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Nuclear Engineering and Design 66 (I 98 I) 427-435 427

North-Holland Publishing Company



James F. U N R U H and Daniel D. K A N A

Engineering Sciences Division, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78284, USA

Received 19 August 1981

An iterative procedure is presented that allows computation of spectrum-consistent parameters for the description of
earthquake/transient motion. The procedure treats the strong motion portion of the earthquake event as being a stationary
Gaussian random process, thereby allowing a mapping between the response spectrum and power spectral density function
parameters. Several examples of the mapping procedure are presented with comparison to experimental results to demonstrate
the validity and usefulness of the approach.

1.Introduction this point to recognize that although earthquake mo-

tions are generally nonstationary random in character,
The earthquake response spectrum generally has been the assumption of stationarity during the strong motion
considered the primary parameter for characterizing portion of the event is feasible, and furthermore, the use
earthquake excitations for analyses of structures and of a time average power spectrum as defined by Bendat
testing of components and equipment. Thus, specifica- and Piersol [2], is entirely appropriate.) Thus, direct
tions for dynamic qualification of structures and equip- transformation of one parameter to the other without
ment for nuclear plants typically have been based on the use of a time history is far more desirable and
the use of this parameter, as prescribed in ref. [1]. practical from a computational point of view. A formu-
Nevertheless, even in that document it is recognized lation for such a process has been rePorte d by Singh
that other parameters, such as power spectral density, and Chu [3], with further discussion of applications by
may be used equally as well, so long as a consistent and Singh [4]. Furthermore, additional development of in-
valid approach to the qualification procedure is utilized. verse transformations have been given by Kaul [5].
Although it has been surmised that use of the power However, the straightforward use of the results of these
spectrum provides certain advantages for solving some three references includes errors which result from cer-
problems in the qualification process, virtually all data tain approximations required in the development. In
to date have been developed in terms of the response this paper an iteration process is developed whereby
spectrum, so that a point by point mapping of one these errors can be eliminated, and allows the comple-
parameter into the other is mandatory if complementary mentary use of response/power spectra in a variety of
use of both parameters is considered. The purpose of problems encountered in qualification of components
this paper is to present a procedure whereby such a by both analysis and testing procedures.
mapping and its inverse can be computed by means of a
digital process, and to provide evidence of its validity
for a typical problem encountered in dynamic qualifica- 2. Development d spectrum transformations
tion of nuclear plant components.
2.1. Analytical formulation
Transformation of a response spectrum to a power
spectrum and vice versa can be accomplished by first
developing a time history which matches the given The response of a single degree of freedom oscillator
(fig. I) which is excited at its base by an input accelera-
parameter, and then the desired parameter can be com-
tion time history ~(t), is described by the second order,
puted from that time history. However, this approach is
linear, nonhomogeneous differential equation;
cumbersome, and suffers a lack of statistical freedom
that actually exists in the problem. (It is appropriate at mj~+c(.9-.~)+k(y-x) =0, (1)

0 0 2 9 - 5 4 9 3 / 8 1 / 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 / $ 0 2 . 7 5 © 1981 N o r t h - H o l l a n d
428 J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consisten power/response spectrum

Transform, as
I ~1(O)RESPONSE PSDF ~2 + 2iwoflW
n(,O,~o) = r(~,)/x(,,): , (4)
(%2 _ w2) + 2i,.,ofl~
and H*(,.,,%) denotes the complex conjugate transfer
function. Thus,


,o~ + 4 ~ : , o :
~(,o,,Oo) = (Wo2 - w2) + 4~02,82w2 ,(,~). (5)

Fig. 1. Single degree of freedom oscillator subject to transient The standard deviation, or RMS value o ( % ) of the
excitation. response of the oscillator is obtained from

o ~(,%) : f_+~,p (.,, ~,o) d,.,. (6)

where m is the oscillator mass, c the damping coeffi-
cient, and k the oscillator stiffness, x the base input If we define the response spectrum in terms of the
motion and y the absolute response of the mass. In standard deviation of the response of the oscillator we
terms of the relative response z = y - x we have may write

m~. + c?. + k z = -- mJL (2) R(wo) = Fo(wo)O(Wo) , (7)

