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At that time, Sisingamangaraja XII was fighting a large number of Dutch troops with more

modern weapons. Lopian, daughter of Sisingamangaraja XII who bravely participated in

fighting to the death with her father Lopian was born in Pearaja Dairi, Sionomhudon village.

She is the third child of Sisingamangaraja and the only daughter. His two older brothers were
named Patuan Nagari and Patuan Anggi. In various stories told by parents in the Batak lands,
Lopian from a young age often spent time with soldiers, including the commanders from

Through association with soldiers and hulubalang from Aceh, Lopian also learned martial arts
and how to use weapons. In June 1876 through the Mercury Meeting which took place in
Balige, Sisingamangaraja XII together with the Kings of Toba
declared a declaration of war on the Netherlands.
Sisingamangaraja also gave his family members a choice whether to flee or join the war
against the Dutch. Lopian was then seventeen years old. He did not want to flee and chose to
take part in the war against the Dutch with his father and two older brothers.
The war itself only started to flare up in 1877. The beginning of the Batak War began in Bahal
Batu, Humbang. Lopian as a daughter who is loyal to the end accompanies her father in the
tiring struggle.

For 22 years Sisingamangaraja and his daughter Lopian had been guerrillas in the Batak
lands, moving from place to place to be the front guard against the Dutch troops. Lopian is
also the one who often cheers up the troops when they are under pressure.

He also took care of the soldiers who were injured in battle. Not infrequently, Lopian raised
and provided comfort to his father when a family member died in battle. While
Sisingamangaraja XII's troops were not fighting, Lopian provided agricultural or educational

Lopian's persistence and tenacity led to loyalty and support for fighting against the Dutch.
June 17, 1907, the siege of Dutch troops under the command of Captain Christoffel in the
village of Sionom Hudon trapped Sisingamangaraja XII's troops in a squeezed position in the
Sindas ravine, Sitopangan. Modern Dutch weapons rained bullets on Sisingamangaraja

Not long after that, the screams of Lopian, the king's daughter, were heard, who apparently
was shot. Instantly Sisingamangaraja XII was amazed, seeing his beloved daughter collapsed
in a pool of blood on the grass.
With the dompak elephant piso drawn in hand, Sisingamangaraja XII approached Lopian with
limp steps and deep sorrow.

King Bakkara immediately took his daughter's body which was covered in blood. This was
revealed by King Sabidan, one of Sisingamangaraja XII's sons who participated in the battle.
King Sabidan saw his father, Sisingamangaraja XII embracing and hugging Lopian who was
covered in blood tightly. While Sisingangamaraja was covered in blood, a Dutch army soldier
appeared who immediately fired a shot right through Sisingamangaraja XII's heart.

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