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State TWO (2) divisions in the context of the Malaysian Constitution. Explain THREE (3)
main bodies of the national administration system in Malaysia

The Federal Constitution of Malaysia, which came into force in 1957 as the Constitution of the
Federation of Malaya and was amended in 1963 to form the Constitution of Malaysia, is the
supreme law of Malaysia and contains a total of 183 articles. The Federation of Malaya
Agreement 1948 and the Independence Constitution 1957. Its is a written legal document
influenced by two previous documents. He Federation was initially called the Federation of
Malaya “Persekutuan Tanah Melayu” and it adopted its present name, Malaysia, when the
states of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore now independent became part of the Federation.
Constitutional monarchy is the having the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the Head state with largely
ceremonial roles.

It provides for the establishment and organisation of three main branches of the government: the
bicameral legislative branch called the Parliament, which consists of the House of
Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) and the Senate (Dewan Negara); the executive branch led by
the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers and the judicial branch headed by the Federal

Since 1957 until the end of 1982, the Malaysian Constitution was amended approximately 22
times. Describe the matters that have been amended by a 2/3 majority vote in every House
of Parliament.
Bahasa Melayu is the national language of Malaysia. Explain FIVE (5) reasons as to why
Bahasa Melayu is required to be the official and national language of Malaysia

Do you think constitution is important in Malaysia? Explain FIVE (5) reasons to support your

Unity is important in a multi-racial country like Malaysia. Explain FIVE (5) ways on how to
achieve unity in Malaysia

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