Dividing the above equations by m and making the where F0 is an amplitude factor by which the standard
usual definitions of t O o = ( k / m ) 1/2 and c = 2 m % f l deviation must be multiplied to account for the expected
yields peak response. If the response spectrum value for a
PSDF is the response level which would be exceeded
9 + 2flwo( P -- ~) + ~o2(y -- x ) = 0 (la)
only with a small probability, Amin and Gungor [7]
and point out that F0 may be expressed as

+ 2fl%~ + ~oo2z= - ~ . (2a) Fo(,.,o) = [ - 2 1 n { -- ( ¢ t / T ) ( a / e ) ln(l -- r ) } ] 1/2, (8)

Direct numerical integration of eq. (2a) will yield the
response of the unit mass oscillator to the base input where T is the earthquake effective time duration, d is
time history ~. The response spectrum R(oo) is a plot the standard deviation of the time derivative of the
of the maximum response of the oscillator to the speci- response, i.e.,
fied input motion ~, versus oscillator frequency ~0. A 0o 2
report by Nigam and Jennings [6] details the numerical ~:(,Oo)=[~,o~_ ~(o,,~o)d,~, (9)
procedures necessary to obtain the peak response of the
oscillator for strong-motion earthquake events.
and r is the probability of exceedance.
If the earthquake event is assumed to be a stationary
For the most part the expression of eq. (7) which
Gaussian random process, then specification of its mean
maps the power spectral density function into an accel-
and standard deviation would completely describe the
eration response function can be considered to be exact.
event. It is generally assumed that the earthquake event
Reference is made to the work of Kaul [5] for further
has a zero mean and its standard deviation (i.e., RMS
discussion as to the exactness of the expression for F0.
value) is usually obtained from its power spectral den-
The inverse transformation which maps an earth-
sity function (PSDF), ¢(~0). The PSDF of the oscillator
quake acceleration response spectrum into an equivalent
response ~(w) is related to its base input PSDF ¢ ( ~ )
power spectral density function is not as straightfor-
via the oscillator transfer function as
ward. Kaul [5] presents an exact solution which requires
~(~O,Wo) = H(~o,0oo)H*(~o,~0o)q~(~0), (3) an inversion of the integral given in eq. (6) coupled with
an iterative scheme for the determination of the PSDF.
where H(to,Wo) is obtained from eq. (la), via a Fourier However he also develops an approximate solution of
J.F. Unruh, 1).1). Kang / Generation of consisten power~response spectrum 429

the form I
Compute $(m) from R(~) ]
$('o) = 2fl R 2 ( . 0 )
Using eq. (10)
Compute R(~)i from $(~) I~
Using eq. (7) I~
which was shown to yield fairly accurate results for the
intermediate range of frequencies from 0.25 to 6.0 Hz
and conservative results outside of this range for re-
NO I,.~l Adjust $(to) ]
sponse spectra given in USNRC Regulatory guide 1.60
[8]. Here we note that ~ ( % ) is an approximate base * \R (~)/ ]
input PSDF which maps from the acceleration response
spectrum R ( % ) .
Kaul [5] also points out that some difficulties arise
when describing the absolute acceleration response of
low damped oscillators as a stationary process since the
'" '(~)
variance of the process becomes unbounded for systems
with zero damping. The response must therefore be
corrected to account for finite duration. If the earth-
I $ is consistent with R(~)

