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It moves your body and it moves things through your body. This
is to move this to your digestive system and makes your heart
pump.It also moves your arms and legs.
B. Organs
● Orsticulus oculi
● deltoid
● Temporalis
● Masseter
● Sternocleidomastoid
● Trapezius
● Latissimus dorsi
● Triceps brachii
● Brachioradialis
● Rectus abdominis
● Sartorius
● Gracilis
● Vastus lateralis
● Rectus femoris
● Vastus medialis
● Gastrocnemius
● Biceps brachii
● Triceps brachii
● External oblique
● Tibialis anterior
● Soleus
● Gluteus maximus gluteus medius
● Biceps femoris
● Semisencilnosus
● Smimembranosurus
● gastrocnemius
C. Types of muscle tissue
1. Skeletal muscle
One type of muscle tissue Is skeletal muscle tissue Which
two forms the muscle that is attached to your skeleton or bones
it forms To move your body's tissues voluntary.wha Meaning You
can consciously control the muscle.
2. Cardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle makes up the walls of the heart. It
functions to make your heart beat. This tissue is involuntary,
meaning that you do not have to think about it to make it work.
New contracts on its own.
3. Smooth muscle
This type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of stomach,
intestines and blood vessels.It functions to move substances
through the organs, for example.The smooth muscle in your
digestive tract moves food through.While the smooth muscle in
your.Blood vessel.Moves blood to the vessel. This muscle is
involuntary. .

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