities and towns that’s not enough, not all people have it. Finally, that way to
learn may create a sense of isolation. Some students possess the ability to learn independently
but to other its difficult and makes uncomfortable. In conclusion, studying online is one
excellent idea to learn, but it’s principal to take care ourselves. By these days many youngers
are having problems with the control of their life and the cases of psychology illness have been
growing since 2019, so It’s important take care our mental health.

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