quake duration is large in comparison to the natural Fig. 2. Iterative scheme flow chart.
period of the oscillator, the oscillator will have reached
its stationary value and no correction is necessary. How-
ever for oscillators of very low frequencies, typical 3. Verification of the formulation
earthquake events will not produce a stationary state of
oscillation and an over-prediction of the variance will 3.1. Convergence of the iterative scheme
occur. Following the recommendations of Rosenblueth
and Elorduy [9], corrections to the oscillator damping of In order to demonstrate the iteration convergence,
the form spectrum consistent PSDF's were generated for a series
fie = f l + 2 / ( t % r ) (11) of sample response spectra which typically represent
excitations of or responses in nuclear plant components
will appropriately account for the finite process. Thus subject to both earthquake and other dynamic events
for an effective 15-second event an oscillator at 1.0 Hz (i.e., SRV discharge, LOCA, etc.). The response spectra
would see an effective increase in damping of Aft = were defined in the frequency range from 1 to 250 Hz
0.021. The damping correction term is applied to all the with 1/6 octave resolution. The spectra represented a
above expressions. dynamic event of 30 seconds in duration; however the
To insure a compatible mapping between an earth- uniform (strong motion) part of the event was only 15
quake acceleration response spectrum and PSDF the seconds. The damping level of the event was taken to be
approximate solution as given in eq. (10) is employed as 2% critical and the probability of exceedance (r) was set
an initial estimate in an iterative procedure with the at 0.15. A study was made to determine the number of
essentially exact expression given in eq. (7). A flow iterations required to reach a spectrum-consistent PSDF
chart of the iterative scheme is given in fig. 2. using the proposed iteration procedure. It was found
A digital computer program was written to carry out that convergence was assured within 5 iterations of the
the iterative procedure given in fig. 2. The code was above procedure. Supporting data are shown in figs. 3
programmed in F O R T R A N IV for execution on a DEC and 4.
11/70 minicomputer. The integrals of eq. (6) and eq. (9) In fig. 3 a base required response spectrum is given
were evaluated numerically using Simpson's rule. It was as the solid line data. The first iteration of the proposed
found that for a 1/6 octave spectral resolution a twenty procedures yielded the response spectrum given by the
one (21) point integration was quite sufficient to insure dashed line, which is for the most part unconservative,
accurate results. A description of the F O R T R A N code as it falls below the required response spectrum. After
is given in ref. [10]. five iterations the resulting response spectrum, given by
430 J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consisten power/response spectrum

10~I ........ I i i i i i i IL
Similar data are shown in fig. 4 for a response spec-
- BRRS trum computed from a time history measured at an
o ITERATION 5 elevated location in a typical instrumentation panel
B" 0.02
which was subjected to the input described in fig. 3.
Bw -I16 OCTAVE Again the approximate solution given in eq. (l 0) was
found to be unconservative, however conservative con-
vergence was reached within five iterations of the pro-
posed procedure. Here we may note that the high
frequency spectrum values do not appear to yield the
effective ZPA of the process since the response spec-
? trum has not yet leveled off. The ZPA of the elevated
21.0 ...... 2
event was measured to be 3.46g while the computed
value from the spectrum consistent computations was
23% conservative at 4.26g.
In the above evaluations it is to be noted that the
spectrum consistent ZPA was taken as the response
0.1 i i i I I I t l . I , I I IIII I I I I Illl
spectrum value at 1000 Hz.
10 100 1000
3.2. Comparison with independently computed results
fig. 3. Base required response spectrum convergence; seismic +
LOCA, horizontal Y-axis, 30-s duration. A further verification of the transformation from
response spectrum to PSDF was performed for several
typical cases of excitation for seismic and LOCA dy-
the circles, was in most part identical to the required namic events. Time histories recorded from actual
base spectrum. In fact, the results are on the order of qualification test events were the basis for TRS (test
3-5% conservative except at the higher frequencies. The response spectra) and PSDF's which were compared.
apparent zero period acceleration (ZPA), i.e., peak Fig. 5 shows a base shake table required response
acceleration, is over-predicted by 40% for this particular spectrum (BRRS) for a particular 30-second duration
case, at a value of 0.778g. The RMS of the resulting seismic plus LOCA dynamic excitation event. Also is
PSDF was computed to be 0.186g. shown an enveloping base test response spectrum

100 F,I I I I l i l l E .
100 I I I I IIII I I I I ~ I I I

= 0.02


lO A
A,f,,' z l0


2 1.o . . . . . ITERATION 1 - g
!B - 0.02
Bw - ]/6 OCTAVE

0.1 i I I I lILt f i i i IJ*

10 100 1000 0.1
...... 10 I00 1000

Fig. 4. Elevated test response spectrum convergence; Seismic + Fig. 5. Base response spectrum; seismic + LOCA, horizontal
LOCA, horizontal Y-axis, 30-s duration. X-axis, 30-s duration.
J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consisten power/response spectrum 431

