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Cardiovascular System
A. Function
Also called circulatory system.the cardiovascular system contains organs like
your heart blood vessels tissue and blood it functions to transport substances
around the body
B. Organs
1. Heart
Four has four Chambers, 2 Atria and two ventricles.the heart functions to
pump blood to other parts of This so oxygen, poor blood, enters the heart
through the right atrium. And it is pumped to the right ventricle.It is then moved
to the lungs to be re oxygenated.Move back to the left atrium. It is then pumped
to the rest of the body through the left ventricle. And it ultimately taking more
oxygen to the rest of the body.
2. Blood vessels
a. Arteries
Carry oxygen rich blood from lungs to other parts of the body,
seeing blood away from the heart. It also carries oxygen to the cells that
need it.
b. Veins
Carry carbon dioxide rich blood from parts of the body to the lungs
to be released. Bring blood to the heart.
C. Blood/Blood is a liquid tissue that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide on red
blood cells. The four types of blood are a,B,ab and O. Please have a positive or
negative and O negative is known as the universal donor. Because it is accepted
by all types and AB positive it's the universal recipient. Because these AB Positive
blood cells can accept blood from anyone.
1. Plasma
Liquid part.
2. Red blood cells
Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses.
3. White blood cells
Stop.Fight infections.
4. Platelets
Form blood clots.

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