(BTRS) which was computed from the shake table time 1011 i u u u1111

history (the effects of the apparent over conservatism of

the test will be discussed in a later section). A base if, : 0.02
PSDF was also computed from the BTRS time history - Bw : I16 OCTAVE

by means of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzer, t:m

and the results plotted in fig. 6. (For this case a typical z" 10
laboratory hard wired FFT analyzer was used with the
computation parameters indicated in fig. 6.) Then, the
BTRS shown in fig. 5 was transformed according to eq.
(10) and fig. 2, and the discrete 1/6 octave points were ~'~---BTRS
also plotted in fig. 6. It can be seen that a very good
comparison exists between the PSDF's obtained by the ~1.0
two different methods, except for some parts of the BRRS
frequency range where the 1/6 octave resolution of the
transformation process varies from the constant 0.5 Hz
resolution used in the direct FFT computation.
A similar example of another test run for seismic 0.~. I I I I Ill I I i I IIII I I I L nlJ].~O 0
10 100
plus LOCA dynamic events is shown in figs. 7 and 8
(these data were taken from the identical test panel but
subject to input along a horizontal axis orthogonal to Fig. 7. Base response spectrum; seismic+LOCA, horizontal
that used for the data in figs. 5 and 6). Again it can be Y-axis, 30-s duration.
seen that a good comparison of PSDF's obtained from
the two independent methods is achieved.
The success of the above comparisons prompted a random signal by a half sine pulse of 2-second duration.
consideration of a more questionable application of the Fig. 9 shows the shake table BTRS which resulted, and
TRS to PSDF transformation. That is, the assumption is shown to envelope well over the BRRS. A comparison
of stationarity during the strong motion portion of the of the FFT computed PSDF (again in 0.5 Hz Bw) and
event would tend to preclude the application of the the transformation computed PSDF (in 1/6-octave Bw)
method to shorter events, such as a single safety relief is shown in fig. 10. The transformation computation
valve (SRV) discharge. However, out of curiosity, the was based on T = 2 s in eq. (10). It can be seen (perhaps
method was applied straightforwardly to a 2-second surprisingly) that the comparison of the results is very
transient that had been generated by modulating a good!

I i I I I I I In I I I ntnul I
- - FFT PSD Bw-O.SHz • EQ.(10) & FIGURE 2 Bw = 116 OCTAVE
• EQ. (10J & FIGURE 2 Bw - 1/6 OCTAVE
OdB - 4.81 g21Hz
0 dB - 4.81 g21Hz


4o " • • • .~ • •

• RMS-O.5Ogg . , I-[
=60 I J i J ~Hil ~ , .,,.,ll -60 I 0 ,
I I0 I~ 1 10 100

Fig. 6. Base power spectrum; seismic+LOCA, horizontal X- Fig. 8. Base power spectrum; seismic + LOCA, horlzontalY-axis,
axis, 30-s duration. 30-s duration.
432 J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consisten power/response spectrum

100 111 i r i ,i,1 that significant conservatism was being utilized for the
qualification test of the panel. If only qualification of
13 0.02
the panel is being considered, with only dummy instru-
- Bw ~ 1/6 OCTAVE ments attached, then the use of significant conservatism
usually poses no difficulty (if a failure is not likely), and
z" 10 also saves time and expese necessary to produce a closer
envelope of the BRRS by the BTRS. However, if mea-
surements are made at instrument locations during the
test runs, and are to be used as the basis for subsequent
qualification tests of instruments to be located on the
panels, then serious overtest of the instruments will be
~1.0 ~ BTRS
/ prescribed unless some correction for initial conserva-
tism is employed. With this example we will demon-
strate how such a correction can be developed accu-
rately with the proposed mapping procedures.
i / N~-- BRRS
Figs. 11, 12 show transfer functions obtained from
0.1 ' l . t t i L I L I I
' '' ''" an instrument position (A4) on a typical local instru-
10 100 lOOO
ment panel which was subject to a resonance search.
Data are given for the two different horizontal axes (X
Fig. 9. Base response spectrum; SRV discharge, horizontal X- and Y). Significant resonances are seen to occur, and
axis, 2-s duration. are the source of amplification of base excitation that
has energy content in the corresponding frequency range.
We now consider a test where the base excitation (BTRS)
0 I r , ~ , ,,T,] ~ , ~ t ,,lJ l of fig. 5 is applied along the X-axis, while measuring the
FFT PSI) Bw - 0.5 Hz response at A4 (whose transfer function is represented
• EQ.(10) & FIGURE 2 A Bw = I/6 OCTAVE
by fig. 11). Subsequently, we also perform a test where
• the base excitation (BTRS) of fig. 7 is applied along the
-20 Y-axis, while measuring the response at A4 (whose
transfer function is represented by fig. 12). For the
applied excitations, a response time history is recorded
at A4, and a subsequent elevated test response spectrum
ETRS is computed (see figs. 13, 14, respectively).
Straightforwardly, these ETRS's would now become a
new RRS for instruments located at position A4. How-
ever, the are highly conservative because of the presence
of the initial conservatism amplified by the resonances
1 10 lOO " on the structure. Thus, a corrected elevated required

Fig. 10. Base power spectrum; SRV discharge, horizontal X-axis, I I f I I f t t r

2-s duration.
z 151-
4. Application to test specification p r o b l e m

,.-- 1o
Usefulness of the transformation procedure will now
be demonstrated by its application to a typical problem
which often arises in qualification testing of compo-
nents. Consider testing of a local instrument panel
under the dynamic environments previously discussed. 2o 40 60 80 100
Figs. 5, 7, and 9 described BRRS's and resulting BTRS's
which were utilized for a particular test. It is obvious Fig. 11. Resonance search data; horizontal X-axis.
J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generationof consistenpower/responsespectrum 433

25 I I I I I I I I I 100 I I I I I I I ~

g 15

z0 t

2O 60 80 1~ X

~1.0 X "'x N-ff'g =
Fig. 12. Resonance search data; horizontal Y-axis.
Bw - 1/6 OCTAVE t
response spectrum (ERRS) must be computed. The
following steps are employed. We consider first the 0.1 I I I L , I I I I I Kill i i i i i i i i

X-axis excitation only. 1 10 100 lOOO

(1) Using the transformation procedire, a compatible
elevated test PSDF, sT(o), is computed from the ETRS Fig. 14. Elevated response spectrum; seismic+LOCA, horizon-
of fig. 13. tal Y-axis, 30-s duration.
(2) Using the transformation procedure, a compati-
ble base test PSDF, ST(o), is computed from the BTRS
of fig. 5.
(3) A l/6-octave compatible transfer function ble base required PSDF, S~(w) is computed from the
HaE(w ) is computed from BRRS of fig. 5.
(5) A corrected elevated PSDF, SEc(W) is calculated
HRE(W)HSE(~ ) = S ~ ( w ) / S ~ ( w ) . (12) from
(4) Using the transformation procedure, a compati- SEc(W) = S~(w)HnE(w)H~E(w ). (13)
(6) A corrected elevated required response spectrum
ERRS is now obtained by inverse transformation of
An example of the corrected ERRS for the X-axis is



given in fig. 13, and for the Y-axis in fig. 14. It may
appear that the above correction procedure is cumber-
some. However, it is very easy to use, once it has been
programmed on a digital computer. For comparison, the
results of a readily known empirical solution to the
posed problem are also shown as ERRS for the Y-axis
in fig. 14. For this method the empirical corrected
values are obtained from
[ETRS (fig. 13)] (14)
POSITION A4 E R R S = [BRRS (fig. 5)] [BTRS (fig. 5)] '
- 0.02
Bw . 116 OCTAVE
The results can be seen to deviate significantly from the
0.1 r r i , l , , ~ t , , , , J , , i , , , more exact approach, and in fact are nonconservative in
10 100 1000 various parts of the frequency range, including the value
for the ZPA.
Fig. 13. Elevated response spectrum; seismic+LOCA, horizon- Additional discussion and applications of the trans-
tal X-axis, 30-s duration. formation procedure are given in ref. [10].
434 J.F Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consistenpower/response spectrum

5. Discussion r probability of exceedance

t time variable
Various aspects of the procedure and results deserve x,2,2 base absolute displacement, velocity and
discussion at this point, but only two which seem to be acceleration
most important will be included. It is recognized that y,p,p response absolute displacement, velocity and
several variations of the 6-step procedure outlined in acceleration
section 4 are possible, and should be considered in a z,~,5 relative, displacement, velocity and accelera-
specific case. For example, the transfer function/-/BE (~0) tion
computed in step 3 was obtained in order to utilize a BRRS base required response spectrum
l/6-octave resolution throughout the computations. BTRS base test response spectrum
However, this is the same transfer function that is ERRS elevated required response spectrum
typically obtained during the resonance search portion ETRS elevated test response spectrum
of current standard test procedures. It can be seen that F0(~Oo) amplitude factor, defined in eq. (8)
the correction process may be empirically enhanced if H(~o,~00) oscillator transfer function, defined in eq. (4)
the use of the transfer frunction from resonance search HBE(60) base to elevated response transfer function,
is incorporated directly; On the other hand, any possible defined in eq. (12)
effects of nonlinearities which may be present should be PSDF power spectral density function
considered during measurements of the transfer func- R(,0o) acceleration response spectrum, defined in eq.
tions. Generally, it is better to obtain the transfer func- (7)
tions from measurements on responses from excitations RMS root mean square value
similar to those being considered as typical in the S~o) base required power spectral density function
problem. Hence, measurement of transfer functions by S~(~o) base test power spectral density function
direct FFT of response to stationary random samples of SEC(~O) corrected elevated power spectral density
similar energy content may be a preferred approach. function
The application considered above is often encoun- sT(~o) elevated test power spectral density function
tered during qualification test operations. However, T effective time duration of the transient
there are a variety of other problems encountered both ZPA zero period acceleration
in analysis and testing that can be approached by the fl critical damping ratio
transformation method, for example, floor response Be effective critical damping ratio, defined in eq.
spectra can be computed directly from ground level (11)
spectra, without the need of more cumbersome time ~r constant, 3.14159...
history methods. Furthermore, the power spectrum is a o(oa0) standard deviation of the response, defined in
much more sensitive parameter for displaying the actual eq. (6)
energy content of a given excitation than is the response 0(0%) standard deviation of the time derivative of
spectrum. High ZPA's of a response spectrum can read- the response, defined in eq. (9)
ily mask the presence of lower energy at some frequen- ¢(~0) base input power spectral density function
cies. Thus, the power spectrum may be more useful in ¢(o~) approximation to ~(o:), defined in eq. (10)
developing design spectra for loading cases which result ~(o~) response power spectral density function, de-
from combined seismic and other higher frequency dy- fined in eq. (3)
namic events. Hence, with the availability of a transfor- ~o circular frequency
mation procedure a complementary use of power/re- ~oo oscillator natural frequency
sponse spectra is suggested, with each used to provide
its most optimum data. Furthermore, either or both can
be computed for test purposes by standard laboratory References
[I] IEEE Standard 344-1975, Recommended practices for
seismic qualification of class I E equipment for nuclear
List of nomenclature power generating stations (January 1975).
[2] J.S. Bendat and A.G. Piersoi, Measurement and Analysis
c oscillator damping coefficient of Random Data (Wiley, New York, 1966), Ch. 9.
[3] M.P. Singh and S.L. Chu, Stochastic considerations in
k oscillator stiffness seismic analysis of structures, Earthq. Engrg. Struct. Dyn.
m oscillator mass 4 (1976) 295-307.
J.F. Unruh, D.D. Kang / Generation of consistenpower/response spectrum 435

[4] M.P. Singh, Seismic design input for secondary systems, [8] Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear
Civil Engineering and Nuclear Power, Vol. II, ASCE Power Plants, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Reg.
Preprint 3595(1979). Guide 1.60 (December 1973).
[5] M.K. Kaul, Stochastic characterizations of earthquakes [9] E. Rosenblueth and J. Elorduy, Response of linear systems
through their response spectrum, Earthq. Engrg. Struct. to certain transient disturbances, Proc. Fourth World
Dyn. 6 0978) 497-509. Conf., Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, A- I (1969)
[6] N.C. Nigam and P.C. Jennings, Digital calculations of 185-196.
response spectra ~rom strong-motion earthquake records, [10] J.F. Unruh and D.D. Kana, A power/response spectrum
Calif. Institute of Technology, Earthquake Engineering consistent procedure for dynamic qualification of compo-
Research Laboratory (June 1968). nents, Southwest Research Institute, Interim Report, Pro-
[7] M. Amin and I. Gungor, Random vibration in seismic ject 02-9290 (March 1981).
analysis, An evaluation, Proc. ASCE Natl. Meeting Struct-
ural Engineering, Baltimore, MD, 19-23, 1971.

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